

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-21

綦维 副教授 綦维,女,1972年6月生于山东潍坊,祖籍山东高密。1991年,考入曲阜师范大学中文系。1995年9月,大学毕业后分配到临沂教育学院中文系,从事中国古代文学魏晋至隋唐部分的教学工作。1996年考入山东大学,师从文史哲所张忠纲教授,研读唐宋文学,2002年7月获文学博士学位。毕业后进入山东大学图书馆古籍部工作,2003年2月,调入山东大学文史哲研究院,继续从事唐宋文学,主要是杜甫研究工作。现为山东大学儒学高等研究院(文史哲研究院)副教授,中国杜甫学会、二安学会理事。至今已出版专著合著十余部,发表论文二十余篇,主持省、部级项目各一项,并参与全国高校古委会重点项目《杜甫全集校注》的编写工作,撰稿近六十万字。
Associate Professor Qi Wei Qi Wei, female, was born in Weifang city, Shandong Province, in June 1972. She was admitted to the Chinese department of Qufu Normal university In 1991 .After graduated In September1995,she was arranged to the Chinese department of Linyi Education College, engaged in teaching Chinese classical literature from WeiJin to TangSong dynasty. Shandong University enrolled her in September 1996. In the next six years, She had been learning Chinese classical literature of Tang and Song dynasty under the guidance of Professor Zhang Zhonggang, the teacher of the Institute of Literature, History & Philosophy of Shandong University. She received her PhD Degree In July 2002,and worked in the ancient book department of the Shandong University library. She became a teacher of the Institute of Literature, History & Philosophy in February 2003, and continued her research on Chinese classical literature of Tang and Song dynasty, especially about Du Fu . She is now a associate professor at Advanced Institute for Confucian Studies (Institute of Literature, History and Philosophy)Shandong University, and a syndic of China Du Fu Society as well as Li Qingzhao and Xin Qiji Society. Until today, she has published more than 10 academic books written by herself or with others, and more than 20 papers. She is the principle investigator of two projects, one funded by Shandong Province, and another by China Education Department. She also attended the national vital project, The Annotation of Du Fu’s Complete Work ,and wrote almost 600,000 words.

上一条:周纪文教授/Professor Chou Jiwen
下一条:所长:郑杰文教授/Professor Zheng Jiewen
相关话题/山东大学 儒学