

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-28

Tel.: 0532 –6678 2910
E-mail: jfpan(a)ouc.edu.cn, jinfenpan(a)gmail.com
通信地址: 山东省青岛市崂山区松岭路238号中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院(邮编266100)
2005.01 – 今: 中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院讲师/副教授/教授
2012.06 – 2012.09:香港科技大学合作研究
2009.11 – 2011.04:法国南特大学合作研究
2005.04 – 2005.07:德国亚琛大学合作研究
2000.09 – 2004.05:香港科技大学环境生物学博士
1997.09 – 2000.07:中国科学院海洋研究所环境海洋学硕士
1993.09 – 1997.07:长春地质学院分析化学学士
讲授《海洋生物地球化学导论》等本科生课程及《生态毒理学》、《科技论文英语写作》研究生课程及《环境科学导论(Introduction to Environmental Science)》中德研究生课程。
多次讲授中德海洋科学暑期班国际课程讲座(“Sino-German Initivative on Marine Science: Higher Education”)的讲授。
Pan J, Pan J-F*,Diao M 2015. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 21: 2155-2169.
Pan, J.; Pan, J.-F*., Wang, M*. Mar Pollut Bull2014. 89: 427-434.
HUANG, Lili; PU, Xin-Ming; Pan, J.-F.*; WANG, Bo. Chemosphere2013. 93: 1957-64.
Pan, J.-F.; Buffet, P.E.; Poirier, L.; Amiard-Triquet, C.*; Gilliland, D. et al. Environ Pollut2012. 168: 37-43.
Buffet, P.-E.; Pan, J.-F.;Poirier, L.; Amiard-Triquet, C.; Amiard, J.-C. et al. Ecotoxcol Environ Safety. 2013. 89: 117-124.
Joubert, Y.; Pan, J.-F.; Buffet, P.-E.; Pilet, P.; Gilliland, D. et al. Gold Bulletin. 2013. 46: 47-56.
Buffet, P.-E.; Tankoua, O.F.; Pan, J.-F.; Berhanu, D.; Herrenknecht, C.; Poirier, L.; Amiard-Triquet, C. et al. Chemosphere. 2011. 84: 166-174.

Curriculum Vitae: Jin-Fen PAN

Personal Details

Jin-FenPAN, Ph.D.
E-mail:jfpan(a)ouc.edu.cn, jinfpan(a)gmail.com
Mailing address:No.238 Songling Road, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,
Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
Current Position
Professor of Environmental Science
Key Laboratory of Marine Environment and Ecology (Ministry of Education)
Ocean University of China
2004: Ph.D., EnvironmentalBiology, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
2000: M.Sc., Environmental Oceanography, Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1997: B.Sc., Analytical Chemistry, Ji-LinUniversity (Former Chang-Chun University of Geosciences)
Dec.2015?Current: Professor, Key Laboratory of Marine Environment and Ecology, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China
Feb. 2005 ?Dec.2015, Lecturer/Associated Professor, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China
Sep. 2000 – Jan. 2004, Teaching Assistant / Research Assistant, Department of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Research Interests
Coastal and Estuarine Ecotoxicology
Myfield research concerns the biological and ecological effects/impact of pollutants (metals, nanomaterials, and persistent organic pollutants) to aquatic organisms (algae, annelids, mollusks), by examining the subcellularresponses to effects at higher levels of biological organization, aims to understand better the covarianceor interrelationshipbetween the ecological and (eco)toxicological responses, thus to help environmental diagnosisand control the environmental management.
Recent Publications(Peer-reviewed journals; *: corresponding author)
1)Zhang, T., PAN J.-F.*, D. E. Hunt et al. 2018. Organic matter modifies biochemical but not most behavioral responses of the clam Ruditapes philippinarumto nanosilver exposure. Marine environmental research133:105-133.
2)Manzoor, R., T. Zhang, X. Zhang, M. Wang,PAN J.-F.*,Z. Wang, and B. Zhang. 2017. Single and combined metal contamination in coastal environments in China: current status and potential ecological risk evaluation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research:1-11.
3)Pan J, Pan J-F*, Diao M 2015. Trace Metal Mixture Toxicity in Aquatic Organism Reviewed from a Biotoxicity Perspective. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 21: 2155-2169.
4)Pan J, Pan J-F*, Wang M 2014. Trace elements distribution and ecological risk assessment of seawater and sediments from Dingzi Bay, Shandong Peninsula, North China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 89: 427-434.
5)HUANG L; PU X-M; PAN, J-F*;et al. 2013. Heavy metal pollution status in surface sediments of Swan Lake lagoon and Rongcheng Bay in the northern Yellow Sea. Chemosphere. 93: 1957-64.
6)Pan J.F.; Buffet P.E.; Poirier L.,et al. 2012. Size dependent bioaccumulation and ecotoxicity of gold nanoparticles in an endobenthic invertebrate: the Tellinid clam Scrobicularia plana. EnvironmentalPollution. 2012. 168: 37-43.
7)Buffet, P.-E.; Pan, J.-F.; Poirier, L.; Amiard-Triquet, C.; Amiard, J.-C. et al. 2013.Biochemical and behavioural responses of the endobenthic bivalve Scrobicularia planato silver nanoparticles in seawater and microalgal food. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Ecotoxcology andEnvironmentalSafety. 89: 117-124.
8)Joubert, Y.; Pan, J.-F.; Buffet, P.-E.; Pilet, P.; Gilliland, D. et al. 2013. Subcellular localization of gold nanoparticles in the estuarine bivalve Scrobicularia planaafter exposure through the water. Gold Bulletin. 46: 47-56.
Teaching experience
Jan. 2005?Present: Aquatic Ecotoxicology(PG course); Environmental Biology(Undergraduate course), Basic Ecology(Undergraduate course), An Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry(Undergraduate course), Biological Oceanography (Graduate course).

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