

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-22








2002/09-2006/06 吉林大学 本科;
2006/09-2011/12 吉林大学 博士;
2009/09-2011/10 美国佐治亚大学 联合培养博士;
2012/01-2015/05 军事医学科学院/中国农业科学院 博士后
[1] 公益性行业(农业)科研专项,“宠物疫病快速诊断与疫苗研究与示范”子课题,主持人,2013-2017,国家级项目;
[2] 博士后科学基金面上项目,“裂谷热病毒样颗粒候选疫苗研究”,主持人,2013-2015,省部级项目;
[3] 呼吸疾病国家重点实验室开放课题,“马抗MERS-CoV精制免疫球蛋白制备研究”,主持人,2015-2017,省部级项目;
[4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“细胞自噬在狂犬病病毒感染中的作用及调控机制研究”,主持人,2015-2017,国家级项目;
[5] 山东大学基本科研基金,“小胶质细胞自噬在狂犬病病毒感染中的作用”,主持人,2015-2017,校级项目;
[6] 博士后科学基金面上项目(一等),“中东呼吸综合征毒样颗粒疫苗研究”,主持人,2016-2018,省部级项目;
[7] 博士后科学基金特别资助项目,“小胶质细胞在狂犬病病毒感染中的作用与免疫调控机制”,主持人,2016-2018,省部级项目;
[8] 山东省自然科学基金,“G蛋白糖基化在狂犬病病毒免疫逃逸中的作用机制研究”,主持人,2016-2019,省部级项目;
[9] 十三五国家重点研发计划,“犬、猫新型长效干扰素的研制”,主持人,2016-2020,国家级项目;
[10] 十三五国家重点研发计划,“裂谷热VLPs疫苗与精致抗体研究”,主持人,2017-2020,国家级项目;
[11] 山东大学青年****未来计划,“狂犬病病毒致神经损伤机制研究”,主持人,2017-2022,校级项目;
[12] ***部基金,“埃博拉、西尼罗河热病毒样颗粒候选疫苗研究”,主要执行人,2012-2015,省部级项目;
[13] 国家科技应急专项,“埃博拉病毒病马和猴抗血清的应急制备”,主要执行人,2015-2018,国家级重点项目;
[1] Zheng W., Zhao Z., Tian L., Liu L., Xu T., Wang X., He H., Xia X., Zheng Y., Wei Y., Zheng X*. Genetically Modified Rabies Virus Vector-Based Bovine Ephemeral Fever Virus Vaccine Induces Protective Immune Responses against BEFV and RABV in Mice [J]. Transbound Emerg Dis, 2020.
[2] Zhao Zhongxin, Zheng Wenwen, Yan Lina, Sun Peilu, Xu Tong, Zhu Yelei, Liu Lele, Tian Li, He Hongbin, Wei Yurong, Zheng Xuexing*. Recombinant Human Adenovirus Type 5 Co-expressing RABV G and SFTSV Gn Induces Protective Immunity Against Rabies Virus and Severe Fever With Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus in Mice [J]. Frontiers in microbiology, 2020, 11(1473).
[3] Zhang N., Liu C., Zhang R*., Jin L., Yin X., Zheng X*., Siebert H. C., Li Y., Wang Z., Loers G., Petridis A. K. Amelioration of clinical course and demyelination in the cuprizone mouse model in relation to ketogenic diet [J]. Food Funct, 2020, 11(6): 5647-5663.
[4] Yan Lina, Zhao Zhongxin, Xue Xianghong, Zheng Wenwen, Xu Tong, Liu Lele, Tian Li, Wang Xianwei, He Hongbin, Zheng Xuexing*. A Bivalent Human Adenovirus Type 5 Vaccine Expressing the Rabies Virus Glycoprotein and Canine Distemper Virus Hemagglutinin Protein Confers Protective Immunity in Mice and Foxes [J]. 2020, 11(1070).
[5] Zheng X., Zhu Y., Zhao Z., Yan L., Xu T., Wang X., He H., Xia X., Zheng W., Xue X. RNA sequencing analyses of gene expressions in a canine macrophages cell line DH82 infected with canine distemper virus [J]. Infection, genetics and evolution, 2020, 80: 104206.
[6] Gai W., Zheng W., Zhao Z., Wong G., Sun P., Yan L., He H., Zheng X*. Assembly of pigeon circovirus-like particles using baculovirus expression system [J]. Microb Pathog, 2020, 139: 103905.
[7] Xue X., Zhu Y., Yan L., Wong G., Sun P., Zheng X*., Xia X. Antiviral efficacy of favipiravir against canine distemper virus infection in vitro [J]. BMC Vet Res, 2019, 15(1): 316.
[8] Wang W., Gao Y., Zheng W., Li M*., Zheng X*. Phenobarbital inhibits osteoclast differentiation and function through NF-kappaB and MAPKs signaling pathway [J]. Int Immunopharmacol, 2019, 69: 118-125.
[9] Wang W., Feng W., Li D., Liu S., Gao Y., Zhao Z., Fu Q., Yan L., Zheng W., Li M*., Zheng X*. Fusion and hemagglutinin proteins of canine distemper virus promote osteoclast formation through NF-kappaB dependent and independent mechanisms [J]. Exp Cell Res, 2019, 378(2): 171-181.
[10] Gai W., Zheng W., Wang C., Wong G., Song Y., Zheng X*. Immunization with recombinant rabies virus expressing Interleukin-18 exhibits enhanced immunogenicity and protection in mice [J]. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(53): 91505-91515.
[11] Zheng X., Wong G., Zhao Y., Wang H., He S., Bi Y., Chen W., Jin H., Gai W., Chu D., Cao Z., Wang C., Fan Q., Chi H., Gao Y., Wang T., Feng N., Yan F., Huang G., Zheng Y., Li N., Li Y., Qian J., Zou Y., Kobinger G., Gao G. F., Qiu X., Yang S., Xia X. Treatment with hyperimmune equine immunoglobulin or immunoglobulin fragments completely protects rodents from Ebola virus infection [J]. Scientific reports, 2016, 6: 24179.
[12] Zheng X., Wang S., Zhang W., Liu X., Yi Y., Yang S., Xia X., Li Y., Zhang Z. Development of a VLP-based vaccine in silkworm pupae against rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus [J]. Int Immunopharmacol, 2016, 40: 164-169.
[13] Zheng X., Zheng W., Liu S., Patel H. M., Xia X., Ouyang H., Levitt R. C., Candiotti K. A., Hao S. Crosstalk between JNK and NF-kappaB in the KDO2-mediated production of TNFalpha in HAPI cells [J]. Cell Mol Neurobiol, 2012, 32(8): 1375-1383.
[14] Zheng X., Ouyang H., Liu S., Mata M., Fink D. J., Hao S. TNFalpha is involved in neuropathic pain induced by nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor in rats [J]. Brain Behav Immun, 2011, 25(8): 1668-1676.

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