

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26


2010-2014兼任ISOPE (International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference) 国际海洋与极地工程国际会议-北极科学与技术(Arctic Science & Technology Symposium)分会技术委员会委员;2009-今,兼任中国海洋学会海冰分会委技术委员会委员;2017-今,兼任中国水利学会水力学专委会冰工程学组委员。




1.Qian Shi,JieSu,George Heygster, Jiuxin Shi, et.al.,Step-by-step validation of Antarctic ASI AMSR-E Sea-IceConcentrations by MODIS Image and Aerial Image,Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, online.
2.Zixuan Li, Jiechen Zhao, Jie Su, Chunhua Li, Bin Cheng, Fengming Hui, Qinghua Yang and Lijuan Shi, 2020,Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Extent and Thickness of Arctic Landfast Ice, Remote Sensing, 12(1): 64.
3.王松,苏洁,储敏,史学丽,2020,BCC_CSM对北极海冰的模拟:CMIP5和CMIP6历史试验比较,海洋学报,42(5), 49-64.
4.Qi Shu, Qiang Wang, Jie Suet al., 2019, Assessment of Atlantic Water Layer in the Arctic Ocean in CMIP5 climate models, Climate Dynamics,53(9-10): 5279-5291.
5.ChenleiZhang,QingJi,XiaopingPang, JieSuandChangLiu, 2019, Comparison of passive microwave remote-sensing snow-depth products onArctic sea ice, Polar Research, 38,3432.
6.Wang Mingfeng, Su Jie, Li Tao, Wang Xiaoyu, Ji Qing, Cao Yong, Lin Long, Liu Yilin, 2018,Determination of Arctic melt pond fraction and sea ice roughness from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery,Advances in Polar Science,29(3),181-189.
7.李珵,苏洁,魏立新等,2018, 北极中央区海冰低密集度现象研究,海洋学报,40(11), 33-45.
8.Zeliang Wang, James Hamilton, Jie Su, 2017, Variations in freshwater pathways from the Arctic Ocean into the North Atlantic Ocean,Progress in Oceanography, 155,54-73.
9.HAO Guanghua and SU Jie, 2015,A Study on the Dynamic Tie Points ASI Algorithm in the Arctic Ocean,Acta Oceanologica Sinica,34(11), 126–135, doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0659-y.
10.HAO Guanghua andSU Jie, 2015, A Study of Multiyear Ice Concentration Retrieval Algorithms Using AMSR-E Data, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(9), 102-109, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0656-1.
11.王传印,苏洁,2015,CICE海冰模式中融池参数化方案的比较研究,海洋学报,37(11), 41-56.
12.WANG Wei-bo, SU Jie, 2015, Sea ice edge automatic retrieval based on morphology, Journal of Remote Sensing, 19(6): 983-997, DOI: 10.11834/jrs.**.
13.WEI Jianfen, SU Jie, 2014, Mechanism of an Abrupt Decrease in Sea-Ice Cover in the Pacific Sector of the Arctic during the Late 1980s. Atmosphere-Ocean, 52(5), 434-445. DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.970505.
14.LI Xiang, SU Jie, ZHAO Jinping, 2014, An evaluation of the simulations of the Arctic Intermediate Water in climate models and reanalyses,Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(12): 1-14, doi:10.1007/s13131-014-0567-6.
15.SU Jie, Bo Yang, Ling Du, Shunying Ji, 2013, Monitoring Thin Ice Thickness by upward-looking Sonar in Bohai Sea,International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering(ISSN 1053-5381) 23(2), 96-103.
16.SU Jie, HAO Guang-hua, YE Xin-xin, WANG Wei-bo, 2013, The Experiment and Validation of Sea Ice Concentration AMSR-E Retrieval Algorithm in Polar Region, Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(3), 495-513.
17.张洋,苏洁,2012,白令海峡夏季流量变化的影响因素分析,海洋学报,34(5), 1-10
18.苏洁,徐栋,赵进平,李翔,2010,北极加速变暖条件下西北航道的海冰分布变化特征,极地研究,22(2), 104-124.

山东省青岛市崂山区松岭路238号中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室 邮编:266100
Tel: Email: sujie@ouc.edu.cn

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