
Stabilizing effects on a Cd polluted coastal wetland soil using calcium polysulphide

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-11

Stabilizing effects on a Cd polluted coastal wetland soil using calcium polysulphide
其他题名Tu, C; Guan, F; Sun, YH; Guo, PP; Liu, Y; Li, LZ; Scheckel, KG; Luo, YM
Tu, C1; Guan, F1,2; Sun, YH2; Guo, PP1; Liu, Y1; Li, LZ1; Scheckel, KG4; Luo, YM1,3
关键词CadmiumCalcium PolysulfideBioavailabilityStabilizationSoil EnzymeMicrobial Diversity
研究领域Soil Science
产权排序[Tu, Chen; Guan, Feng; Guo, Pengpeng; Liu, Ying; Li, Lianzhen; Luo, Yongming] Chinese Acad Sci, Yantai Inst Coastal Zone Res, Key Lab Coastal Environm Proc & Ecol Remediat, Yantai 264003, Peoples R China; [Guan, Feng; Sun, Yuhuan] Qingdao Univ Sci & Technol, Coll Environm & Safety Engn, Qingdao 266042, Peoples R China; [Luo, Yongming] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Soil Sci, Key Lab Soil Environm & Pollut Remediat, Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu, Peoples R China; [Scheckel, Kirk G.] US EPA, Natl Risk Management Res Lab, Cincinnati, OH 45224 USA
英文摘要In this study, different dosages of calcium polysulphide (CaSx) were used as an amendment to investigate effects on the immobilizing of Cd in a wetland soil by pot experiment. In addition to chemical analysis (pH and bioavailable Cd concentration), changes in soil enzyme activities, microbial carbon utilization capacity, metabolic and community diversity were examined to assess dynamic impacts on soil environmental quality and toxicity of Cd resulting from ameliorant dosing. Soil pH increased immediately upon CaSx amendment compared to the unamended control (CK), and then declined slowly to a level lower than CK. Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) extractable Cd concentration was determined to characterize the bioavailability of Cd in the soil. The CaSx dose-dependent effect observed that with increasing CaSx dosage, the immobilizing efficiency decreased. Soil urease and catalase activity assays and Biolog EcoPlate assay indicated that early stage addition of CaSx significantly inhibited soil microbial activities. However, mid and late stage time periods showed the inhibition effects were alleviated, and the microbial activities could be recovered in 1% and 2% CaSx treatments. Moreover, with increasing incubation time, microbial community diversity and richness were significantly recovered in 1% and 2% CaSx treatments compared to the CK. No considerable changes were observed in the 5% CaSx treatment. Conclusively, the 1% CaSx amendment was an efficient and safe dosage for the stabilization of Cd contaminated wetland soil. This study contributes to the development of in situ remediation ameliorants and technologies for heavy metal polluted wetland soils.
资助机构National Key R&D Program of China [2016YFE0106400]; National High Technology Research and Development Program [2012AA06A204-4, 2013AA06A211-4]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [41571310]
关键词[WOS]Heavy-metals; Contaminated Soil; Microbial Communities; Functional Diversity; Organic Amendments; Carbon; Removal; Lime; Ions; Remediation
研究领域[WOS]Soil Science

通讯作者Luo, YM作者单位1.Chinese Acad Sci, Yantai Inst Coastal Zone Res, Key Lab Coastal Environm Proc & Ecol Remediat
2.Qingdao Univ Sci & Technol, Coll Environm & Safety Engn
3.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Soil Sci, Key Lab Soil Environm & Pollut Remediat
4.US EPA, Natl Risk Management Res Lab

GB/T 7714Tu, C,Guan, F,Sun, YH,et al. Stabilizing effects on a Cd polluted coastal wetland soil using calcium polysulphide[J]. Geoderma,2018,332:190-197.
APATu, C.,Guan, F.,Sun, YH.,Guo, PP.,Liu, Y.,...&Luo, YM.(2018).Stabilizing effects on a Cd polluted coastal wetland soil using calcium polysulphide.Geoderma,332,190-197.
MLATu, C,et al."Stabilizing effects on a Cd polluted coastal wetland soil using calcium polysulphide".Geoderma 332(2018):190-197.


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