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先后作为项目负责人主持完成国家社科基金项目3项(结项2项,1项在研);主持国家重大招标课题子课题1项(在研),各类省部级科研、教研项目20余项。先后出版《后现代主义视野中的美国当代诗歌》《多元文化视野中的美国族裔诗歌研究》 《投射在文本中的成长丽影–美国女性成长小说研究》《跨学科视域下的英美小说叙事策略与身份政治研究》等学术专著4部,编著《美国文学史》等教材4本;在《外国文学评论》《外国文学研究》《当代外国文学》《外国文学》《国外文学》等期刊发表学术论文80余篇,其中CSSCI 60余篇,A&HCI 10篇,人大复印资料全文转载15篇。著作和论文先后获得山东省社会科学优秀成果一等奖一项、二等奖一项、三等奖三项,山东省教育厅高校优秀科研成果一等奖一项、二等奖二项、三等奖三项,济南市社科优秀成果一等奖一项、二等奖三项。专著《多元文化视野中的美国族裔诗歌研究》荣获首届王佐良外国文学研究奖提名奖、山东省社会科学优秀成果一等奖。

博士研究生 2010-2013 华中师范大学 比较文学与世界文学专业

硕士研究生 2000-2003 山东大学 英语语言文学专业

本科 1989-1993 辽宁师范大学 英语语言文学专业

2018.12-2019.3 美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校高级访问****(国家留学基金资助)
2014- 山东师范大学外国语学院 教授
2012.8-2013.9 美国宾夕法尼亚大学英语系 访问****(国家留学基金资助)

2008-2014 济南大学外国语学院 教授
2009.2-2010.2 华中师范大学文学院 访问****(山东省优秀青年教师计划资助)
2003-2008 济南大学外国语学院 副教授

1998-2003 山东建材学院 讲师

1993-1998 山东建材学院 助教

走遍美国(教材) 2003.10 山东科技出版社 主编
影视美语(教材) 2007 .8 世图音像出版社 主编
美国文学史(教材) 2009.10 华中师范大学出版社 主编

人文综合英语教程(3)2020.10 清华大学出版社 主编

《后现代主义视野中的美国当代诗歌》 专著 山东文艺出版社 2005
《投射在文本中的成长丽影 –美国女性成长小说研究》 专著 中国书籍出版社 2008
《多元文化视野中的美国族裔诗歌研究》 专著 中国社会科学出版社 2015
《跨学科视域下的英美小说叙事策略与身份政治研究》 专著 外语教学与研究出版社 2019年
山东省美国文学精品课程 负责人 2011年
英美文学优秀教学团队 负责人 2009年
山东师范大学美国文学混合式课程 负责人 2016年
山东师范大学山东人民出版社应用型外语人才(研究生联合)培养基地 负责人 2016年
山东省应用型外语人才(研究生联合)培养基地(山东师范大学外国语学院 山东人民出版社) 负责人 2017年
山东师范大学第二届研究生“五导”卓越导学团队“跨学科视域下的英语语言文学” 负责人 2018年
英美文学课程群教学团队 负责人 2019
外国语言文学前沿问题 校级金课立项 2019
新文科背景下外国语言文学研究生跨学科培养模式研究 山东省研究生提升计划项目 2019
新文科背景下跨学科英语混合式培训 教育部产学协同育人项目 2019
山东省高等学校在线开放课程:英美成长小说 2020


1. 多元文化视野中的美国少数族裔诗歌研究 独立主持
国家哲学与社会科学基金青年项目 2006-2009 已结题(90万字,鉴定等级:优秀)
2. 意象派、黑山派、客体派诗学谱系研究 项目负责人
国家哲学与社会科学基金一般项目 2012-2016 已结题(鉴定等级:优秀)
3. “《美国非裔文学史》翻译与研究”子课题“《美国非裔戏剧史》翻译与研究”
国家重大招标课题 子课题负责人 2013-2018 在研
4. 《丽塔·达夫研究》(17FWW009) 国家社科基金后期资助项目 项目负责人 2017-2019在研
5. 美国后现代诗歌历史空间研究 负责人 山东省社科规划重点项目 2003-2005 已结题
6. 美国女性成长小说研究 负责人 山东省社科规划重点项目 2005-2007 已结题
7. 美国黑人自传理论及自传体小说研究 负责人 山东省教育厅社科项目 2006-2008已结题
8. 中西城市文化比较研究 负责人 济南市社科规划重点项目 2005-2006 已结题
9. 英语灾难诗歌美学、政治、伦理研究 负责人 山东社科规划项目 2009-2011 结题
10. 山东省非学历英语教育培训产业现状调查与发展对策研究 负责人 山东省软科学项目 2009-2011结题
11. 2020年度山东师范大学科研创新团队(人文社科类)“英语族裔文学研究与翻译创新团队”A类团队立项

1.《后现代主义视野中的美国当代诗歌》 专著 山东文艺出版社 2005年
2.《投射在文本中的成长丽影 –美国女性成长小说研究》 专著 中国书籍出版社 2008年
3. 《美国文学史》 教材 主编 华中师范大学出版社 2009年
4. 《多元文化视野中的美国族裔诗歌研究 》 专著 中国社会科学出版社 2015年
5.《跨学科跨学科视域下的英美小说叙事与身份研究》 专著 外语教学与研究出版社 2018年
1. “走过同一块地毯”:庞德与詹姆斯美学思想比较研究 《英美文学研究论丛》 33 (2020年秋) (CSSCI)
2. 大类招生背景下外语学科与 外语专业的一体化建设 《外语高教研究》  2019年第2辑
3. 高校外国文学“课程思政”的内涵和外延 当代外语研究2020年第4期
4. 《上帝帮助孩子》中的肤色隐喻与美国后种族时代神话,当代外国文学,2020年第3期(CSSCI)
5. 论扎迪·史密斯新作《摇摆时光》中舞蹈的多重隐喻功能,复旦外国语言文学论丛,2020年春季号(CSSCI)
6. 《摇摆时光》 中的全球化困境与跨国书写,解放军外国语学院学报,2020年第2期(CSSCI 扩展)
7. 《关于做好外语学科服务我省“一带一路”建设的报告》, 《山东社科成果专报》 2019年
8. 《山东社会科学年鉴2020》学科综述之外国语言学及应用语言部分 2020年6月
9. The Cantos and Visualizing Confucianism,Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature2.1(March 2019) A&HCI): 573-584
10. 回归与创新:《国标》视野下高校英语专业外国文学课程体系建构,《外语电化教学》,2019年第6期,1-7页
11. “一带一路”背景下高校立体化外语教育建设,《山东外语教学》,2019年第5期,54-59页
12. 论《诗章》中的黑人形象隐喻与美国历史书写,《外国文学研究》,2019年第3期(CSSCI)
13. 论扎迪·史密斯新作《摇摆时光》的叙事伦理和身份政治—兼谈史密斯小说创作美学,《当代外国文学》,2019年第2期(CSSCI)
14. 师范类英语专业跨学科人才培养模式探索,《外国语文》,2019年第4期(北大核心)
15. 论丽塔·达夫的美国黑人民权运动书写,《外国语文研究》,2019第5期,10-22页
17. 论尚吉“配舞诗剧”《献给黑人女孩》中舞蹈的多重文化功能,《外语教学》,2018第5期(CSSCI)
18. 一只无维度的多维之熊---从莫马迪诗歌《熊》说起,《复旦外国语言文学论丛》,2018年春季刊(CSSCI集刊)。
19. 从简单复合到跨学科外语人才培养——谈新时代背景下英语专业人才培养,《山东外语教学》,2018年第3期。
20. “The Hell of the Same”: On Ethical Confusions of Human Cloning in A NumberInterdisciplinary Studies of Literature(A&HCI), 2.1(March 2018):34-44.
21. 论路易斯·厄德里克诗歌的边界书写,《英语研究》(CSSCI集刊),2018年第八辑(人大复印资料《外国文学研究》全文转载)。
22. 种族山·性别山·艺术山—论尚吉诗剧《献给黑人女孩》中的男性暴力隐喻,《山东师范大学学报》(C扩),2018年第6期。
23. 黑色维纳斯之旅—论《黑色维纳斯之旅》中的视觉艺术与黑人女性身份建构,《当代外国文学》(CSSCI),2017年第2期。
24. “我要告诉你/关于我的诗学”—新历史主义语境下破解《A》之谜,《英美文学研究论丛》 26(2017年春)(CSSCI)
25. 论丽塔?达夫诗歌中“博物馆”的文化隐喻功能,《国外文学》(CSSCI),2017年第1期。
26. 种族之战?文化之战?经典之战?——从丽塔?达夫与海伦?文德勒的论战说起,《浙江工商大学学报》(CSSCI),2017年第2期(人大复印资料《外国文学研究》2017年第7期全文转载)
27. 安吉罗《妈妈和我,我和妈妈》的母亲归来与故事重述,《外国语文》,2017年第6期。
28. 庞德《诗章》中的纳西王国,《外国文学研究》(A&HCI, CSSCI), 2016年第4期(人大复印资料《外国文学研究》2017年第1期全文转载)
29. 黑与白的“变脸”—论“黑脸喜剧”的历史嬗变及文化悖论,《外国文学》(CSSCI),2016年第3期
30. A New Wave of Ethical Criticism: Reading Introduction to Ethical Literary Criticism,《哲学与文化》(A&HCI),2015年第4期。
31. “主”“客”之困论扎迪·史密斯新作《西北》中的空间政治和伦理身份困境,《当代外国文学》(CSSCI),2015年第3期。
32. On Ethical Tragedy and Narrative Strategies in Geling Yan’s To My Teacher, With LoveCLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture17.5 (2015)(A&HCI)
33. 帕洛夫的梯子 《外国文学研究》 2014.5 (A&HCI CSSCI)
34. 种族·空间·文本 《外国文学研究》 2013.4(A&HCI CSSCI)
35. “方寸之间的诗性舞蹈——论杰拉德?维兹诺俳句的多元文化意蕴”,《当代外国文学》(CSSCI),2013.4
36. 诗学与伦理共筑的场域—后奥斯威辛美国犹太诗人的大屠杀书写 《山东大学学报》2013.3(CSSCI)(人大复印资料《外国文学研究》2013年第9期全文转载)
37. 论丽塔?达夫新作《穆拉提克奏鸣曲》的历史书写策略 《外国文学评论》 2012.4 (CSSCI)
38. 一双“观察的眼睛”在述说-论布鲁克斯长诗《在麦加》中的多元凝视 《国外文学》2012.3(CSSCI)
39. 论温迪·罗斯诗歌的多维历史书写策略 《当代外国文学》 2012. 1 (CSSCI)
40. 艺术与政治互动 诗歌与人生同行 《外国文学研究》 2011.1 (AHCI,CSSCI)
41. 从内部书写自我的完整维度—论伊丽莎白·亚历山大诗歌文化空间构建策略 《当代外国文学》,2010年第3期(CSSCI)(人大复印资料《外国文学研究》全文转载,2010年第12期)
42. 论丽塔·达夫诗歌的文化空间建构《解放军外国语学院学报》,2010年第3期(CSSCI)
43. 笼中的鸟儿也歌唱——玛亚·安吉罗诗歌文化身份意识探析 《山东社会科学》 2010.2(CSSCI)
44. 都市漫游叙事视角下的美国犹太诗性书写 《英美文学论丛》 2009.11(CSSCI辑刊)
45. 神话/民族志/自传 《当代外国文学》 2009.4(CSSCI)(人大复印资料《外国文学研究》2010年第8期全文转载)
46. 阅读、误读、伦理阅读“俄狄浦斯情结”-解读达夫诗剧《农庄苍茫夜》 《外国文学研究》 2009.4 (A&HCI,CSSCI)
47. 文化翻译视阈下的《芒果街上的小屋》《解放军外国语学院学报》 2008.4 (CSSCI)
48. 《英语诗歌形式导论》述评 《山东社会科学》 2007.11(CSSCI)
49. 拼图中诞生的诗歌—梅里尔诗歌《迷失在翻译中》互文性解读 《解放军外国语学院学报》 2006.2(CSSCI)
50. 艾丽斯?沃克的诗性书写—艾丽斯?沃克诗歌主题研究 《外国文学评论》 2006.1 (CSSCI)
51. Transnational Culture, Approach and Identity Studies, Forum for World Literature Studies(ESCI), 2016.2
52. “不伦之恋”的伦理维度——从《洛丽塔》的悖论式误读说起, 《山东外语教学》,2015年第4期
53. Politics, History and Aesthetics as Tropes: An Introduction, Forum for World Literature Studies2015年第2期
54. “黑人内部”的女人私房话——《穿越象牙门》与《最蓝的眼睛》的互文阅读 《山东外语教学》 2013.3 (人大复印资料《外国文学研究》2013第11期全文转载)
55. 边缘地带的先锋:美国族裔文学语境中的美国非裔文学 《山东外语教学》2012.6
56. 杰恩科特兹诗歌布鲁斯诗学探析 《在全球语境下美国非裔文学国际研讨会论文集》 2011年9月
57. 双语写作构建的“完美的花园” 《外国语文》,2010年第4期
58. 爱欲的神话—论安德勒·罗德诗歌爱欲写作策略 《济南大学学报》 2010.1
59. 飞散的诗意家园—解读查理斯·雷兹尼科夫诗歌中的飞散情结 《20世纪美国诗歌国际学术研讨会》,2009年10月(CPCI-SSH收录)
60. “Our Common Sufferings”: Reflections on the Ethical Dimensions of Contemporary Disaster Poetry. Journal of Cambridge Studies 2009.4
61. 在变异的对话想象中建构成长--《爵士乐》中对话形式变异的语用意义分析 《美国文学研究》 2008.4
62. 共生的精神自传 《济南大学学报》 2008.4 (人大复印资料《外国文学研究》2008.8 全文转载)
63. 纽约与纽约派诗歌 《济南大学学报》 2007.3
64. 诗学与文化的紧张 《北京科技大学学报》 2006.4
65. 红艳的郁金香 苍白的生命 《济南大学学报》 2006.4
66. 蓝色的躯体—论艾丽斯?沃克诗歌的生态书写 《山东外语教学》 2005. 5
67. 自传的神话 《四川外语学院学报》 2005.4
68. 语言与性别的游戏—西尔维亚?普拉丝诗歌《申请人》互文性解读 《外国文学研究》2005.Spring Issue
69. 论罗伯特?洛威尔诗歌中的“自我造塑” 《山东外语教学》 2004.3
70. 喧嚣中难求片刻宁静—论罗伯特?弗罗斯特诗歌中的死亡意象 《济南大学学报》2004.1
71. 美国后现代诗歌的发展与美学特征 《北京科技大学学报》 2003.2(人大复印资料《外国文学研究》全文转载)
72. 查理斯·雷斯尼科夫诗歌中的飞散情结,世界文学研究论坛,vol.1.No.1 December 2009,118-134
73. 布鲁克斯长诗《在麦加》中的凝视方式与空间视角,中美诗歌诗学协会第一届年会论文集,华中师范大学出版社,2013年,413-429
74. “情”归何处----从《洛丽塔》中的地理空间说起 世界文学评论 May2011, No.1 67-71

1. 《庞德<诗章>中的纳西王国》 第三十四届社会科学优秀成果 三等奖 2020年10月
2. 《多元文化视野中的美国族裔诗歌研究》 山东省优秀社会科学成果一等奖(专著) 2018
3. 《论丽塔·达夫新作<穆拉提克奏鸣曲>的历史书写策略》 山东省社会科学优秀成果三等奖 2015
4. 《阅读、误读、伦理阅读“俄狄浦斯情结”》 山东省优秀社会科学成果二等奖(论文) 2011
5. 《后现代历史空间中的美国诗歌》 山东省教育厅优秀科研成果一等奖(系列论文) 2008
6. 《后现代主义视野中的美国当代诗歌》 山东省优秀社科成果三等奖(专著) 2007
7. 《美国后现代诗歌的发展与美学特征》 山东省教育厅优秀科研成果三等奖
8. 《后现代主义视野中的美国当代诗歌》 山东省教育厅优秀科研成果三等奖 2006
9. 《后现代主义视野中的美国当代诗歌》 济南社科成果二等奖 2007
10. 济南市十佳社科工作者 2007
11. 《投射在文本中的成长丽影——美国女性成长小说研究》 山东省高等学校优秀成果二等奖 2010
12. 《神话/民族志/自传》 济南市优秀社科成果二等奖 (论文) 2011
13. 《多元文化视野中的美国少数族裔诗歌研究》 济南市优秀社科成果一等奖 2012
14. 《多元文化视野中的美国族裔诗歌研究》 首届王佐良外国文学研究奖提名奖 2018





Post-Auschwitz Holocaust Poetic Writings
of Three Jewish American Poets

Symposium on “Text, History and Context: A Rereading of Literary Cannon from the Perspective of Ethic”
Oct.21-25, 2010
Hefei, Anhui Prov. China

On Wendy Rose Poetry’s Historical Writing Strategies

The Second National English Poetry Academic Symposium --A Study of English Poetry’s Historical Dimension
Oct.29-31, 2010
Changsha, Hunan Prov. China

Klepfisz’s Bilingual Poetic Writing from the Perspective of Nomadic Poetics

National Academic Symposium on “Home Awareness, Racial Politics and the change of Modern and Contemporary English Literature ”
Oct. 16-18, 2009
Jinhua, Zhejiang Prov. China

On Ethical Construction of Multi-dimensional Spaces in Ibsen’s Poetry

“Green Ibsen” International Academic Symposium
May 18-19,2009
Wuhan, Hubei Prov. China

On the Construction of Cultural Space in Rita Dove’s Poetry
The Fourth Internal Academic Forum on the Issue of Globalization
August 20-23, 2008
Beijing, China

On the Dance Rituals in Shange’ Chorepoem for colored girls”
The Second Ethnic Literature International Academic Symposium
Wuhan, China

On Personae Narrative in Pound’s Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
The Third Convention of the Chinese/American Association for Poetry and Poetics

On Politics of Space and Ethical Identity Confusion in Zadie Smith’s NW

Symposium on 21st Century Important Writers in English Literature
July 3-6, 2015
Chang Zhou, China

A Comparative Study on Ezra Pound and Henry James’s Aesthetic Thoughts
The Tenth Symposium of National Association for English Literature
Oct. 16-18, 2015
Jinan, China

Who Kills the “Feminine Monster”: On Ethical Tragedy and Narrative Strategies in Geling Yan’s To My Teacher, With Love
The 5thInternational Symposium on Ethical Literary Criticism
Seoul/Busan, Korea

Na khi Kingdom in Pound’s The Cantos
The Fourth Convention of the Chinese/American Association for Poetry and Poetics
Nov.29, 2015
Jinan, China

Wang Zhuo
Professor of English, Dean
School of Foreign Languages
Shandong NormalUniversity
Jinan, Shandong Prov.
Email: wangzhuo_69@sina.com
Cell phone: +86 **

Ph.D. 2010-2013 Central ChinaNormal University Comparative andWorld Literature Department
M.S. 2000-2003 ShandongUniversity Modern AmericanLiterature Research Institute
B.A. 1989-1993 Liaoning NormalUniversity Foreign LanguageDepartment
2014.9- Professor of English, dean of School ofForeign Languages, Shandong Normal University
Director of Research Center forForeign Literature and Culture, Shandong Normal University
2012.8-2013.9 Visiting Scholar, English Department, Upenn
2008.9-2014.8 Professor of English, School of ForeignLanguages, University of Jinan
2009Spring -2010 Spring Visiting Scholar,Comparative and World Literature Department
Central China Normal University
2003-2008 associate professor of English, School ofForeign Languages, University of Jinan
1998-2003 Lecturer of English, English Department,Shandong Building Material College
1993-1998 Teaching Assistant, English Department,Shandong Building Material College

My major researcharea is modern and contemporary American literature. Recent years, my researchfocuses on contemporary American poetry and poetics, African-Americanliterature and Native American literature.

1. ContemporaryAmerican Poetry from the Perspective of Postmodernism,Jinan:ShandongLiterary Press, 2005.
2. A Study of AmericanWomen’s Buildungroman, Beijing: China Book Press, 2008.
3. American LiteraryHistory, Wuhan:Central China Normal UniversityPublishing House, 2009.
4.A Study of Ethnic American Poetry from thePerspective of Multi-Cultures, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2015.

1.OnPolitics of Space and Confusion of Ethical Identity in Zadie Smith’s NW Contemporary Foreign Literature, 2015(3):99-105.
ABSTRACT: NW, asublime book delivered by Zadie Smith in 2012, one of the most successfulcontemporary British writers, dwells on the new issues of ethical identities ofthe second generation of British immigrants. In light of city space dimensionand human relation dimension, NWrepresents the complex ethical selections on “subject” and “object,” “self” and“other,” “master” and “guest” of British immigrants in the new millennium.
Keywords: Zadie Smith, NW, politics of space, ethical identity
2.A New Wave of Ethical Criticism: Reading Introductionto Ethical Literary CriticismPhilosophy and CultureAHCI),2015(4):137-148.
AbstractAgainstthe backgrounds of the ethical turn and the drawn-out debate over the relationsbetween ethics and aesthetics, Ethical Literary Criticism, an original criticaltheory proposed by Professor Nie Zhenzhao, an eminent Chinese scholar, hasgrown into a full-fledged critical discourse and an influential literarymethodology with the publication of Nie’ new monograph An Introduction toEthicalLiteraryCriticism. This paper, on the basis of an overview ofNie’s new book and some of his relative essays produced in the past ten years,examines some core concepts and fundamental arguments of Ethical LiteraryCriticism, and then focuses intensively on the significance of Ethical LiteraryCriticism as an effective and original methodology that bridges the gap betweenethics and aesthetics.
Key words Nie Zhenzhao;Ethical Literary Criticism; ethical turn; methodology; critical discourse
3.On Ethical Tragedy and Narrative Strategies in GelingYan’s To My Teacher, With LoveCLCWeb ComparativeLiterature and Culture17.5(2015) AHCIWang Zhuo
Abstract To My Teacher, with Love, Chinese-American writer Geling Yan’s 2014 new book focuses on anincestuous love tragedy which extends two essential issues in Yan’s novels:ethical issue and narrative issue. This paper examines the way in whichnarrative converges with ethics at the site of a radical “ethical environment.”The first-person confessional narration, the third-person reflective narrationand the hypertext online narration dialogue and interrogate with one another inthis novel, working together to bring forth Yan’s reconsideration on theethical dimensions of her well-known “Utmost Femininity,” and finally sentenceher “feminine monster” to death.
Key words Geling Yan; To My Teacher, with Love; ethical tragedy; narrative strategy;Utmost Femininity; feminine monster
4.Perloff’sLadder: Perloff and Her Poetic Genealogy Study, Forum for World Literature Studies, 2014.1
Abstract: Present throughout MarjoriePerloff’s poetry and poetics study, poetic genealogy study, combining with herconcepts of poetic lag, poetic contextuality, and differential reading, becomesa ladder which leads to a summit of her poetic study. Different from HaroldBloom’s poetic genealogy study in a framework of western cannon, Perloffconstructs a multi-poetic genealogy of British and American poetry in an openpoetic framework, and thus forming a unique “personal poetry cannon.”
Key words: Marjorie Perloff poetics genealogy
5.AnExchange of Confidences in “Black Interior”: An IntertextualReadingof Through the Ivory Gate and The Bluest Eye, Shandong Foreign LanguageTeaching, 2014.4
Abstract: Through the Ivory Gate, the single novel by Afro-American poet Laureate Rita Dove forms astriking intertextuality with The BluestEye, the first novel by Tony Morrison, the only Afro-American woman writerwho wins the Nobel Prize for literature. However, it is worthwhile to noticethat Through the Ivory Gate deviatesand revises The Bluest Eye in someessential identity plots, among which doll plot and incest plot are the mostrepresentative. In fact, Dove’s distancing from and revising of Morrison revealthe distinctions between black women writers from different era in terms ofracial identity and gender identity, depicting the trajectory of changes fromblack nationalism to black cosmopolitanism.
Key Words: Toni Morrison; Rita Dove; The Blues Eye; Through the Ivory Gate;identity plot
6.A Poetic RealmConstructed by Poetics and Ethics—A Reflection on Jewish Post-AuschwitzHolocaust Poetic Writings, Journal ofShandong University Shandong,2013 .3
Abstract: Different from the hot debateson holocaust novels and films, holocaust poetry seems seldom to enter into thesights of the readers and researchers. In fact, American Jewish poets’Post-Auschwitz Holocaust Poetic writings have not only become an essential partof American Jewish poetry, but in some senses framed American Jewish poetics. Dueto the historical uniqueness of holocaust which denied the humanity, AmericanJewish poets tend to be involved in the dilemmas of writing or not writing,telling or not telling, forgetting or not forgetting, and the secret arms toget rid of this predicament is Jewish poets’ poetic philosophies and ethicalchoices. It is reasonable to say that Post-Auschwitz Holocaust Poetic writingis a realm constructed by poetics and ethics.
Key Words: American Jewish poetry; Post-Auschwitz;dilemma; poetics; ethics
7.Race, Space and Discourse —A Review of ThadiousDavis’ Southscape: Geographies of Race, Region, & Literature, Foreign Literature Study,2013.4
AbstractSouthscape:Geographies of Race, Region, & Literature is the latest workof Thadious Davis who, now teaching at University ofPennsylvania, is an acclaimed expert in Southern American Literatureand Afro-American Literature. In thismagnumopus with about 500 pages, Davis remaps American Southern literature, restoresand reconstructs the indispensable position of black American writers in Americansouthern literature. This literary map not only extends the connotation anddenotation of American southern literature, but greatly enriches the studyperspectives and paradigms of Afro-American literature. Meanwhile, this book,with geographical space as its starting point, careful and thorough textanalysis as its foundation, makes amend for the weak points of contemporary spatialcriticism in meticulous text analysis and sets a classic example of literarystudy for spatial criticism.
Key Words: Thadious Davis Southscape race space discourse
8.ThePoetic Dances Between the Square Inch: On Multi-cultural Meanings of GeraldVizenor’s HaikusContemporaryForeign literature2013.4
ABSTRACT:Native American writer Gerald Vizenor’s Haiku complex, though nurtured inJapan, originates from three amazing correspondingpoints between Native American culture and Eastern poetic culture embodied in Haiku:1) Nature, the essence of Native American culture, is the core of Haiku’sthematic meanings as well; 2) The witty and jocular comment, the spiritual coreof trickster culture, is also the innate cultural quality of Haiku; 3) Haiku’sfragmented and multi-layered presentations happen to be the ideal languagestate that postmodern Native American writers try to realize to deconstruct thewhite language grammar. In some sense, Haiku is an ideal textual experimental fieldwhich could fulfill Vizenor’sstrategy of “survivance”.
Keywords:Gerald Vizenor; Haiku; nature; trickster; survivance
9.On Rita Dove’s Historical Writing Strategies in Sonata Mulattica, Foreign Literary Criticism,2012(4)
Abstract:Rita Dove’s Sonata Mulattica published in 2009 is one of the few narrative poem collections incontemporary American poetry forum. It is well accepted and highly acclaimedand won Hurston/Wright Legacy Award for Dove in 2010. This book is centered on the life andexperience of a mulatto violinist -George Augustus Polgreen Bridgetower who lived inEurope from the end of the 18th century to the middle of the 19thcentury and in particular on the story of the love and hatred between Bridgetowerand Beethoven, the great musician. Sonata Mulattica isthe continuity of Dove’s history complex and its unique subject and historicalwriting strategies help Dove fulfill her quest for the origin of cosmopolitancultural identity of black people. If Dove’s works previously publishedconstruct a cosmopolitan cultural identity of blacks in the air, this book laysdown a firm foundation for this castle in the air.
Key words: Rita Dove Sonata Mulattica historical writing cosmopolitanism cultural identity
10.Constructionof Cultural Space in Elizabeth Alexander's Poetry, Contemporary Foreign Literature, 2010(3):122-132.
ABSTRACT: Elizabeth Alexander epitomizes boththe dream and the predicament of other Afro-American poets in the post-soul era,and at the same time predicts the future ofcontemporary Afro-American poetry.Herconcept of“Black Interior” inherits and develops the tradition of spaceconstruction in contemporary Afro-American literature which has been theprimary source of her poetic creation.In her poetry,“Black Interior” is not onlyabstracted as a psychological space which touches the inner soul of the Black,but also objectified as a home image which isthe center of black women's life.Byso doing,Alexander achieves a full dimensionalwriting of the Black self.
Keywords: Elizabeth Alexander,poetics of“Black Interior”,cultural space
11.“APerfect Garden” Constructed in Bilingual Experimental Verse: Klepfisz’sBilingual Poetic Writing from the Perspective of Nomadic Poetics, Foreign language and Literature,2010(4):10-15.
Abstract: Due to her two marginal identifies -Jewish and lesbian,contemporary Jewish American woman poet Irena Klepfisz is extremely thirsty fora“cultural wholeness”, which is best illustrated in her“bilingual experimentalverse”in which English and Yiddish serve as the cultural signs. From theperspective of nomadic poetics, the becoming of bilingualwriting in ideologicalfields including language, race and gender help s Klepfisz achieve thewholeness of her self experience; and as a transcultural language game,bilingualwriting, from the perspective of postmodern space theory, help s toconstruct a perfect garden with cultural capacity in extreme sense.
Key words: bilingualwriting;nomadic poetics; homeland; lesbian
12.On theConstruction of Cultural Space in Rita Dove’s Poetry, Journal of PLA Universityof Foreign Languages, 2010(3):99-104.
Abstract:As the only Afro-American womanpoet who served as poet laureate of the United States, Rita Dove has realized aborder-crossing poetic writing with a heart of cosmopolitan. Correspondently,Dove’s poetry is filled with a strong sense of space. Space image has becomethe unique cultural signs in her poems and one of the approaches to Dove’sconstruction of her poetics, identity consciousness and home sentiment. Thispaper, developed from the three concrete space images in Dove’s poems -Geometry space, dancing space and flaneurspace, explores the perfect correspondence between the three space images withmodern space theories, and the dynamic cultural space of Dove’s poetic worldconstructed on this basis.
Key words: Rita Dove; Geometry space; dancingspace; flaneur space; cultural space
13.The Myth of Eros: Upon the Strategies ofLorde’s Eros Writing, Journal ofUniversity of Jinan, 2010(1):36-43.
Abstract: Asthe proponent of American Black Arts Movement and black lesbianfeminist, Andre Lordeadvances the idea of “eros as power”, and applies it to her poetic practicessuccessfully. Lorde’s poetry, with the guide of this thought, becomes thetender cradle for feminine body and erotic expression, and at the same time,becomes the forceful arms to deconstruct “myth of woman” and “myth ofcolonization”.
Key Words:eros; power; myth of woman; myth ofcolonization
14.The CagedBird Also Sings-A Study of the Cultural Identity Awareness in Maya Angelou’sPoetry, Shandong Social Science,2010(2):158-162.
Abstract: Maya Angelou is well-Known for her sixvolumes of autobiographies, and at the same time she has also achieved much inthe fields of music, theatre and as a member of the Civil Rights Movement. But,of course, her genius and achievement are mainly realized in her poeticwritings. In her majestic, playful, indignant or subtle poetry, Maya Angeloudeclares the psychic wholeness and complexity of the Blacks that are treasuredin particular by Afro-American woman writers, and records a black woman’smeditation and exploration into the cultural identity of black people indifferent historical context as well as in multi-cultural language system whichbecomes the key element of her poetry and is the thread that runs through herover 20-year poetic writings. Race awareness, woman awareness and selfawareness interweave and merge to set up the wholeness of Maya’s self identity.In addition, Maya Angelou transforms the once private and hard poetry intosimple and public words, which makes her a successful worldly poet.
Key Words: Maya Angelou race awareness womanawareness self awareness
15.Reading, Misreading and Ethical Reading of OedipusComplex: A Reading of DovesVerse Drama TheDarker Face of the Earth, Foreign Literature Study, 2009(4) :74-85.
Abstract: The Darker Face of theEarth by Rita Dove, the former Afro-American poet laureate of the United States,forms intertextuality with Oedipus King. However, Dove’s double marginal identities as black and woman decidethat the process of her rewriting of this Western canon is not a simpleadaptation, allusion or parody, but a process of creative reading, misreadingand ethical reading as well as a textual writing based on her poetics ofcosmopolitanism and black feminism. The cultural capacity of thesemulti-readings and writings is pleasantly surprising. On the one hand, thismulti-dimensional reading and writing process is Dove’s psychological fighting in secret which releases heranxiety about her cultural Mulatto and establishes her cosmopolitanism andblack feminism; on the other hand, it is also a process in which Dove’s The Darker Face of the Earth is subtly channeledinto the frame of Western canon.
Key words: Rita DoveThe Darker Face of theEarthOedipusComplexreadingmisreading ethicalreading
16.Legend,Ethnography and Autobiography: On Multiple Narrative Spaces of Yellow Woman , Contemporary ForeignLiterature, 2009(4):112-123.
Abstract: American Indian woman writerLeslie Marmon Silko, having been engaged in constructing new national stories,is not only expert in writing extensive novels, her short stories are alsohighly artistic due to her unique narrative strategies. Yellow Woman is such a delicate text of short story which is fullof narrative tensions. In the orchestra of the legendary narration,ethnographic narration and autobiographical narration, Silko realizes herliterary dream of writing new national stories as a minority woman writer, andat the same time, establishes the common spiritual growth of Indian women inthe dynamic modes of narrative construction and deconstruction.
Key Words: Leslie Marmon Silko YellowWoman legendary narration ethnographic narration autobiographical narration
17.A Studyof Jewish American Poetic Writing from the Perspective of Flaneur’s Narrative, English and American Literature Study,2009(11): 194-216.
Abstract: The cultural commonness betweenflaneurs and American Jew make them the mirrors for each other. And as anarrative strategy, flaneur is a two-edged sword: on the one hand, it is thetool for a few modern English and American writers with anti-semitic trend toforeignize Jew; on the other hand, it is the arms for the Jewish poets tosubvert the stereotypical images of Jew and to rebuild Jewishness. From theperspective of narratology, this paper examines the flaneur as a spacenarrative strategy of American Jewish poets, and based on the dynamic culturalforce of flaneur, the paper explores modern American poets’ strategy of makingAmerican Jewish stereotypical image as well as the American Jewish poets’strategy of subversion.
Key words: flaneur;narrative strategy;cultural force;Jewishpoetics
18.“Our Common Sufferings”: Reflections on the Ethical Dimensions ofContemporary Disaster Poetry, Journal ofCambridge Studies, Vol.4. No.4 December 2009,114-126.
Abstract: The latter half of the 20thcentury witnessed a turning point of reconsideration of the relations betweenpoetry and ethics. The new millennium, when people all over the worldexperience suffering from natural and man-made disasters again and again,sees the outpourings of poems in response tovarious disastrous events. These disasters include terrorist attacks ofSeptember 11, 2001, Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and more recently, the SichuanEarthquake in China in the year of 2008, which flame or revivify an oldaesthetic debate-the relations between poetry and ethics. This paper, aftergiving a sketch of contemporary disaster poetry, makes an analysis of thecomplex relationships between poetry and ethics from three aspects, namely, thesilent witness, the traumatic memory and the ethical act of contemporarydisaster poetry, which jointly make up the multi- ethical dimensions of disasterpoetry.
Key Words: disaster poetry, ethicaldimensions, silent witness, traumatic memory, ethical act
19.A PoemBorn in “Puzzles”—An Intertextual Analysis of Merrill’ Lost in Translation, Journal of PLA Universityof Foreign Languages, 2006(2):90-94.
AbstractJames Merrill had never given up the eleganceof traditional poetry in his creative career. He held a life-long traditionalformal stance in the era of artistic revolutions and innovations. However,traditional means of reading is completely unfitful for his deceptively traditional poems, since beneath thetraditional forms, there are so many unpredictable references and languagefragments. “Lost in translation”, one of his representative poems, is apoem that illustrates the postmodern interstylisticity via intertextualfragments.
Key WordsJames Merrill; new formalism; puzzle;intertextuality
20.ThePoetic Writing of Alice Walker—A Study of Alice Walker’s Poetic Themes, Foreign Literary Criticism,2006(5):87-96.
Abstract: As the most active contemporary BlackAmerican writer, Alice Walker draws extensive attention with her strikingnovels. However, Walker’s literary career began with poetic creation which goesthrough her life. From Once in 1968 to Absolute Trust in the Goodnessof the Earth in 2003, Walker writes her life experience and profoundthoughts at various phases in her poetry. Unfortunately, Walker’s poetry hasnever got the claim it deserves. Based on abundant research work, the papergives special attention to Walker’s poetic themes, and interprets her“womanist” writing, “nationalist” writing and eco-ethic writing from a newperspective.
Key words: poetic writing theme womanist nationalism eco-ethicconsciousness
Other Recent Essays:
21.AMyth of Autobiography: On Robert Lowell’s Confessional Poetry, Journal of Sichuan Foreign Languages School,2005.4
22.TheBlue Body: On Ecological Writings of Alice Walker’s Poetry, Shandong Foreign Language Teaching,2005. 5
23.Onthe Death Images in Robert Frost’s Poetry, Journalof Jinan University, 2004.1
The Intensity between Poetic and Culture, Journalof Beijing Science and Technology, 2006.4
New York and New York School Poetry, Journalof Jinan University, 2007.3
24.ConstructingGrowth in deviated Dialogic Imagination: An Pragmatic Analysis on the Deviation of the Dialogues in Jazz, American Literature Studies, 2008.4
25.AReview of An Introduction to EnglishPoetry Forms, Shandong SocialSciences, 2007.11
26.SymbioticSpiritual Memoir: Reading Walker’s Now Isthe Time to Open Your Heart, Journalof Jinan University 2008.8
27.TheMyth of Eros: On the Strategies of Lorde’s Eros Writing, Journal of Jinan University, 2010.1
28.AStudy of Jewish American Poetic Writing from the Perspective of Flaneur’sNarrative, English and American LiteraryStudies,2009.11
29.A Review of The Interplay between Art and Politics: A Study of Langston Hughes’sPoetry, Foreign Literature Study, 2011.1
30.Politics,History and Aesthetics as Tropes: An Introduction, Forum for World Literature Studies2015.3.
31.TheEthical Dimensions of Incestuous Love, ShandongForeign Language Teaching, 2015 .4.

1.2007 Contemporary American Poetryfrom the Perspective of Postmodernism, Shandong Prov. Outstanding SocialScience Achievements Award(Awarded Best Book)
2.2008 A Historical Review of Contemporary Americanpoetry, Shandong Prov. High School Outstanding Social Science Award(AwardedBest Series of Papers)
3.2010 A Study of American Women’s Buildungroman,Shandong Prov. High School Outstanding Social Science Award(Awarded Best Book)
4.2014 On Rita Dove’s HistoricalWriting Strategies in Sonata Mulattica,Shandong Prov. Outstanding Social Science Achievements Award(Awarded BestPaper)

1.2012- National Social Science Fund, AGenealogical Study of Imagism, Objectivist Poetics and Black Mountain Poetics
2.2006-2009 , National SocialScience Fund, A Study of American Ethnic Poetry from the Perspective ofMulti-cultures
3.2003-2005 Shandong Prov. SocialScience Program A Study of thehistorical space of postmodern American poetry
4.2005-2007 Shandong Prov. Social Science Program A Study of American Women’s Bildungsroman
5.2006-2008 Shandong Prov. High School Social ScienceProgram, A Study of American BlackAutobiography Theory and Autobiographical Novels
6.2005-2006 Jinan Social Science Program A Comparative Study of Chinese and WesternCity Culture
7.2009-2011 Shandong Prov. Social Science Program, AStudy of English Disaster Poetry’s Aesthetics, Politics and Ethics


Post-Auschwitz Holocaust Poetic Writings
of Three Jewish American Poets

Symposium on “Text, History and Context: A Rereading of Literary Cannon from the Perspective of Ethic”
Oct.21-25, 2010
Hefei, Anhui Prov. China

On Wendy Rose Poetry’s Historical Writing Strategies

The Second National English Poetry Academic Symposium --A Study of English Poetry’s Historical Dimension
Oct.29-31, 2010
Changsha, Hunan Prov. China

Klepfisz’s Bilingual Poetic Writing from the Perspective of Nomadic Poetics

National Academic Symposium on “Home Awareness, Racial Politics and the change of Modern and Contemporary English Literature ”
Oct. 16-18, 2009
Jinhua, Zhejiang Prov. China

On Ethical Construction of Multi-dimensional Spaces in Ibsen’s Poetry

“Green Ibsen” International Academic Symposium
May 18-19,2009
Wuhan, Hubei Prov. China

On the Construction of Cultural Space in Rita Dove’s Poetry
The Fourth Internal Academic Forum on the Issue of Globalization
August 20-23, 2008
Beijing, China

On the Dance Rituals in Shange’ Chorepoem for colored girls”
The Second Ethnic Literature International Academic Symposium
Wuhan, China

On Personae Narrative in Pound’s Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
The Third Convention of the Chinese/American Association for Poetry and Poetics

On Politics of Space and Ethical Identity Confusion in Zadie Smith’s NW

Symposium on 21st Century Important Writers in English Literature
July 3-6, 2015
Chang Zhou, China

A Comparative Study on Ezra Pound and Henry James’s Aesthetic Thoughts
The Tenth Symposium of National Association for English Literature
Oct. 16-18, 2015
Jinan, China

Who Kills the “Feminine Monster”: On Ethical Tragedy and Narrative Strategies in Geling Yan’s To My Teacher, With Love
The 5thInternational Symposium on Ethical Literary Criticism
Seoul/Busan, Korea

Na khi Kingdom in Pound’s The Cantos
The Fourth Convention of the Chinese/American Association for Poetry and Poetics
Nov.29, 2015
Jinan, China

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