

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-28


Dateof birth: April 29, 1966
Directorof Key Laboratory of Marine Environment and Ecology, Ministry ofEducation of China
Directorof Research Center of Marine Environmental Protection, OceanUniversity of China (OUC)
Directorof OUC-UEA (University of East Anglia) Joint Centre for Integrative Ocean Science (J-CIOS)
Scientific expertise: Maine and Atmospheric Environmental Science
Address:238 Songling Road, Qingdao 266100, P.R.China
Phone:+86 -
Fax: +86 -

EDUCATION09/1984-07/1988:Bachelor of Science on Meteorology
Departmentof Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University
09/1988-07/1991:Master of Science on Atmospheric Dynamics
Departmentof Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University
09/1991-04/1996:Ph.D. on Atmospheric Physics and Environment
Instituteof Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Researchareas: Long range transport of SO2 and deposition

RESEARCH EXPERIENCES04/1996-10/1998:Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Physical Oceanography,
OceanUniversity of Qingdao
Researchareas: Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Modeling
10/1998-10/1999:Professor, Institute of Physical Oceanography,
OceanUniversity of Qingdao
03/2000-05/2002:Professor, Director of Institute of Marine Environment,
OceanUniversity of Qingdao
05/2002-07/2013: Dean and Professor,
Collegeof Environmental Science and Engineering,
OceanUniversity of China
07/2013-present: Professor, Ocean University of China
07/2004-09/2005:Director of Research Institute of Marine Environmental Sciences, Ocean University of China
10/2005-present: Director of Research Center of Environmental Protection,
OceanUniversity of China
07/2009-present: Director of Key Laboratory of Marine Environment and Ecology,
Ministryof Education of China

INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION AND CONFERENCE11/1999-02/2000:Visiting scientist, MPI forMeteorology/University of Hamburg, Germany
07/2004-09/2004: Visiting scientist, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel University, Germany.
11/2004-02/2005: Visiting scientist, IUP, Heidelberg University, Germany.
09/2006-11/2006: Visiting scientist, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy.
10/2014-03/2015: Visiting scholar, EAPS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
05/2009-Present:Principle Investigator, International SOLAS(Surface Ocean –Lower Atmosphere Study)-ADOES (Asian Dust andMarine Ecosystem) Ad Hoc Task Team
05/2010-Present:Principle investigator,UNESCO/IOC/WESTPAC-ADOES Working Group
10/2005:Co-chair, 1st Workshop on Asian Dust and Ocean Ecosystem with Asian SOLAS, Weihai,China
08/2006:Co-chair, China SOLAS Special Session on Asian Dust and the Pacific Ocean Ecosystems for WPGP, Beijing, China.
09/2009:Co-chair, Discussion Sessions on Future forthe Asian Dust and Ocean EcoSystem (ADOES) with Asian SOLAS, SOLAS Open Science Conference, Barcelona, Spain
03/2011:Co-chair,SideWorkshop on Asian Dust and its Impact on Ocean Ecosystem in the Western Pacific (WESTPAC-ADOES), 8th IOC/WESTPACInternational Scientific Symposium, Busan, Korea.
10/2010:Invited speaker, “Response of Marine Ecosystem to Asian Fertilization From Coastal Sea to Open Ocean”, PICES Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA
12/2010:Invited speaker, “Asian Dust Transportationand Fertilizing the Coastal Open Ocean in the Northern Pacific”, AGU Fall Conference, San Francisco, California, USA
05/2012:Invited speaker, “Correlation of Asian dust with chlorophyll andprimary productivity in North Pacific Ocean”, SOLAS Open ScienceConference, Cle Elum, WA, USA
04/2014:Co-chair, Session of “Status, trends and effects of climate, natural disturbances and anthropogenicstressors on ocean ecosystems” at UENSCO/IOC/WESTPAC 9th International Scientific Symposium, 22 - 25 April 2014, Nha Trang,Vietnam.
08/2014:Chair,7thworkshop on Asian Dust and Ocean EcoSystem(ADOES), 13 - 15 August, 2014, Yinchuan, China.
01/2015:Guest editor, “Special Issue on Regional Climate: Downscaling, Prediction and Impact Assessment” at Advancesin Meteorology.

TEACHINGForundergraduate students:
2000-2002:Atmospheric Chemistry
2006-2006:Air Pollution Meteorology
2008-Present:Environmental Oceanography
2012-Present:Frontiers of Environmental Science
Forgraduate students:
2002-2003:Atmospheric Boundary Meteorology and
Atmospheric Dispersion
2002-Present:Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Modeling
2002-Present:Atmospheric Environmental Chemistry
2007-present:Global Environmental Change and Sustainable Development
2012-present:Environmental Oceanography

Research Interests and ActivitiesThemain aspects of interests:
1) Atmospheric chemistry and regional air quality;
2) Atmospheric deposition and its impact on marine primary production;
3) Dynamics of marine ecosystem in coastal and open ocean;
4) Ship based air-sea flux measurement and data processing;
5) Marine environmental health assessment and climate change.

OTHER FUNCTIONS Member, Editorial Board "Indian Journal of Marine EnvironmentalSciences" (2002-2005).
Member, Editorial Board "Journal of Atmospheric Science (ChineseVersion) " (2005-).
Member, Editorial Board "Journal of Ocean University of China (Chineseand English version)" (2003-).
Member, Editorial Board "Journal of Marine Environmental Sciences(Chinese version)" (2004-).
Member, Editorial Board "Journal of Marine Forecast (Chinese version)"(2010-).
Member, American Geophysical Union(2008-)
Memberand deputy director, Shandong Provincial Association of Mechanics(2003-).
Memberand deputy Secretary, Chinese Association of Ocean and Limnology(2003-).
Member, Chinese Association of Atmospheric Chemistry (2006-).
Member, Chinese Association of Marine Environmental Science (2000-).
Member, Chinese National Committee of IGBP (CNC-IGBP) (2005-2009)
Member, Science Committee and the Secretary-general of Chinese SOLAS Workinggroup (2003-).
Member, Scientific Committee of Chinese ABC (Atmospheric Brown Cloud) project(2004-).
Member, Teaching Guidance Committee for Undergraduate Environmental Science Education, Chinese Ministry of Education (2006-).
Deputydirector, Qingdao City Association of Environmental Protection(2010-).
Deputydirector, Working group on Marine Environmental Protection, Chinese Association of Environmental Science (2008-).
Member, Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone Consulting Committee (2009-).
Member, International SOLAS Project Scientific Steering Committee (2012-).
Member, The 7th disciplineassessment groups of the academic degree commission of the statecouncil (2015-).

Awards2000:Outstanding Instructor Scholarship, Ministry of Education
2004:Fellow of New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry ofEducation
2005:Outstanding Young Intellectual of Shandong province
2006:Sci-Tech Bronze Award, Environmental Protection Agency of China
2008:Teacher of National Top Quality Courses
2009:Postgraduate education teaching achievement award of Shandong province
2011:Outstanding teacher of Shandong province
2012:Winner of special government allowance ofthe state council
2014:Graduate education teaching achievement award of Shandong province
on-going Founded projectsTheimpacts of Asian dust deposition on marine primary production incoastal seas and open ocean in Northern Pacific (**,2013-2017), 3M RMB, National Nature Science Foundation.
Responseof nitrogen cycle and primary productivity to atmospheric deposition,and climate feedback (2014CB953700, 2014-2018), 15M RMB, NationalBasic Research Program of China.
Marineecology and environmental science: Marine pollution and its impactand control at Chinese coastal regions (U**, 2014-2018),5.5M, Joint program of National Nature Science Foundation and Shandong Province.
Aresooty ships enhancing the primary productivity in the ocean?(2015.3-2017.3,100K RMB) International Exchanges programof National Nature Science Foundation and The Royal Society, UK.
GongX, J. Shi, H. W. Gao*,and X. H. Yao(2015). Steady-state solutions for subsurface chlorophyll maximum in stratified water columns with a bell-shapevertical profile of chlorophyll. Biogeosciences,12, 905–919.
FuHuaiyu, Mei Zheng, Caiqing Yan, Xiaoying Li, HuiwangGao, Xiaohong Yao, Zhigang Guo,Yuanhang Zhang(2015). Sources and characteristics of fine particles over the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea using online single particle aerosol massspectrometer. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 29, 62-70.

Cai,Z., Liu, Z., Guo, X., Gao,H.,Wang, Q (2014). Influences of intratidal variations in density field on the subtidal currents: Implication from a synchronized observation by multiships and a diagnostic calculation. Journalof Geophysical Research-Oceans,119, 2014, 2017–2033.
GongXiang, Shi Jie, and GaoHuiwang*(2014).Modeling Seasonal Variations of Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum in South China Sea, Oceanicand Coastal Sea Research,DOI 10.1007/s11802-014-2060- ISSN 1672-5182, 2014, 13 (4): 561-571.
YanHan, Liu Xiaohuan, Qi Jianhua, Gao Huiwang*(2014). Dry deposition of PM10 over the yellow sea during Asian dust events from 2001 to 2007,Journal of Environmental Sciences,26(1): 54-64.
Liu, X. H.,Zhu, Y. J., Zheng, M., Gao, H. W.,and Yao, X. H (2014). Production and growth of newparticles during two cruise campaigns in the marginal seas of China,Atmos. Chem. Phys.,14, 7941-7951, doi:10.5194/acp-14-7941-2014.
DengYinyin, Tao Gao, Huiwang Gao*,Xiaohong Yao, Lian Xie (2014). Regional precipitation variability in East Asia related to climate and environmental factors during1979-2012. Scientifc Report,4 : 5693, DOI: 10.1038/srep05693
GaoHuiwang, Chen Jinling, Chen Jing(2014).Regional distributions of air pollution index in major cities of China, Periodical of Ocean University ofChina, 44(10): 025-034. (高会旺,陈金玲,陈静.中国城市空气污染指数的区域分布特征,中国海洋大学学报,2014, 44(10):025-034.)
DuanZiqiang, Gao Huiwang*,Gao Zengxiang (2104). The moving ship-based eddy covariance measurement of atmospheric turbulence in the northern Yellow Sea,Periodical of Ocean University of China,44(11): 081-088.(段自强,高会旺,高增祥.利用船载走航涡动相关资料分析北黄海海域大气湍流特征,中国海洋大学学报,2014, 44(11): 081-088.)
GaoHuiwang, Yao Xiaohong, Gao Zhigang, HanZhiwei, Kao Shuji (2014). Atmospheric deposition connected with marine primary production and nitrogen cycle, Advancesin Earth Sciences, 29(12):1325-1332.(高会旺,姚小红,郭志刚,韩志伟,高树基.大气沉降对海洋初级生产过程与氮循环的影响研究进展[J].地球科学进展,2014,29(12):1325-1332. Doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001.8166.2014.12.1325.)

Liu,Y., T.R. Zhang, J.H. Shi, H.W.Gao,and X.H. Yao (2013). Responses of chlorophyll a to added nutrients,Asian dust, and rainwater in an oligotrophic zone of the Yellow Sea:Implications for promotion and inhibition effects in an incubation experiment. Journal Of Geophysical Research-Biogeosci, 118,doi:10.1002/2013JG002329.
DuanZiqiang, Huiwang Gao*,Zengxiang Gao, Renlei Wang, Yuhuan Xue, Xiaohong Yao (2013). AnApproach to Minimizing Artifacts Caused by Cross-Sensitivity in the Determination of Air–Sea CO2Flux Using the Eddy-Covariance Technique. Boundary-LayerMeteorology, 148:227–239. DOI10.1007/s10546-013-9814-1.
ChenX, Gao H, Yao X, ChenZ, Fang H, et al. (2013). Ecosystem Health Assessment in the Pearl River Estuary of China by Considering Ecosystem Coordination. PLoSONE 8(7): e70547.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
TanS-C, Yao X, Gao H-W,Shi G-Y, Yue X (2013). Variability in the Correlation between Asian Dust Storms and Chlorophyll a Concentrationfrom the North to Equatorial Pacific. PLoS ONE8(2): e57656. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
ShiJin-Hui, Jing Zhang, Hui-Wang Gao,Sai-Chun Tan, Xiao-Hong Yao, Jing-Ling Ren(2013). Concentration,solubility and deposition flux of atmospheric particulate nutrientsover the Yellow Sea, Deep Sea Research PartII: Topical Studies in Oceanography,97:43-50.
QiJ.H., J.H. Shi,H.W.Gao,Z. Sun(2013). Atmospheric dry and wet deposition of nitrogen speciesand its implication for primary productivity in coastal region of theYellow Sea, China, Atmospheric Environment,81: 600-608.
ZhangT.R., J.H. Shi, H.W.Gao,J. Zhang, X.H. Yao, Impact of source and atmospheric processing on Fesolubility in aerosols over the Yellow Sea, China, AtmosphericEnvironment,75: 249-256.
Liu,Y., T. R. Zhang, J. H. Shi, H. W. Gao,and X. H. Yao (2013). Responses of chlorophyll a to added nutrients,Asian dust, and rainwater in an oligotrophic zone of the Yellow Sea:Implications for promotion and inhibition effects in an incubationexperiment, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci.,118, doi:10.1002/2013JG002329.
WangJie, Duan Ziqiang, Yao Xiaohong, Gao Hui-wang(2013). Correction of ship-based turbulent windvelocity and characterization of turbulence in the Northwest Pacific.Journal of Tropical Oceanography,doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-5470.2013.03.002 (inChinese with English abstract).
GaoPei, Zhengyan Li, Mark Gibson, Huiwang Gao(2013). Ecological risk assessment of nonylphenol in coastal watersof China based on species sensitivity distribution model.Chemosphere, DOI.10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.10.076

YanHan, Gao Huiwang, YaoXiaohong, and Wang Zifa (2012). Simulating Dry Deposition Fluxes ofPM10 and Particulate Inorganic Nitrogen over the Eastern China Seas During a Severe Asian Dust Event Using WRF-Chem Model. Journal of Ocean University of China, 11(3): 301-314.
ZheLiu, Haiyan Wang, Xinyu Guo, Qiang Wang, and HuiwangGao (2012). The age of Yellow River water in the Bohai Sea. Journal of GeophysicalResearch, VOL. 117, C11006,doi:10.1029/2012JC008263.
Jin-HuiShi, Hui-Wang Gao,Jing Zhang, Sai-Chun Tan, Jing-Ling Ren,Cheng-Gang Liu, Ying Liu, and Xiaohong Yao (2012). Examination of causative link between a springbloom and dry/wet deposition of Asian dust in the Yellow Sea, China.Journal Of Geophysical Research,VOL. 117, D17304, doi:10.1029/2012JD017983.
GuangliangLiu, Zhe Liu, Huiwang Gao,Zengxiang Gao, Shizuo Feng (2012). Simulation of the Lagrangiantide-induced residual velocity in a tide-dominated coastal system: acase study of Jiaozhou Bay, China. OceanDynamics, Volume 62, Issue10-12, pp 1443-1456.
LangYinhai, Wang Nannan, Gao Huiwang,Bai Jie (2012). Distribution and risk assessment of polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from Liaohe estuarine wetland soils.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,184(9): 5545-5552.
GongXiang, Shi Jie and Gao Huiwang(2012). Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum in Ocean:Its Characteristics and Influencing Factors. Advancesin Earth Science, 27(5):539-548. (in Chinesewith English abstract)
YanHan, Gao Huiwang, YaoXiaohong, Shi Jinhui, Yuchao (2012). Size Dependent Mass and Dry Deposition Fluxes of Atmospheric Aerosols along Dust TransportRoutes. Climatic and Environmental Research.17(2):205-214. (in Chinese with English abstract)
LiuZhen, QI Jian-hua, WANG Lin, CHEN Xiao-jing, SHI Jin-hui, GAOHui-wang (2012). Particle size distribution of water-soluble inorganic ions of atmospheric aerosol in Qingdao.China Environmental Science, 32(8):1422-1432.

QiJ.H., H.W. Gao, L.M.Yu and J.J. Qiao (2011). Distribution of inorganicnitrogen-containing species in atmospheric particles from an islandin the Yellow Sea. Atmospheric Research,101, 938-955, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.06.003.
GaoHuiwang, Chen Jing, Wang Bin, Tan Saichun,Lee Colin M., Yao Xiaohong, Yan Han, Shi Jinhui., A study of airpollution of city clusters, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45(18): 3069-3077.
TanSaichun, Shi Guangyu, Shi Jinhui, Gao Huiwang,Yao Xiaohong., Correlation of Asian dust with chlorophyll and primaryproductivity in the coastal seas of China during the period from 1998to 2008, Journal of Geophysical Research,2011,116, G02029, doi: 02010.01029/02010JG001456.
YangLina, Li Zhengyan, Zou Li, Gao Huiwang.,Removal capacity and pathways of phenolic endocrine disruptors in anestuarine wetland of natural reed bed, Chemosphere,2011, 83(3): 233-239.
WangYucheng, Liu Zhe, Gao Huiwang,Ju Lian, Guo Xinyu., Response of salinity distribution around the Yellow River mouth to abrupt changes in river discharge, Continental Shelf Research, 2011, 31(6): 685-694.
LiJialin, Bai Jie, Gao Huiwang,Liu Guangxing., Distribution of ammonia-oxidizing Betaproteobacteria community in surface sediment off the Changjiang River Estuary insummer, Acta Oceanologica Sinica,2011, 30(3): 92-99.
LangYinhai, Wang Nannan, Gao Huiwang,Bai Jie., Distribution and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (PAHs) from Liaohe estuarine wetland soils, Earthand Environmental Science, 2011, doi:10.1007/s10661-011-2360-8.

ShiJinhui, Gao Huiwang,Qi Jianhua, Zhang Jing, Yao Xiaohong., Sources, compositions, anddistributions of water-soluble organic nitrogen in aerosols over theChina Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research,2010, 115, D17303, doi:10.1029/2009JD013238.
LiuLi, GaoHuiwang, ZhaoXin,ChenXiaohua., Wastewater treatment: Enhanced biological treatment ofstorm flows, Filtration & separation,2010, 47(2): 23-27.
ChenXiaoyan, GaoHuiwang, Yao Xiaohong, Fang Hongda, ChenZhenhua, Xu Zhanzhou., Ecosystem-Based Assessment Indices ofRestoration for Daya Bay near a Nuclear Power Plant in South China,Environmental science and Technology,2010, 44(19): 7589-7595.
WangYan, Liu Ruhai, Gao Huiwang,Bai Jie, Ling Ming., Degeneration Mechanism Research of Suaeda Heteroptera Wetland of the Shuangtaizi Estuary National Nature Reserve in China, Procedia EnvironmentalSciences, 2010, 2:1157-1162.
YangHua, Zou Li, Yao Xiaohong, Zhang Peng, GaoHuiwang, Anthropogenic impact on inter-tidal area of Yellow River Delta: Indicated by activity of linear alkylbenzenes (LABs), Marine environmental science,2010, 29(5): 728-732.

LinShaoying, Zou Tao, Gao Huiwang,Guo Xinyu., The vertical attenuation of irradiance as a function ofturbidity: a case of the Yellow Sea in spring, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2009, 28(5): 66-75.
GaoHuiwang, Qi Jianhua, Shi Jinhui, Shi Guangyu,Feng Shizuo., Long-range transport of Asian dust and its effects onocean ecosystem, Advances in Earth Science,2009, 24(1):1-10 (in Chinese with English abstract).
GaoHuiwang, Gu Ming, Wang Renlei., Analysis of the Characteristics of the Atmospheric Turbulence Intensity and the Similarity of the Standard Deviations of Wind Velocity over the North Yellow Sea. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2009, 39(4): 563~568.
ZouTao, Gao Huiwang, SunWenxin, Liu Zhe., Numerical Simulation of Lagrange Residual Currentin the Changjiang Estuary, Hangzhou Bay and Their Adjacent Sea I:Barotropic Circulation, Periodical of OceanUniversity of China, 2009, 39 (1): 153-159(in Chinese with English abstract).
LiJialin, Bai Jie, Gao Huiwang,Nitrifying Bacteria and Nitrification in Sediment at the Adjacent SeaArea Yangtze River Estuary in Summer. Environmental Science, 2009, 11: 3203-3208(in Chinese with English abstract).
BoShaoyi, Shi Jinhui, Gao Huiwang,Qi Jianhua, Qiao Jiajia, Zhang Jing., Urea in Aerosol and Rainwaterover the East China Sea in winter and spring, Environmental Science, 2009, 30(1): 14-22 (in Chinese with English abstract).

MaoXinyan, Jiang Wensheng, Zhao Peng, GaoHuiwang, A 3-D numerical study of salinity variations in the Bohai Sea during the recent years, Continental Shelf Research, 2008, 28(19): 2689-2699.
YouKui, Ma Caihua, Gao Huiwang,The Effects of Temperature Decrease on the Scyphistomae Strobilation of Jellyfish, Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye, TheJournal of World Aquaculture Society, 2008,39(05): 706-711.
YouKui, Ma Caihua, Gao Huiwang,Li Fengqi, Zhang Meizhao, Qiu Yantao, Wang Bo., Food intake rate anddelivery strategy in aquaculture, Chinese Journalof Oceanology and Limnology, 2008, 26(3):263-267.
LiuSumei, Zhang Jing, Gao Huiwang,Liu Zhe., Historic changes in flux of matter and nutrient budgets inthe Bohai Sea, Acta Oceanologica Sinica,2008, 27(5): 81-97.
WangBin, Gao Huiwang.,Characteristics of air pollution index in coastal cities of China,Ecology and Environment,2008, 17(2): 542-548 (in Chinese with English abstract).
LiuMiaomiao, Qi Jianhua, Gao Dongmei, Qiao Jiajia, Shi Jinhui, GaoHuiwang, Distribution characteristics ofbioaerosol in Qingdao coastal region in Fall 2007, Ecologyand Environment, 2008, 17(2): 565-571(in Chinese with English abstract).
YangYaqin, Gao Huiwang,Dynamics of ozone and its precursors in the atmosphere and theirpollution characteristics in Qingdao, Shandong province, Journal of Meteorology and Environment, 2008, 4(2):1-5 (in Chinese with English abstract).

LammelGerhard, Ghim Young-Sung, Grados Amélie, GaoHuiwang, Hühnerfuss Heinrich, LohmannRainer., Levels of persistent organic pollutants in air in China and over the Yellow Sea. Atmospheric Environment,2007, 41(3): 452-464.
FuMingzhu, Li Zhengyan, Gao Huiwang,Distribution characteristics of nonylphenol in Jiaozhou Bay of Qingdao and its adjacent rivers, Chemosphere,2007, 69(7): 1009-1016.
ZhangKai, Gao Huiwang, The characteristics of Asian-dust storms during 2000-2002: From the source to the sea, Atmospheric environment,2007, 41(39): 9136-9145.
YouKui, Ma Caihua, Gao Huiwang,Li Fengqi, Zhang Meizhao, Qiu Yantao, Wang Bo., Research on the jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye) and associated aquaculture techniques in China: current status, Aquaculture International, 2007, 15(6): 479-488.
YuLimin, Qi Jianhua, Sun Nana, Shi Jinhui, GaoHuiwang, Guo Xinyu., Study on inorganicnitrogen of aerosol in the Qingdao area and over the Yellow Sea andthe South China Sea, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2007, 27(2): 319-325 (in Chinese with English abstract).

LammelG, Young-Sung Ghim, Jose A. C. Broekaert, GaoHuiwang, Heavy metals in Air of an eastern China coastal urban area and the Yellow Sea, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2006, 15(12a):1539-1548.
FengShizuo, Shi Guangyu, Gao Huiwang,Progress and scientific Questions on Surface Ocean and Lower Atmospheric study. Meteorological Press, Beijing, 2006.
WangQi, Gao Huiwang, LinShaoying., A simulation study of diurnal variation of Ozone and NOx in Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Research of Environmental Science, 2006, 19(6): 9-14(in Chinese with English abstract).
QiJianhua, Gao Huiwang,Environment and climate effect of bioaerosol: A review, Ecologyand Environment, 2006, 15(4):854-861 (inChinese with English abstract).
XiaJie, Gao Huiwang,Simulation on seasonal cycle vertical structure of plankton ecosystemin eastern area of South Yellow Sea, Journalof Safety and Environment, 2006, 6(4): 59-65(in Chinese with English abstract).
ShiJinhui, Gao Huiwang,Zhang Jing., Atmospheric Organic Nitrogen Deposition and Significancein Marine Ecosystem, Advances in EarthScience, 2006, 21(7): 721-729 (in Chinesewith English abstract).

BaiJie, Li Kuiran, Zhang Jing, Li Zhengyan, GaoHuiwang, Zhang Haofei., Distribution ofbiomass of heterotrophic bacterioplankton in the Bohai Sea, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,2005, 23(4): 427-432.
ZhangYingjuan, Gao Huiwang,Lammel Gerhrd., Simulation of Monsoon Seasonal Variation of Regional Climate Model REMO in East Asia, Climatic and Environmental Research, 2005, 10(1): 41-55(in Chinese with English abstract).
ZhangKai, Gao Huiwang,Zhang Renjian, Zhu Yanjun, Wang Yuesi., Sources and movement routesof sand dust aerosols and their impact probability on China seas in2000-2002, Advances in Earth Science,2005, 20(6): 627-635 (in Chinese with English abstract).
ShengLifang, Guo, Zhigang, Gao Huiwang,Preliminary study on Element composition and source apportionment of atmospheric aerosol over Bohai Sea, Environmental Monitoring in China, 2005, 21(1): 16-21 (in Chinese with English abstract).

ZhangJ., Yu Z.G., Raabe T., Liu S.M., Starke A., Zhou L., GaoH.W., Brockmann U., Dynamics of inorganicnutrient species in the Bohai seawaters, Journalof Marine System, 2004, 44: 189-212.
GaoHuiwang, Wang Qiang., A Numerical Study of Phytoplankton Biomass in the Bohai Sea in 1999, Journalof Ocean University of China, 2004: 34(5):867-873(in Chinese with English abstract).
ZhangKai, Gao Huiwang,Zhang Renjian, Sheng Lifang., The Analysis of Sand Dust Storms Invading Qingdao During 2000 to 2002, Climaticand Environmental Research, 2004, 9(3):510-519 (in Chinese with English abstract).
QiuMingyan, Sheng Lifang, Fang Yansong, GaoHuiwang., The Effect of Weather Situation onthe Aerosol Optical Properties in Qingdao, Journalof Ocean University of China, 2004, 34 (6):925-930 (in Chinese with English abstract).
SunJ, Liu D. -Y, Bai J., Gao H. -W,Han X. –T., Phytoplankton Community of the Bohai Sea in winter2001, Journal of Ocean University of China,2004, 34 (3): 413- 422 (in Chinese with English abstract).

GaoHuiwang, Wu, Dexing, Bai Jie, Shi Jinhui, LiZhengyan, Jiang Wensheng., Distributions of Environmental parametersin Laizhou bay, the Bohai Sea in Summer, 2000, Journalof Ocean University of China, 2003, 33(2):185 -190. (in Chinese with English abstract).
WangQiang, Gao Huiwang.,Studies on Wind Stress and Air-Sea Fluxes of Energy and Moisture Over Coastal Waters in Qingdao, Progress in MarineSciences, 2003, 21(1): 12-20 (in Chinese with English abstract).
ZhangKai, Gao Huiwang., Thesource and sink of dust aerosols in East Asia, Journalof Security and Environment, 2003, 3(3): 7-12(in Chinese with English abstract).
ShengLifang, Gao Huiwang,Zhang Yingjuan., Observational Characteristics of the Concentrations of NOx 、O3、SO2and CO over Bohai Sea in Summer, Environmental Science, 2002, 23(6): 31-35.
GaoHuiwang, Zhang Yingjuan, Zhang Kai.,Atmospheric inputs to the sea and their effects on marine environment and ecosystem, Progress in Geosciences,2002, 17(3): 326-330 (in Chinese with English abstract).
GaoHuiwang, A numerical study on atmosphericinput of nitrogen to the northwest Pacific Coastal Oceans. Wastewater treatment and disposal in coastal areas. Qingdao Ocean UniversityPress, 2001, pp 19-27 (in English).
GaoHuiwang, Yang Hua, Zhang Yingjuan, et al., Apreliminary study on factors affecting the Primary Production in theBohai Sea. Journal of Ocean University ofQingdao, 2001, 31(4): 487-494 (In Chinesewith English Abstract)
MaQ. M., Gao H.W.,Practice and trends of wastewater treatment in China and UK, Qingdao Ocean University Press, 2001, pp 186-191.
GaoHuiwang, Sun Wenxin, Wei Hao, Zhai Xuemei.,Functions used in Biological models and their influences onsimulations, India Journal of Marine Science,2000, 29: 230-237.
GaoHuiwang, Huang Meiyuan, An Junling.,Distributions of Sulfur Pollutants in East Asia, Chinese Geographical Science, 2000, 10(1): 38-43.
GaoHuiwang, Feng S.-Z, Yu P.-G, Progress inocean pelagic ecosystem modelling in 90's. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2000:31(3): 341-348.

GaoHuiwang, Huang Meiyuan., Distributions ofsulfur pollutants in East Asia. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 1999, 19(1): 47-51 (inChinese with English abstract).
GaoHuiwang, Huang Meiyuan, An Junling.,Numerical studies of effects of sources, dry deposition andgas-chemistry on sulfur deposition processes, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, 1998, 22, 25-31 (inChinese and English).
GaoHuiwang, Feng Shizuo, Guan Yuping., Modelling annual cycles of primary production in different regions of the BohaiSea. Fisheries Oceanography(GLOBEC Special Issue), 1998, 7: 258-264.
GaoHuiwang, Guan Yuping, Chen Changhe.,Atmospheric turbulence features in surface-layer over valley citywith small wind speed. Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, 1998, 22 (6), 896-904 (in Chinesewith English abstract).
GaoHuiwang, Guan Yuping, Lin Yiye., Dry deposition model for sulfur pollutants, Environmental Science, 1998, 18(6): 1-4 (in Chinese withEnglish abstract)
GaoHuiwang, Xu H.-Y., Yu F.-Q., A study onvertical transport of atmospheric pollutants. Environmental Science, 1998, 19 (4): 1-4 (in Chinese withEnglish abstract).
GaoHuiwang, Dai J., Chen C.-H., Comparisons oftwo schemes for calculating diffusion parameters. Research of Environmental Sciences, 1998, 6(2): 30-34(in Chinese with English abstract).
Guan,Y.-P.,Gao Huiwang, FengS.-Z., Basic views of ocean ecosystem dynamics. Advancein Earth Sciences, 1998, 12 (5): 447-450 (inChinese with English abstract).
Guan,Y.-P.,Gao Huiwang, FengS.-Z., The information system of marine ecosystem I: the problem ofdata processing of marine ecosystem. Journalof Ocean University of Qingdao, 1998, 28(1):23-28.
An,J. -L., Gao Huiwang,Wang Z.-F., Effects of changes in the concentration of Nonmethane Hydrocarbon (NMHC) at high NOxcontent on amount of ozone formation. Climaticand Environmental Research, 1998, 3(2):147-150 (in Chinese with English abstract).
An,J. -L., Huang M.-Y., Gao Huiwang,Study on critical load of red earth in Wenzhou for acidic deposition.Environmental Chermistry,1998, 17(2): 136-142.
Yao,X.-H., Huang M.-Y., Gao Huiwang,Sea-salt chloride cycles buffers rainwater acidified by transported pollutants. Scientia Atmospherica Sinica,1998, 22(6): 913-918 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Yao,X.-H., Huang M.-Y., Gao Huiwang.,The mechanism of reaction between sea salt with atmospheric pollutants to acidify rainwater in coastal. EnvironmentalScience, 1998, 19(3): 22-27 (in Chinese with English abstract).
WangZ.-F., An J.-L., Gao Huiwang,Estimation of sulfur deposition and transport in China and East Asiain the future. Climatic and Environmental Research, 1998, 3(2): 134-141 (in Chinesewith English abstract).
GaoHuiwang, Huang M.-Y., Xu H.-Y., The heterogeneous oxidation of SO2 on aerosol surface, Sciencesin China( Series D), 1997, 27 (4): 380-384(in Chinese and English).
GaoHuiwang, Huang M.-Y., Xu H.-Y., Zhou L., Astudy of Eulerian regional sulfur deposition model. ScientiaAtmospherica Sinica, 1997, 21: 615-626 (inChinese with English Abstract).
GaoHuiwang, Huang M.-Y., A gas-phase chemicalmodel for SO2 and its sensitivity analysis, Climaticand Environmental Research, 1997, 2 (2):156-162 (in Chinese with English abstract).
GaoHuiwang, Huang M.-Y., Wang Z.-F, The study ofEulerian transport and transformation models for acid species.Advance in Earth Sciences,1997, 12 (5): 422-427 (in Chinese with English abstract).
GaoHuiwang, Huang M.-Y., Distributions of sulfur depositions in East Asia. China Environmental Science, 1997, 17 (6): 530-534 (in Chinesewith English abstract).
GaoHuiwang, Huang M.-Y., Yao X.-H., Ahigh-resolution parameterization scheme of the atmospheric boundarylayer for a meso-scale numerical model. Climaticand Environmental Research, 1997, 2(4): 20-27(in Chinese with English abstract).
GaoHuiwang, Dai J, ChenC.-H., Comparison of two schemes for calculating diffusionParameters. Research ofEnvironmental Sciences,1993, 6(2): 30-34(inChinese with English abstract).
GaoHuiwang, Chen C.-H., Astochastic dispersion model for an elevated source,China Environmental Science, 1993,13(2):106-111(in Chinesewith English abstract).
Wang,H.-X., Gao Huiwang,Chen C.-H., The profile features of temperature of polluted air inLanzhou city. Environmental Science,1992, 13 (2): 33-35 (in Chinese with English abstract).
PAPERSAT INTERNATIONAL MEETINGGongXiang, Shi Jie, Gao Huiwang, Yao Xiaohong. Steady-state solutions forvertical bell-shape subsurface chlorophyll maximum in stratifiedwater collumns. Korea-China Workshop on Marine research Cooperationin the Yellow & East China Seas. 24- 26 June, 2014, Jeju, Korea.
GaoHuiwang, Liu Ying, Saichun Tan, Jinhui Shi, Xiaohong Yao. Response of Phytoplankon to Asian dust deposition in China coastal Seas.International conference on Atmospheric Dust, 1-6 June, 2014,Castellaneta Marina(Taranto), Italy.
GaoHuiwang.A bloominduced by Asian dust event in the Yellow Sea, China. WESTPAC 9th Scientific Symposium, 22-25 April, 2014, Nha Trang, Vietnam.
GaoHuiwang, Liu Ying, Shi Jinhui and Yao Xiaohong. Impact of asian duston the growth of phytoplankton in the southern yellow sea: responsesof chlorophyll in two incubation experiments. Ocean Sciences Meeting2014, 23-28, February, 2014 , Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
GaoHuiwang, Tan Saichun, Shi Jinhui, Yao Xiaohong. Correlation of Asiandust with chlorophyll and primary productivity in the North Pacifc Ocean (Invited). SOLAS Open Science Conference, 6-10 May, 2012, CleElum, WA, USA.
GaoHuiwang Xiaohong Yao, Jinhui Shi, Jianhua Qi. Asian dusttransportation and fertilizing the coastal and open ocean in theNorthern Pacific (Invited). AUG Fall meeting 2010, 13–17, December,2010, San Francisco, USA.
GaoHuiwang Xiaohong Yao, Jinhui Shi and Jianhua Qi. Response of marine ecosystem to Asian dust fertilization from coastal sea to open ocean(Invited). PICES 2010 Annual Meeting, 22-31 October, 2010,Portland, OR, USA.
GaoHuiwang. Characteristics of turbulence in marine atmospheric boundarylayer and air-sea mass and energy exchange fluxes from the China Seato the northwest Pacific Ocean, 1stSino-German Workshop, 7-9 September, 2011, Qingdao, China.
GaoHuiwang. Eddy covariance measurement of air-sea fluxes over the northYellow Sea, 8thIOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium, 28-31 March, 2011,Busan, Republic of Korea.
LvJiujun, Wang Yansong, Lang Yinhai, Gao Huiwang. Analysis onevolutionary process of Liaohe Delta wetlands based on geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS), Mechanic Automationand Control Engineering (MACE), 2011 Second International Conference,15-17 July, 2011, Hohhot, China.
PuXiang, Liu Zhe, Gao Huiwang, Yu Yunjun. Runoff Simulation andAnalysis in Upstream Dagu River Watershed Using a Distributed Hydrological Model. Multimedia Technology (ICMT), 2010 International Conference, 29-31 October, 2010, Ningbo, China.
ChenXiaoyan, Gao Huiwang, Yao Xiaohong, Fang Hongda, Chen Zhenhua, WangHaiyan. Management and Service Science (MASS), 2010 International Conference, 24-26 August, 2010, Wuhan, China.
GaoHuiwang, Yan Han, Shi Jinhui, Qi Jianhua, Wang Bin, Zhang Tianran,Yao Xiaohong. Atmospheric dry deposition fluxes of dust and nitrogento the Yellow Sea in spring. Surface ocean-lower atmosphere study(SOLAS), 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
GongXun, Liu Zhe, Gao Huiwang, Yang Hua, Wang Haiyan., Regime Shifts inthe Huanghe Fresh water Discharge During the Past Fifty Years.Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering , 2009. ICBBE 2009. 3rd International Conference, 11-13 June, 2009, Beijing, China.
ZouTao, Liu Zhe, Gao Huiwang, Sun Wenxin., Simulations of Lagrangian Residual Current in Changjiang Estuary, Hangzhou Bay and TheirAdjacent Area. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering , 2009.ICBBE 2009. 3rd International Conference, 11-13 June, 2009, Beijing, China.
GaoHuiwang, Wang Bin, Shi Jinhui, Qi Jianhua. Assessment on Regional Air Quality in China by API data, the 11th international conference atmospheric sciences and applications to air quality, 21-23 April,2009, Jinan, China.
GaoHuiwang. The contribution of atmospheric deposition of nutrients tothe Yellow Sea. EMECS-8, Harmonizing River catchment and Estuary,26-30 October, 2008, China.
LiJianhua, Gao Huiwang, Wang Sunan. A Novel Clone Selection Algorithmwith Reconfigurable Search Space Ability and Its Application. IEEE 4th International Conference on Natural Computation, 2008, 6: 612 -616 ISBN: 978-0-7695-3304-9, Jinan, China.
GaoHuiwang, Qi Jianhua. Seasonal variation of particulate inorganicnitrogen over a coastal island in the Yellow Sea. 7thIOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium, 21-25 May, 2008, KotaKinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
GaoHuiwang. Characteristics of PAR attenuation in the Yellow Sea, 3rd Japan-China-Korea Joint GLOBEC Symposium, 13-15 December, 2007,Hakodate, Japan.
GaoHuiwang, Shi Guangyu. China SOLAS and a proposed international SOLAStask team ADOES, 2nd CSIR-NSFC workshop on Ocean Processes in Relation to Changing Climatein Asia-Oceania, 20-22 November, 2007, Qingdao, China.
GaoHuiwang, Shi Jinhui, Bo Shaoyi, Zhang Jing, Atmospheric nitrogen depositions during dust event in the Yellow Sea. 3rd International Workshop on Asian Dust and Ocean EcoSystem (ADOES),24-28 October, 2007, Shangrila, Yunnan, China.
GaoHuiwang. Coastal Marine Ecosystem Dynamic Model and its Applicationto Chinese Coastal Seas, 3rd Sino-German Summer School “Processes in Coastal Zones”, 2007,July 22–August 3, at the Research and Technology Centre (FTZ),Buesum, Germany.
GaoHuiwang, China SOLAS and a proposed international SOLAS task team,International Workshop on Monitering and Forcasting of the RapidChange in Ocean-Atmosphere Environment in the East Asia, 29-20 November, 2007, Kyushu University, Japan.
GaoHuiwang, Qi Jianhua, Yu Limin, Size Distribution of InorganicNitrogen of Aerosol in Qingdao, International SOLAS Open Science Conference, 2007, 6-9 March, Xiamen, China.
GaoHuiwang. Atmospheric deposition of dust and nitrogen to China coastalseas, 3rd International workshop on yellow river studies, 14-15February, 2007, Kyoto, Japan.
biogeochemicalcycle, Northeastern Asian Symposium 2006 on Climate Change and Carbon Cycle, 6-9 November 2006, Kitakyushu, Japan.
GaoHuiwang, Xia Jie. Seasonal variation of pelagic ecosystem in the southeastern Yellow Sea and its relation to strong wind events, Joint 2nd Workshop on Asian Dust and Ocean EcoSystem (ADOES) with Asian SOLAS, 10-13 August, 2006, Ulanhot, China.
GaoHuiwang, Shi Guangyu. Progress and Future Plan of China SOLASProgram, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, 24-27 July, 2006,Beijing, China.
GaoHuiwang, Comparison of NOx emission inventories in China, IAMAS 2005, 2-11 August, 2005,Beijing, China.
GaoHuiwang, Qi Jianhua, Shi Jinhui, Sheng Lifang. Asian Dust and Nitrogen Deposition to China Coastal Seas. Workshop on Asian Dust and Ocean EcoSystem (ADOES), 13-15 October, 2005, Weihai, China.
GaoHuiwang, Atmospheric Concentration and Deposition of Trace Gases andAerosol Over China Coastal Seas - A Review and Perspective, The SOLASInternational Open Science Conference, 13-16 October, 2004, Halifax,Canada.
GaoHuiwang, Zhang Kai. The Probability of Asian Dust Invading ChinaSeas,Sixth IOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium Challengesfor Marine Science in the Western Pacific, 19-23 April, 2004,Hangzhou, China.
GaoHuiwang, Aerosol pollution from dust storms in Qingdao, Sino-US Workshop on Dust Storm and Its Effect on Human health, 25-26 November, 2002, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
GaoHuiwang, Jiang W.-S., Yang H. Variations of Chl.a concentration inthe Bohai Sea. The 3rdAnnual meeting of Yellow Environment. 1-3 November, 2001, Korea.
LiZhengyan, Gao Huiwang, et al. Distribution Characteristics ofNutrients in Chinese Bohai Sea. The 3rdAnnual meeting of Yellow Environment. 1-3 November, 2001, Korea.
GaoHuiwang. Preliminary study on atmospheric input of nitrogen to thenorthwest Pacific Coastal Oceans. International Symposium on Progressin Coastal Engineering and Oceanography, 9-11 September,1999, SouthKorea. pp 195-204.
GaoHuiwang, Feng Shizuo. A study on the values of primary production indifferent regions of Bohai Sea. First Open Science Meeting of GLOBEC.17-20 March ,1998, Paris.
GaoHuiwang, Huang Meiyuan. An Eulerian sulfur deposition model and itsapplication to East Asia. 5thInter. Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality Conference, 1996, Seattle.
GaoHuiwang, Huang Meiyuan. A study on the roles of some physical andchemical processes in regional sulfur deposition. Proceeding of Inter. Conf. On acid deposition in East Asia, 1996, Taipei.
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