

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26

2000年本科毕业于青岛海洋大学(今中国海洋大学)海洋科学专业,2003年获得中国海洋大学物理海洋学硕士学位,2009年获得美国Texas A&M University海洋学博士学位;2009-2010年于Texas A&M University海洋系作博士后研究;2010年至今任职于中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室,副教授。



1. 门国蕊, 马伟伟, 万修全, 2020: 吕宋暖涡的三维观测特征及其数值模拟分析, 中国海洋大学学报, 50(1): 11-20.
2. Xingmin Liu, QIAO Lulu, Yi Zhong, Xiuquan Wan, Wenjing Xue, Peng Liu, 2020: Pathways of suspended sediments transported from the Yellow River mouth to the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 236, 106639.
3. Liu Z., and X. Wan, 2018: Plausible Effect of Weather on Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation with a Coupled General Circulation Model, Journal of Ocean University of China, 17(2): 219-226.
4. Liu F., J. Lu, O. Garuba, R. L. Leung, Y. Luo, and X. Wan, 2018: Sensitivity of Surface Temperature to Oceanic Forcing via q-Flux Green’s Function Experiments. Part I: Linear Response Function. J. Climate, 31(9): 3625-3641, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0462.1.
5. 门光, 万修全, 马伟伟, 王悦, 2017: 基于CART方法计算的黄河淡水水龄在渤海的分布变化特征. 海洋与湖沼, 48(3): 423-435.
6. Ma W., X. Wan, Z. Wang, and Y. Liu, 2017: Formation of well-mixed warm water column in central Bohai Sea during summer: role of high-frequency atmospheric forcing, Journal of Ocean University of China, 16(6): 945-952.
7. 张秋颖, 万修全, 刘泽栋, 吴德星, 2017: 末次盛冰期气候环境基本特征和数值模拟研究进展. 海洋通报, 36(1): 16-26.
8. 马伟伟, 万修全, 万凯, 2016: 渤海冬季风生环流的年际变化特征及机制分析, 海洋与湖沼, 47(2): 295-302.
9. 宋占辉, 马伟伟, 万修全, 韩雪双, 2016: 南海吕宋海峡21°N附近多潜标观测的上层海流分析. 海洋与湖沼, 47(5): 877-885.
10. Men G., X. Wan, Z. Liu, 2016: Tropical Atlantic climate response to different freshwater input in high latitude with an ocean-only general circulation model, Journal of Ocean University of China, 15(5): 751-757.
11. Ma X., P. Chang, R. Saravanan, D. Wu, X. Lin, L. Wu, X. Wan, 2015: Winter Extreme Flux Events in the Kuroshio and Gulf Stream Extension Regions and Relationship with Modes of North Pacific and Atlantic Variability. J. Climate, 28: 4950-4970.
12. 万修全, 马倩, 马伟伟, 2015: 冬季高频大风过程对渤海冬季环流和水交换影响的数值模拟, 中国海洋大学学报, 45(4): 1-8.
13. 万修全, 马伟伟, 吴德星, 李明悝, 2015: 一个区域耦合模式在不同分辨率下对台风“山神”的数值模拟. 中国海洋大学学报, 45(3): 1-9.
14. 刘泽栋, 万修全, 刘福凯, 2014: 海底地热通量对海洋深层温度和环流的长期影响. 地球科学进展, 29(10): 1167-1174.
15. 万修全, 刘泽栋, 沈飙, 林霄沛, 2014: 地球系统模式CESM 及其在高性能计算机上的配置应用实例, 地球科学进展, 29(4): 482-491.
16. Yu X., F. Wang, X. Wan, 2013: Index of Kuroshio penetrating Luzon Strait and its preliminary application. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32(1): 1-11, doi:10.1007/s13131-013-0262-z.
17. Wan, X., P. Chang, C.S. Jackson, L. Ji and M. Li, 2011: Plausible effect of climate model bias on abrupt climate change simulations in Atlantic sector, Deep-Sea Res. II, 58: 1904-1913.
18. Wan, X., P. Chang, and M. W. Schmidt, 2010: Causes of tropical Atlantic paleo-salinity variation during periods of reduced AMOC, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37(4), L04603, doi:10.1029/2009GL040079.
19. Wan, X., P. Chang, R. Saravanan, R. Zhang, and M. W. Schmidt, 2009: On the interpretation of Caribbean paleo-temperature reconstructions during the Younger Dryas, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L02701, doi:10.1029/2008GL035805.
20. Jiang H., D. Wu, X. Wan, 2006: Events of decadal thermocline variations in the South Pacific Ocean. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 24(2): 111-117.
21. 鲍献文, 万修全,吴德星, 郭心顺, 2004: 2000年夏末和翌年初冬渤海水文特征. 海洋学报, 26(1): 14-24.
22. 万修全, 鲍献文, 吴德星, 姜华, 2004: 渤海夏季潮致-风生-热盐余流的数值诊断计算. 海洋与湖沼, 35(1): 41-47.
23. Wu D., X. Wan, X. Bao, et al., 2004: Comparison of summer thermohaline field and circulation structure of the Bohai Sea between 1958 and 2000, Chinese Science Bulletin, 49(4): 363-369.
24. 万修全, 吴德星, 鲍献文, 姜华, 2004: 2000年夏季莱州湾主要观测要素的分布特征. 中国海洋大学学报, 34(1): 7-13.
25. 万修全, 鲍献文, 吴德星, 郭心顺, 姜华, 2003: 胶州湾及其邻近海域潮流和污染物扩散的数值模拟. 海洋科学, 27(5): 31-36.
26. 鲍献文, 万修全, 高郭平, 吴德星, 2002: 渤、黄、东海AVHRR海表温度场的季节变化特征. 海洋学报, 24(5): 125-133.

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