

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-21

王震 副教授王震,男,汉族,1980年9月生,山东平阴人,2002年加入中国共产党,2003年入伍,2014年转业至山东大学执教。山东大学中国古典文献学专业毕业,文学博士。现为山东大学儒学高等研究院副教授。

Associate Professor Wang Zhen Wang Zhen, born in September 1980, is a male ethnic Han from Pingyin, Shandong Province. He joined the CPC in 2002 and the PLA in 2003, and has become a teacher in Shandong University since demobilized in 2014. He graduated from Shandong University with a major in Chinese classical bibliography, and received a doctorate of literature. He is currently an associate professor in Advanced Institute of Confucian Studies, Shandong University.
Wang’s main research area is Chinese traditional military science. He used to publish papers on CSSCI source journals such as Theory Journal, Folklore Studies, Library Work and Study, and monographs, such as A Variorum of Sima’s Art of War, included in A Sequel to New Integration of the Philosophers’ Works published by Zhonghua Book Company. He presides over a Shandong provincial planning project of social science, Investigation, Reproduction and Photoprinting of Zi Category of Chinese Rare Books Collected in Japan, and a Shandong University youth team project of humanities and social sciences, Style Research on Confucian Study from Military Perspective. He teaches courses as explanation of literature, introduction to The Art of War, introduction to Confucian classics, etc. He won the first prize in the Teaching Competition for Young Teachers, rated as one of the 8th Young Teaching Experts in Shandong University.

上一条:孟巍隆副教授/Associate Professor Benjamin Hammer
下一条:黄玉顺教授/Professor Huang Yushun
相关话题/山东大学 儒学