

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-21

王小婷 副教授王小婷,山东济南人,2001年7月毕业于济南大学中文系汉语言文学教育专业,获文学学士学位;2004年7月毕业于山东大学文史哲研究院中国古典文献学专业,获文学硕士学位,导师刘晓东教授;2007年6月毕业于北京大学中文系中国古典文献学专业,获文学博士学位,导师董洪利教授。2007年7月起,就职于山东大学文史哲研究院古典文献研究所。2011年12月,任副教授。主持开设山东大学首批通识核心课《中国传统文化与当代大学生礼仪》。为研究生开设课程:汉语史·音韵学(基础课)、《文选》学研究(选修课)。主要研究方向为《文选》学、经学诠释学。主持承担国家社科基金、教育部、山东省社科基金6项,参与国家社科重大项目、国家社科基金等各级项目十余项。出版学术专著:《清代<文选>学研究》(2014年)、儒藏精华编108册《孟子正义》点校整理;发表论文20余篇。通讯方式:E-mail:foodbabywxt@163.com

Associate Professor Wang XiaotingXiaoting Wang was born in Jinan, Shandong Province. In July 2001, she graduated from the Chinese Department of Jinan University with a major of Chinese Education and received a Bachelor of Arts. She graduated from the Institute of Literature History and Philosophy in Shandong University with a Master Degree of Arts in July 2004. During the undergraduate degree, She learned from Prof. Xiaodong Liu. In June 2007, she graduated from the Chinese Department of Peking University, majoring in Chinese Classical Philology, and acquired a PhD degree of Arts. Her tutor in Peking University was Prof. Hongli Dong. She started to work at Shandong University in the Institute of Literature History and Philosophy in July 2007 and as the associate professor since December 2011. She has taught “Traditional Chinese Culture and the College Student's Etiquette”, which is one of the first "General and Core Curriculums" of Shandong University. She has also taught Phonology, one part of the core course Chinese Language History, Research of Wenxuan (optional course) and Research of Confucian Classics (optional course) to the postgraduate students. Her specialties are the research of Wenxuan and explanation of Confucian Classics. She has worked as the director of 6 projects supported by national social science foundation, education ministry and social science foundation of Shandong Province. She has also participated in more than 10 projects, including the national social science major projects and the national social science fund projects. She published The research of Wenxuan Study in Qing Dynasty in 2014 and finished the punctuaton and collation of Mengzi Zhengyi, which was published as the 108th volume of Ruzang Jinghuabian. She has also published more than 20 academic papers. Her E-mail is foodbabywxt@163.com.

上一条:聂济冬教授/Professor Nie Jidong
下一条:江曦副教授/Associate Professor Jiang Xi
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