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基本信息 The basic information







工作经历 Work Experience
李京龙 教授,博士生导师。从事先进材料的摩擦焊、扩散焊、钎焊等固相焊接方向基础理论与应用技术研究。主持“973”计划课题1项,国家自然科学基金3项,省部基金5项。

教育经历 Education Experience
2002.5-2004.5 産業技術総合研究所 中部センター(名古屋),日本学術振興会 外国人特別研究員 (JSPS Fellow)

1994.9-1999.7 西安交通大学,博士研究生,材料科学与工程专业毕业,获工学博士学位

1985.9-1988.3 西北工业大学,硕士研究生,焊接工程与自动化专业毕业,获工学硕士学位
1981.9-1985.7 西北工业大学,大学本科,焊接工艺及设备专业毕业,获工学学士学位

教育教学 Education And Teaching

招生信息 Admission Information
(1) 固相焊接物理基础
(2) 扩散焊与钎焊技术
(3) 摩擦焊技术

荣誉获奖 Awards Information

科学研究 Scientific Research
(1) 国家自然科学基金(面上):小变形条件下的扩散焊界面物理与结合机制(**),2020 ~ 2023
(2) 国家自然科学基金(面上):旋转摩擦焊阻抗匹配特性研究(**),2015 ~ 2018
(3) 国家自然科学基金(面上):Mo基超薄金属复合成型技术研究(**),2007 ~ 2009

社会兼职 Social Appointments
中国机械工程学会 高级会员
中国焊接学会 理事
陕西省表面工程学会 常务理事

团队信息 Team Information

学术成果 Academic Achievements
(1) 田丽,李京龙,林谦生,中电流等离子弧焊枪,实用新型,专利号: ZL**.4
(2) 李京龙,张赋升,熊江涛,王忠平,扩散焊接数码印花机不锈钢喷墨打印喷头的方法,发明专利,ZL5.3, 授权公告日: 2007.11.14
(3) 熊江涛,李京龙,张赋升,王忠平,真空扩散焊机加压方法,发明专利,ZL.1, 授权公告日: 2008.2.13
(4) 张赋升,王忠平,李京龙,熊江涛,扩散焊机平行度自适应压头以及压头自适应调整方法,发明专利,ZL5.3, 授权公告日: 2008.1.16
(5) 张赋升,熊江涛,王忠平,李京龙,王艳芳,孙福,镁合金与钛合金扩散焊接方法,发明专利,ZL4.7, 授权公告日: 2008.7.16
(6) 李京龙,成来飞,张赋升,熊江涛,王忠平,碳/碳化硅复合材料瞬间液相扩散焊方法,发明专利,ZL3.2, 授权公告日: 2008.1.2
(7) 王忠平,李京龙,张赋升,熊江涛,整体叶盘修复方法,发明专利,ZL9.X, 授权公告日: 2008.1.16
(8) 王忠平,李京龙,张赋升,熊江涛,导电杆钎焊方法,发明专利,ZL0.2, 授权公告日: 2008.2.13
(9) 熊江涛,李京龙,张赋升,成来飞,李贺军,碳/碳或碳/碳化硅复合材料与耐热合金的连接方法,发明专利,ZL5.1, 授权公告日:2008.1.16
(10) 李京龙,张赋升,熊江涛,王忠平,李贺军,碳/碳复合材料与钛合金焊接方法,发明专利,ZL5.1,授权公告日:2008.3.26
(11) 张赋升,李京龙,熊江涛,银基材料与纯铝材料的焊接方法,发明专利,申请号:4.9
(12) 熊江涛张赋升,李京龙,TiAl/Nb基合金与镍基高温合金的扩散焊方法,发明专利,申请号:5.3
(13) 李文亚马铁军,李京龙,高大路,一种摩擦焊接头塑性变形的物理模拟方法,发明专利,ZL1.X,授权公告日: 2010.12.1
(14) 熊江涛 李京龙 张富升李 鹏 李雪飞,铜合金与不锈钢的扩散焊方法,发明专利,ZL2.5,授权公告日: 2011.06.15
(15) 魏艳妮 张赋升 李鹏 李京龙熊江涛, 多功能摩擦焊接台,实用新型专利,ZL9, 授权公告日: 2011.5.25
(16) 魏艳妮, 张赋升, 李鹏, 李京龙, 熊江涛, 发明专利,ZL4.7,授权公告日:2012
(17) 魏艳妮 熊江涛 李京龙张赋升, 搅拌摩擦焊接专用搅拌头, 发明专利,ZL8, 授权公告日: 2011.5.18
(18) 马铁军, 鲍宏伟, 高大路, 李文亚, 李京龙.一种惯性摩擦焊接物理模拟试验装置, ZL6.3,授权公告日:2013
(19) 张勇;马铁军;温国栋;高大路;王英杰;李京龙.线性摩擦焊接物理模拟试验装置. 发明专利,ZL4.2, 授权公告日: 2013.12.25

学术文献 Academic Literature
1.The Fabrication and Properties of the Squeeze-Cast TiN/Al Composites,Taylor and Francis Inc., 325 Chestnut St, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106, United States,2016,31(10),1306-1310 ,DOI:10.1080/**.2015.**, ISSN:**
2.Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of rotary friction welded TC4/SUS321 joints at various rotation speeds,Elsevier Ltd,2016,99,26-36 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2016.03.037, ISSN:**
3.Interfacial microstructure and properties of YG11C/42CrMo joint brazed with BCu64MnNi filler metal,China Welding,2015,24(4),21-26 ,DOI:, ISSN:**
4.Study on Bead Formability of 7A05 Aluminum Alloy by Laser-MIG Hybrid Welding,DESTECH PUBLICATIONS, INC,2015,,9-12 ,DOI:, ISSN:
5.Linear friction welding of Ti-6Al-4V alloy: Microstructure characterization,TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD,2008,580-582,405-408 ,DOI:, ISSN:0255-5476
6.Fracture Characteristics of Vacuum Diffusion Bonded TA2 Titanium to 1Cr18Ni9Ti Stainless Steel Joint with Nb plus Ni Interlayers,TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD,2009,620-622,399-402 ,DOI:, ISSN:0255-5476
7.Explicit Finite Element Analysis of the Plunge Stage of Tool in Friction Stir Welding,TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD,2009,620-622,233-236 ,DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.620-622.233, ISSN:0255-5476
8.Dispersion of barium ferrite particles for slip casting in magnetic field,TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD,2006,317-318,143-146 ,DOI:, ISSN:1013-9826
9.Friction stir processing for the modification of laser claded microstructure,TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD,2011,311-313,2336-2339 ,DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.311-313.2336, ISSN:1022-6680
10.摩擦速度对异种金属摩擦焊接头组织性能的影响,2005,20(4),5-8 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-1545.2005.04.002, ISSN:1003-1545
11.等通道挤压大变形条件下原子的快速扩散行为研究,2012,42(8),91-93 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2303.2012.08.023, ISSN:1001-2303
12.利用红外热成像技术分析搅拌摩擦焊隧道型孔洞形成机制,2012,42(1),22-25 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2303.2012.01.006, ISSN:1001-2303
13.Effect of friction time on flash shape and axial shortening of linear friction welded 45 steel,ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV,2008,62(2),293-296 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matlet.2007.05.037, ISSN:0167-577X
14.Microstructure characterization and mechanical properties of linear friction welded Ti-6Al-4V alloy,WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH,2008,10(1-2),89-92 ,DOI:10.1002/adem., ISSN:1438-1656
15.Transient liquid-phase diffusion bonding of two-dimensional carbon-carbon composites to niobium alloy,ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2008,483-84(,SI),698-700 ,DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2006.11.170, ISSN:0921-5093
16.Characterizations of cold-sprayed Nickel-Alumina composite coating with relatively large Nickel-coated Alumina powder,ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2008,202(19),4855-4860 ,DOI:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2008.04.076, ISSN:0257-8972
17.Microstructure and microhardness of cold-sprayed CuNiIn coating,WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH,2008,10(8),746-749 ,DOI:10.1002/adem., ISSN:1438-1656
18.Direct joining of 2D carbon/carbon composites to Ti-6Al-4V alloy with a rectangular wave interface,ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2008,488(1-2),205-213 ,DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2007.11.013, ISSN:0921-5093
19.Kinetic limit for incubation period of primary phase produced by the combination reaction between two solid heterogeneous pure metals,SCIENCE PRESS,2008,51(12),2242-2253 ,DOI:10.1007/s11431-008-0307-2, ISSN:1006-9321
20.Study on microstructure and strength of AgNi alloy/pure Al vacuum diffusion bonded joints,ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2009,30(8),3265-3268 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2009.01.024, ISSN:0261-3069
21.Characterizations of 21-4N to 4Cr9Si2 stainless steel dissimilar joint bonded by electric-resistance-heat-aided friction welding,ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2009,30(10),4230-4235 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2009.04.032, ISSN:0261-3069
22.Microstructures and mechanical properties of magnesium alloy and stainless steel weld-joint made by friction stir lap welding,ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2012,33(1),111-114 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2011.07.016, ISSN:0261-3069
23.Diffusion Bonding of Stainless Steel to Copper with Tin Bronze and Gold Interlayers,SPRINGER,2012,21(1),33-37 ,DOI:10.1007/s11665-011-9870-y, ISSN:1059-9495
24.High strength lap joint of aluminium and stainless steels fabricated by friction stir welding with cutting pin,MANEY PUBLISHING,2012,17(3),196-201 ,DOI:10.1179/Y., ISSN:1362-1718
25.Effect of post-weld heat treatment on microstructure and property of linear friction welded Ti17 titanium alloy joint,MANEY PUBLISHING,2012,17(3),180-185 ,DOI:10.1179/Y., ISSN:1362-1718
26.Periodic variation of torque and its relations to interfacial sticking and slipping during friction stir welding,MANEY PUBLISHING,2012,17(4),338-341 ,DOI:10.1179/Y., ISSN:1362-1718
27.Diffusion bonding titanium to stainless steel using Nb/Cu/Ni multi-interlayer,ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC,2012,68,82-87 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matchar.2012.03.016, ISSN:1044-5803
28.Modelling of entire friction stir welding process by explicit finite element method,MANEY PUBLISHING,2012,28(7),812-817 ,DOI:10.1179/Y., ISSN:0267-0836
29.In situ synthesizing Al3Ni for fabrication of intermetallic-reinforced aluminum alloy composites by friction stir processing,ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2012,550,279-285 ,DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2012.04.070, ISSN:0921-5093
30.Numerical Analysis of Joint Temperature Evolution During Friction Stir Welding Based on Sticking Contact,SPRINGER,2012,21(9),1849-1856 ,DOI:10.1007/s11665-011-0092-0, ISSN:1059-9495
31.Joining aluminum to titanium alloy by friction stir lap welding with cutting pin,ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC,2012,71,1-5 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matchar.2012.05.013, ISSN:1044-5803
32.Mg-Ti旋转摩擦焊过程的摩擦产热及原子扩散行为(英文),ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV,2012,22(11),2665-2671 ,DOI:10.1016/S1003-6326(11)61515-X, ISSN:1003-6326
33.Effect of Heat Treatment Temperature on Performance of Plasma-Sprayed Apatite-Lanthanum Silicate Coatings as Electrolytes for IT-SOFC,SPRINGER,2012,21(6),1257-1262 ,DOI:10.1007/s11666-012-9822-6, ISSN:1059-9630
34.An analytical model to optimize rotation speed and travel speed of friction stir welding for defect-free joints,PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD,2013,68(3-4),175-178 ,DOI:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.10.008, ISSN:1359-6462
35.Preparation of dense silicate electrolyte coating with low pressure plasma spraying and very low pressure plasma spraying for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells,ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV,2013,223,36-41 ,DOI:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2012.09.034, ISSN:0378-7753
36.An analytical model of steady-state continuous drive friction welding,PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD,2013,61(5),1662-1675 ,DOI:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.11.042, ISSN:1359-6454
37.Characterization of nugget nucleation quality based on the structure-borne acoustic emission signals detected during resistance spot welding process,ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2013,46(3),1053-1060 ,DOI:10.1016/j.measurement.2012.11.016, ISSN:0263-2241
38.Heat reflux in flash and its effect on joint temperature history during linear friction welding of steel,ELSEVIER FRANCE-EDITIONS SCIENTIFIQUES MEDICALES ELSEVIER,2013,67,192-199 ,DOI:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2012.12.004, ISSN:1290-0729
39.Effect of backplate diffusivity on microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded joints,ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2013,50,551-557 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2013.03.034, ISSN:0261-3069
40.Numerical Analysis of Effect of Backplate Diffusivity on the Transient Temperature in Friction Stir Welding,SPRINGER,2013,22(9),2446-2450 ,DOI:10.1007/s11665-013-0538-7, ISSN:1059-9495
41.Effect of Tool Pin Insertion Depth on Friction Stir Lap Welding of Aluminum to Stainless Steel,SPRINGER,2013,22(10),3005-3013 ,DOI:10.1007/s11665-013-0595-y, ISSN:1059-9495
42.Cyclic deformation behavior of linear friction welded Ti6A14V joints,ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2014,597,408-414 ,DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2014.01.006, ISSN:0921-5093
43.Improving mechanical properties of friction stir welded AA2024-T3 joints by using a composite backplate,ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2014,598,312-318 ,DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2014.01.047, ISSN:0921-5093
44.Effect of friction time on mechanical and metallurgical properties of continuous drive friction welded Ti6Al4V/SUS321 joints,ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2014,56,649-656 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2013.11.065, ISSN:0261-3069
45.Process parameter analysis of inertia friction welding nickel-based superalloy,SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2014,71(9-12),1909-1918 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-013-5569-6, ISSN:0268-3768
46.Characterisation of periodic variation in torque occurred in friction stir welding process,MANEY PUBLISHING,2014,19(4),350-354 ,DOI:10.1179/Y., ISSN:1362-1718
47.Effective predictions of ultimate tensile strength, peak temperature and grain size of friction stir welded AA2024 alloy joints,SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2014,73(9-12),1213-1218 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-014-5926-0, ISSN:0268-3768
48.Analysis of Nugget Formation During Resistance Spot Welding on Dissimilar Metal Sheets of Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys,SPRINGER,2014,45A(11),5107-5113 ,DOI:10.1007/s11661-014-2463-2, ISSN:1073-5623
49.3D Finite Element Analysis of the Effect of Process Parameters on Linear Friction Welding of Mild Steel,SPRINGER,2014,23(11),4010-4018 ,DOI:10.1007/s11665-014-1197-z, ISSN:1059-9495
50.A study of the mechanisms involved in initial friction process of continuous drive friction welding,TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD,2015,29(12),1246-1257 ,DOI:10.1080/**.2015.**, ISSN:0169-4243
51.Investigations on interface microstructure and strength properties of dissimilar tin bronze/superalloy diffusion bonded joints,WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH,2015,22(5),511-515 ,DOI:10.1515/secm-2013-0136, ISSN:0792-1233
52.Microstructure and anisotropic mechanical behavior of friction stir welded AA2024 alloy sheets,ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC,2015,107,112-118 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matchar.2015.06.039, ISSN:1044-5803
53.Improvement of solar absorbing property of Ni-Mo based thermal spray coatings by laser surface treatment,PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD,2015,121,64-69 ,DOI:10.1016/j.vacuum.2015.07.018, ISSN:0042-207X
54.Finite element modeling of the linear friction welding of GH4169 superalloy,ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2015,87,215-230 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2015.08.036, ISSN:0261-3069
55.Sample geometry and size effects on tensile properties of friction stir welded AA2024 joints,ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV,2016,162,94-96 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matlet.2015.09.122, ISSN:0167-577X
56.用于注浆成形的钡铁氧体粒子的浆料制备,2004,23(12),1437-1439 ,DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1003-8728.2004.12.014, ISSN:1003-8728
57.LY12CZ铝合金随焊锤击碾压工艺优化,NORTHWEST INST NONFERROUS METAL RESEARCH,2008,37(3),525-529 ,DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1002-185X.2008.03.035, ISSN:1002-185X
58.单晶硅低温连接的表面预共晶法研究,NORTHWEST INST NONFERROUS METAL RESEARCH,2011,40(10),1752-1756 ,DOI:, ISSN:1002-185X
59.添加Ni+Nb中间层的钛合金与不锈钢扩散焊工艺研究,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 37 Xueyuan Road, Beijing, 100191, China,2011,31(3),46-51 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-5053.2011.3.009, ISSN:1005-5053
60.扩散连接Ti2AlNb/GH4169反应动力学研究,NORTHWEST INST NONFERROUS METAL RESEARCH,2011,40(12),2106-2110 ,DOI:, ISSN:1002-185X
61.Mg-Ti旋转摩擦焊过程的摩擦产热及原子扩散行为,2012,22(11),2665-2671 ,DOI:, ISSN:1003-6326
62.搅拌摩擦焊温度场研究进展,2012,26(17),121-126 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-023X.2012.17.025, ISSN:1005-023X
63.激光熔覆Co-Cr-Ni-Mo涂层的粘塑性摩擦及组织演变行为,2013,23(3),681-691 ,DOI:, ISSN:1003-6326
64.碳热还原-反应烧结法制备多孔氮化硅陶瓷,SCIENCE PRESS,2013,28(05),469-473 ,DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1077.2013.12381, ISSN:1000-324X
65.ZnO+Al粉末铝热剂对2024铝合金电阻点焊熔核质量的影响,NORTHWEST INST NONFERROUS METAL RESEARCH,2014,43(02),485-489 ,DOI:, ISSN:1002-185X
66.金属材料裂纹愈合的研究进展与展望,2014,28(17),47-52 ,DOI:10.11896/j.issn.1005-023X.2014.17.008, ISSN:1005-023X
67.Ti-6Al-4V钛合金板与304L不锈钢网的扩散焊,2006,25(3),301-304 ,DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1003-8728.2006.03.013, ISSN:1003-8728
68.气浮沉积技术,2006,25(2),177-180 ,DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1003-8728.2006.02.012, ISSN:1003-8728
69.电阻点焊熔核形核信息的声发射信号表征,Harbin Research Institute of Welding, No. 111 He-Xing Lu, Harbin, China,2013,34(7),77-80 ,DOI:, ISSN:0253-360X
70.异种钛合金连续驱动摩擦焊稳态阶段粘塑性区平均温度的解析计算,Chinese Journal of Materials Research, 72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang, 110015, China,2013,27(5),501-507 ,DOI:, ISSN:1005-3093
71.微米级Mo-Al轧制箔扩散连接界面相的形貌及反应动力学,SCIENCE CHINA PRESS,2008,44(8),943-948 ,DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0412-1961.2008.08.010, ISSN:0412-1961
72.Process optimization on TIG welding of LY12CZ aluminum alloy with hammering and rolling technique,Rare Metals Materials and Engineering Press, P.O. Box 51, Xi'an, 721014, China,2008,37(3),525-529 ,DOI:, ISSN:**X
73.拉长电弧的等离子喷枪设计与弧压测试,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,2005,39(11),1751-1754 ,DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1006-2467.2005.11.003, ISSN:1006-2467
74.三相低频焊机主电路的控制模型与软件流程,Harbin Research Institute of Welding, No. 111 He-Xing Lu, Harbin, China,2007,28(9),55-58 ,DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0253-360x.2007.09.014, ISSN:0253-360X
75.Low temperature joining single-crystal silicon by pre-eutectic joining,Rare Metals Materials and Engineering Press, P.O. Box 51, Xi'an, 721014, China,2011,40(10),1752-1756 ,DOI:, ISSN:**X
76.Study on reaction kinetics in diffusion bonding of Ti2AlNb and GH4169 with Nb+Ni foils as interlayer,Rare Metals Materials and Engineering Press, P.O. Box 51, Xi'an, 721014, China,2011,40(12),2106-2110 ,DOI:, ISSN:**X
77.Dispersion of barium ferrite particles for slip casting in magnetic field,TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD,2006,317-318,143-146 ,DOI:, ISSN:1013-9826
78.Effect of thermal cycles on interface evolution of vacuum diffusion bonded aluminum alloy 2A14,Harbin Research Institute of Welding, No. 111 He-Xing Lu, Harbin, China,2007,28(3),41-44 ,DOI:, ISSN:**X
79.Control model and software flow of main circuit for 3-phase low frequency welder,Harbin Research Institute of Welding, No. 111 He-Xing Lu, Harbin, China,2007,28(9),55-58 ,DOI:, ISSN:**X
80.Joining of 2D C/SiC composites with niobium alloy,Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China,2006,21(6),1391-1396 ,DOI:, ISSN:**X
81.Low temperature joining single-crystal silicon by pre-eutectic joining,Rare Metals Materials and Engineering Press, P.O. Box 51, Xi''an, 721014, China,2011,40(10),1752-1756 ,DOI:, ISSN:**X
82.Numerical analysis of joint temperature evolution during friction stir welding based on plastic deformation heat,China Welding, 111 Hexing Road, Harbin, 150080, China,2011,20(1),76-80 ,DOI:, ISSN:**
83.氢对TC4钛合金扩散焊影响的机理初探,2013,,81-84 ,DOI:, ISSN:
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