

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-28

2007/8 - 2013/5:美国康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut),海洋学,博士
2003/9 - 2007/6:中国海洋大学,生物科学,学士
2017/8 -今:中国海洋大学,环境科学与工程学院,“青年英才工程”,副教授
2014/4 -2017/3:中国海洋大学,环境科学与工程学院,博士后
2011/5-2011/7:美国克雷格·文特尔研究所(J. Craig Venter Institute),访问****
1. mRNA剪接前导序列在海洋桡足类中的普适性与特异性。
1.Zhuang Y, Yang F, Xu D, Chen H, Zhang H*, Liu G*. Spliced leader-based analyses reveal the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on gene expression in the copepodPseudodiaptomus poplesia.Aquatic Toxicology. 2017. 183, 114-126.
2. Yang F, Xu D,Zhuang Y, Yi X, Huang Y, Chen H, Lin S, Campbell DA, Sturm NR, Liu G*, Zhang H*. Spliced leader RNA trans-splicing discovered in copepods.Scientific reports. 2015. 5:17411.
3.Zhuang Y, Zhang H, Hannick L, Lin S*. Metatranscriptome profiling reveals versatile N-nutrient utilization, CO2limitation, oxidative stress, and active toxin production in anAlexandrium fundyensebloom.Harmful Algae. 2015. 42, 60-70.
4. Lin S*, Cheng S, Song B, Zhong X, Lin X, Li W, Li L, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Ji Z, Cai M,Zhuang Y, Shi X, Lin L, Wang L, Wang Z, Liu X, Yu S, Zeng P, Hao H, Zou Q, Chen C, Li Y, Wang Y, Xu C, Meng S, Xu X, Wang J, Yang H, Campbell DA, Sturm NR, Dagenais-Bellefeuille S, Morse D, 2015. TheSymbiodinium kawagutiigenome illuminates dinoflagellate gene expression and coral symbiosis.Science350, 691-694.
5.Zhuang Y, Zhang H, Lin S*. Polyadenylation of 18S ribosomal RNA in algae.Journal of Phycology.2013. 49(3): 570-579.
6.Zhuang Y, Zhang H, Lin S*.Cyclin B gene and its cell cycle-dependent differential expression in the toxic dinoflagellateAlexandrium fundyenseAtama Group I/Clade I.Harmful Algae.2013.26: 71-79.
7. Lu W,Zhuang Y, Zhang H, Lin X, Lin S*. DNA barcoding species inAlexandrium tamarensecomplex using ITS and proposing designation of five species.Harmful Algae.2014. 21: 100-113.
8. Zhang H*,Zhuang Y, Gill J, Lin S*. Proof that dinoflagellate spliced leader (DinoSL) is a useful hook for fishing dinoflagellate transcripts from mixed microbial samples:Symbiodinium kawagutiias a case study.Protist.2013. 164(4): 510-527.
9. Kuo RC, Zhang H*,Zhuang Y, Hannick L, Lin S*.Transcriptomic study reveals widespread spliced leader trans-Splicing, Short 5’-UTRs and potential complex carbon fixation mechanisms in the Euglenoid AlgaEutreptiellasp.PLoS One2013. 8(4), e60826.
10. Miranda LN,Zhuang Y, Zhang H*, Lin S*. Phylogenetic analysis guided by intragenomic SSU rDNA polymorphism refines classification of “Alexandrium tamarense” species complex.Harmful Algae.2012.16:35-48.
11.Chan CX, Blouin NA,Zhuang Y, Z?uner S, Prochnik SE, Lindquist E, Lin S, Benning C, Lohr M, Yarish C, Gantt E, Grossman AR, Lu S, Müller K, Stiller JW, Brawley SH, Bhattacharya D*.Porphyra(Bangiophyceae) Transcriptomes provide insights into red algal development and metabolism.Journal of Phycology.2012.48:1328-42.
12. Lin S*, Zhang H,Zhuang Y, Tran B, Gill J. Spliced leader-based metatranscriptomic analyses lead to recognition of hidden genomic features in dinoflagellates.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.2010. 107(46):20033-20038.
1.Zhuang Y, Zhang H, Huang Y, Liu G, Lin S. Using 454 pyrosequencing to study in situ diet of marine copepod Calanus sinicus. PICES Annual Meeting: Change and Substainbility of the North Pacific, 2015, Qingdao.Best Oral Presentationawarded by Biological Oceanography Committee of PICES.
2.Zhuang Y, Wang W, Chen H, Huang Y, Pan Y, Zhang H, Liu G. Metabarcoding reveals the effects of asian dust on the taxonomic composition of a northwest pacific plankton assemblages. 13thAnnual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 2016, Beijing. (Oral presentation)
3.Zhuang Y, Zhang H and Lin S. Polyadenylation of 18S ribosomal RNA in algae. 51thAnnual Northeast Algal Symposium. 2012. Schoodic Point, ME, USA.
4.Zhuang Y, Zhang H and Lin S. 454 pyrosequencing for eukaryotic microbes: dinoflagellates as a focus. 50thAnnual Northeast Algal Symposium. 2011. Woods Hole, MA, USA. (Oral presentation)
5.Zhuang Y, Zhang H and Lin S. Expression profiling of mitotic cyclin in toxic dinoflagellate,Alexandrium fundyense. 14thInternational Conference on Harmful Algae, 2010. Hersonissors, Crete, Greece.
6.Zhuang Yand Lin S. Regulatory network of cell cycle in marine phytoplankton. 63rdPhycological Society of America annual meeting with Plant Biology, 2009. Honolulu, HI. (Oral presentation)
7.Zhuang Y, Zhang H and Lin S. Regulatory pathways of cell division cycle and signal transduction in dinoflagellates (KarlodiniumandAmphidinium): insights from full-length cDNA sequencing. International Plant & Animal Genome Conference XVI, 2008. San Diego, CA.

Dr. Yunyun Zhuang
Associate Professor
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China
238 Songling Road, Qingdao 266100, China
Ph. D., Oceanography, University of Connecticut, USA, 2013
B. S., Biological Sciences, Ocean University of China, 2007
Research Experience
2017/8-present Associate professor,College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China
2014/4-2017/3Postdoc research associate, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China
2011/5-2011/7Visiting Scholar, J. Craig Venter Institute (Rockville, MD, USA)
Research Interest
Molecular ecology and functional genomics of marine plankton, mainly focus on,
1. Copepod mRNA spliced leader: ubiquity, evolution and utility.
2. Molecular mechanism of plankton response to environmental changes:1)nutrient uptake and assimilation, cell cycle in phytoplankton;2)copepod response to pollutants.
3. DNA barcoding and plankton biodiversity, biodiversity of in situ diet of copepods.

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