姓名 | 郭鹏 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1990.6 | ||||
职称 | 讲师 | 职务 | 无 | 政治面貌 | 中共党员 | ||||
所在一级学科名称 | 食品科学与工程 | ||||||||
所在二级学科名称 | 粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程 | ||||||||
任导师情况 | |||||||||
学术身份与兼职 | |||||||||
教育背景(从最高学历填起) | |||||||||
起止时间 | 学校 | 专业 | 学位 | 学历 | |||||
2015.09-2018.06 | 天津科技大学 | 粮食油脂及植物蛋白工程 | 博士 | 研究生 | |||||
2013.09-2015.06 | 山东农业大学 | 食品工程 | 硕士 | 研究生 | |||||
2009.09-2013.06 | 山东农业大学 | 食品质量与安全 | 学士 | 本科 | |||||
工作履历 | |||||||||
起止时间 | 单位 | 职称/职务 | |||||||
2018.07-至今 | 山东理工大学 | 讲师/系副主任 | |||||||
主讲课程及学时数 | |||||||||
本科生课程:食品卫生与营养 食品行业创新创业 | |||||||||
研究方向及领域 | |||||||||
1. 碳水化合物化学——淀粉的结构和功能性质 2. 碳水化合物营养学——淀粉体外消化性 3. 淀粉的物理、化学及酶改性技术及应用 | |||||||||
代表论文、著作、专利 | |||||||||
一、科研论文 1. P Guo, J L Yu, S Wang*, S J Wang*, L Copeland. Effects of particle size and water content during cooking on the physiochemical properties and in vitro starch digestibility of milled durum wheat grains. Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 77, 445-453. 2. P Guo, J L Yu, S J Wang*, L Copeland, S Wang*. Mechanisms of starch gelatinization during heating of wheat flour and its effect in vitro starch digestibility. Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 82, 370-378. | |||||||||
3. SDong, P Guo*, GY Chen, N Jin, YChen*. Study on the atmospheric cold plasma (ACP) treatment of zein film:Surface properties and cytocompatibility.
5. SJ Wang*, P Guo, F J Xiang, J Wang, JL Yu, S Wang*. Effect of dual modification by annealing and ultrahighpressure on properties of starches with different polymorphs.
6.S J Wang*, SK Wang, P Guo, L Liu, S Wang*. Multi-scalestructural changes of wheat and yam starches during cooking and their effect onin vitroenzymatic digestibility.
7. SJ Wang*, P Y Li, J L Yu, PGuo, S Wang*. Multi-scalestructures and functional properties of starches from indica hybrid, japonicaand waxy rice. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 102, 136-143.
8. YF Cao, F J Zhang, P Guo, S Dong, H JLi*. Effect of wheat flour substitution with potato pulp on dough rheology, the quality of steamed bread andin vitro starch digestibility.
9. YF Cao, Z Yang, H J Zhang,
10. YF Cao, M Zhang, S Dong, P Guo, H JLi*. Impact of potato pulp on the processing characteristics and glutenstructures of wheat flour dough.
11. YF Cao, H J Zhang, Z Yang, M Zhang,
1.Starch gelatinization behavior in intact cotyledoncells of small red bean, mung bean and pea during DSC measurement. (
China. 21st– 25th May, 2018.
2.植物细胞壁对淀粉凝胶化行为的影响(口头汇报). 第五届中国淀粉科学会议, 2018.
三、著作编写 1. S J Wang (Ed.). Starch structure, functionality and application in foods, Springer Nature, 2019. ( 参 编Chapter 2-Starch botanical sources) | |||
联系方式 | |||
办公电话 | **398 | 邮箱 | gpeng@sdut.edu.cn |
邮政编码 | 255000 | 单位地址 | 山东省淄博市张店区张周路 266 号(5 号实验楼 209) |