

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-21

刘心 明教授 刘心明,男,汉族。1964年7月1日出生,山东淄博人。文学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。自参加工作以来,先后为山东大学古籍研究所硕士生讲授过古籍版本学(讲座)、古籍校勘学(基础课)、汉语史·汉字学(基础课)、古代书籍制度史(选修课)、古代石刻文献研究(选修课)等课程。学术专长是古籍版本鉴定、手稿文献释读。近期主要从事文献学理论、古代石刻文献研究等方面的工作。

Professor Liu Xinming Liu Xin-Ming was born in Zibo city,Shandong province,on July 1,1964.He is a doctor of Chinese literature and language. As a associate professor, He give several lectures, such as bibliography and emendate about Chinese ancient books, study on Chinese characters, history of the systems about Chinese ancient books, study on stone inscription for the master students. He is accomplished in judging different editions of Chinese ancient books and explaining manuscripts.

上一条:王承略教授/Professor Wang Chenglue
下一条:何朝晖教授/Professor He Zhaohui
相关话题/山东大学 儒学