

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information






招生信息 Admission Information

@@以每年公布的招生目录为准@@ ==> 招生办网页:http://yzb.nwpu.edu.cn

工作经历 Work Experience

2015.06 - 至今,西北工业大学,航海学院,教授、博士生导师
(2016.08-2017.08,University of Minnesota 美国,机械工程系,访问****;
2019.11-2019.12,State Marine Technical University of St. Pertersburg 俄罗斯,教学进修)
2008.01-2009.10,Lund University瑞典,能源科学系,博士后

教育经历 Education Experience

科学研究 Scientific Research

○ 航空/航天/航海结构流动与换热、热分析与热控制;

○ 新能源与动力推进技术、新型高效换热技术与装备;

○ 宏/微/纳观流动换热、热-力耦合与结构优化设计;
○ 超临界流体流动与换热;可再生能源。




团队信息 Team Information




○博士生联合培养6人(美国的加州大学伯克利分校、 美国的明尼苏达大学、瑞典的隆德大学、比利时的鲁汶大学、澳大利亚的昆士兰大学);


○ 3名硕士在海外读博士(现已就职于中南大学、大连海事大学、华北电力大学);
○ 1名硕士在国内读博士(西北工业大学无人系统技术研究院);
○ 17名硕士国内就业:中国空气动力研究与发展中心、中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所、中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所、中国船舶重工集团公司第七二三研究所、中国电子科技集团第十八研究所、中航工业第一飞机设计研究院、中国兵器工业试验测试研究院、中国燃气涡轮研究院、中国航发沈阳发动机研究所、中兴通讯股份有限公司西安研究所、中国航天空气动力技术研究院、航空工业自控所、中国航天科工集团第三总体设计部。

社会兼职 Social Appointments

International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer副编辑(2020-)、ASME Journal ofEnergy Resources Technology副编辑(2020-)、International Journal of Thermal Sciences副编辑(2018-)、Applied Thermal Engineering编委(2021-)、International Journal of Energy Research编委(2018-),等。曾担任ASME Journal of Heat Transfer副编辑(2014.7-2020.6)。

国际传热传质中心(ICHMT)理事会成员、ASME K-14 燃气透平传热委员会成员、ASME K-9 微纳传热委员会成员、ASME K-10 换热装备传热委员会成员。

○ 2017年ASME夏季传热大会(SHTC) Track co-Organizer;2017年ASME机械工程大会(IMECE) Topic co-Organizer;
○ 2018年ASME燃气透平大会(Turbo Expo) Session Organizer;2018年ASME机械工程大会(IMECE) Topic co-Organizer;
○ 2019年ASME夏季传热大会(SHTC) Track co-Organizer;2019年ASME机械工程大会(IMECE) Topic co-Organizer;
○ 2021年ASME夏季传热大会(SHTC) Track Chair。


学术成果 Academic Achievements

Heat transfer behaviors of some supercritical fluids: A Review, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics《航空学报》英文版, 2022.
A Review of heat transfer deterioration of supercritical carbon dioxide flowing in vertical tubes: heat transfer behaviors, identification methods, critical heat fluxes, and heat transfer correlations, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020.
An improved heat transfer correlation for supercritical aviation kerosene flowing upward and downward in vertical tubes, Journal of Thermal Science《热科学学报》英文版, 2020.
An artificial-neural-network based prediction of heat transfer behaviors for in-tube supercritical CO2 flow, Applied Soft Computing, 2021.
Thermal characteristics of in-tube upward supercritical CO2 flows and a new heat transfer prediction model based on artificial neural networks, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021.
Effect of thermal pyrolysis on heat transfer and upward flow characteristics in a rectangular channel using endothermic hydrocarbon fuel, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021.
Flow characteristics and heat transfer of supercritical n-decane in novel nested channels for scramjet regenerative cooling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021.
The transport and thermodynamic characteristics ofthermally oscillating phenomena in a buoyancy-driven supercritical fuel flow, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021.
Flow and thermal performance of supercritical n-decane in double-layer channels for regenerative cooling of a scramjet combustor, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020.
Supercritical CO2 flowing upward in a vertical tube subject to axially nonuniform heating, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2020.
An evaluation on the laminar effect of buoyancy-driven supercritical hydrocarbon fuel flow and heat transfer characteristics, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019.
The behavior of turbulent heat transfer deterioration in supercritical hydrocarbon fuel flow considering thermal resistance distribution, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019.
On assessment of heat transfer deterioration of a channel with supercritical hydrocarbon fuel for scramjet engines cooling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019.

Optimization of cooling structures in gas turbines: A Review, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics《航空学报》英文版, 2022.
Combined-hole film cooling designs based on the construction of anti-kidney vortex structure: A Review, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2021.
Film cooling performance and flow structure of single-hole and double-holes with swirling jet, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics《航空学报》英文版, 2022.
Combined experimental and numerical studies on flow characteristic and heat transfer in ribbed channels with vortex generators of various types and arrangements, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021.
Investigation and numerical simulation on film cooling performance with an anti-vortex hole design: influences of diameter ratio, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021.
An experimental study of sister holes film cooling with various secondary-to-primary hole diameter ratios, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2021.
Combined experimental and numerical investigations on heat transfer augmentation in channels with constructal truncation ribs, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021.
Comparative analysis on the film cooling mechanisms of elliptical and cylindrical holes with 90° compound angle, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 2021.
Comparative study on the adiabatic film cooling performances with elliptic or super-elliptic holes of various length-to-width ratios, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020.
Parametric study on flow characteristics and heat transfer in rectangular channels with strip slits in ribs on one wall, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020.
Improvement of the adiabatic film cooling by using two-row holes of different geometries and arrangements, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2020.
Computational analysis of spanwise hole locations on fluid flow and film cooling of internal channels with crescent ribs, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 2019.

Comprehensive analysis on the effect of asymmetric heat fluxes on microchannel slip flow and heat transfer via a LBM, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020.
LBM modeling and analysis on microchannel slip flow and heat transfer under different heating conditions, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2020.
Thermal performance and energy generation of single-layer and double-layer constructal Y-shaped bionic microchannel heat sinks, International Journal of Energy Research, 2021.
Thermal performance and entropy generation of novel X-structured double layered microchannel heat sinks, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2020.
The numerical simulation with staggered alternation locations and multi-flow directions on the thermal performance of double-layer microchannel heat sinks, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019.
Heat transfer and thermodynamic analysis by introducing multiple alternation structures into double-layer microchannel heat sinks, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019.
Comparative study for convective heat transfer of counter-flow wavy double-layer microchannel heat sinks in staggered arrangement, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018.

Enhanced heat transfer in a pyramidal lattice sandwich panel by introducing pin-fins/protrusions/dimples, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020.
Flow and thermal performance of sandwich panels with plate fins or/and pyramidal lattice, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020.
Heat transfer enhancement of X-lattice-cored sandwich panels by introducing pin fins, dimples or protrusions, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019.
Heat transfer enhancement of wedge-shaped channels by replacing pin fins with Kagome lattice structures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019.
Comparative study of flow structures and heat transfer enhancement in a metallic lattice fabricated by metal sheet folding: effects of punching location shift, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019.
Thermal and thermomechanical performance of actively cooled pyramidal sandwich panels, International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2019.
Comparative evaluation of thermofludic characteristics of sandwich panels with X-lattice and pyramidal-lattice cores, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018.
The effects of geometrical topology on fluid flow and thermal performance in Kagome cored sandwich panels, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018.
Investigation on thermal and thermomechanical performances of actively cooled corrugated sandwich structures, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016.

Improved energy performance of a PEM fuel cell by introducing discontinuous s-shaped and crescent ribs into flowing channels, Energy, 2021.
the mass transfer characteristics and energy improvement with various partially blocked flow channels in a PEM fuel cell, Energy, 2020,
Effect of primary water injection angle on thermal propulsion performance of a water ramjet engine, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020.
Numerical analysis on thermal-hydraulic performances of staggered tube bundles for an aeroengine compact precooler, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020.
The energy performance improvement of a PEM fuel cell with various chaotic flowing channels, International Journal of Energy Research, 2019.
A parametric comparison of temperature uniformity and energy performance of a PEMFC having serpentine wavy channels, International Journal of Energy Research, 2019.

English Version

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