

中国海洋大学 免费考研网/2016-03-12

张晓华 博士、教授/博士生导师










电话:** (办公室)

地址:青岛市鱼山路5号 青岛266003 中国海洋大学海洋生命学院









1. 海洋微生物与生物地球化学循环:海洋微生物在碳循环、氮循环、硫循环中的作用等;


3. 海洋微生物的环境适应机理:包括海洋微生物在海洋环境中的分布规律及对不同环境条件的适应机理等;

4. 海洋微生物资源开发:包括海洋微生物菌种库的建立、酶资源及有益菌开发等;

5. 海洋细菌的密度感应:包括细菌密度感应和密度感应淬灭及其应用。










2008.122012.12国家 863计划重点项目“迟钝爱德华氏菌毒力相关功能基因研究及疫苗开发”(2008AA092501),参与,本人经费84万元。

2012.012015.12国家 863计划重点项目“深海微生物分离培养与基因资源获取技术研究”(2012AA092103)子课题“深海微生物高通量分离培养技术及装置研发”,主持,经费190万元。









1. 入选2004年教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。

2. 获2010年国家海洋局海洋创新成果二等奖(第1位),获奖题目:哈维氏弧菌溶血素的发现与致病机理。

3. 2010年获山东省双语教学精品课程(微生物学双语教学)

4. 获中国海洋大学第11届(2011年)、12届(2012年)、14届(2014年)优秀博士/硕士论文指导奖。

5.作为OUC-China iGEM团队的指导教师,获2011年国际基因工程机器竞赛亚洲赛区铜奖,2012年和2013年国际基因工程机器竞赛亚洲赛区金奖、2014年国际基因工程机器竞赛铜奖。

6. 获2014年国家海洋局海洋科学技术二等奖(第1位),获奖题目:海洋微生物培养新技术的建立及菌种库建设。

7. 获2014年青岛市自然科学二等奖(第1位),获奖题目:海水鱼类主要病原菌的致病性及其环境适应机制。

8.获 2014年山东省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师(于童:南海深海微生物的分离培养及4株海洋新菌的分类鉴定)。


1. D Hondt S, Inagaki F, Zarikian C, Abrams L, Dubois N, Engelhardt T,Evans H, Ferdelman T, Gribsholt B, Harris R, Hoppie B, Hyun J-H, Kallmeyer J,Kim J, Lynch J, McKinley C, Mitsunobu S, Morono Y, Murray R, Pockalny R,Sauvage J, Shimono T, Shiraishi F, Smith D, Smith-Duque C, Spivack A,Steinsbu B, Suzuki Y, Szpak M, Toffin L, Uramoto G, Yamaguchi Y, Zhang G-L, Zhang X-H, and Ziebis W. 2015. Presenceof oxygen and aerobic communities from seafloor to basement in deep-seasediment. Nature Geoscience. doi:10.1038/NGEO2387. (SCI, IF2013: 11.668)

2. Tang K, Su Y, Brackman G, Cui F, Zhang Y, Shi X, Coenye T, Zhang X-H*. 2015. MomL, a novelmarine-derived N-acyl homoserinelactonase from Muricauda olearia.Appl Environ Microbiol, 81:774 –782. (SCI, IF2013: 3.952)

3. Zhang Y, Liu J, Tang K, Yu M, Coenye T, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Genomeanalysis of Flaviramulus ichthyoenteri Th78T in the family Flavobacteriaceae:insights into its quorum quenching property and potential roles in fishintestine. BMC Genomics, 16:38. (SCI, IF2013: 4.041)

4. Liu J, Fu B, Yang H, Zhao M, He B, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Phylogenetic shifts of bacterioplanktoncommunity composition along the Pearl Estuary: the potential impact ofhypoxia and nutrients. Front Microbiol, 6, 64. (SCI, IF2013: 3.941)

5. Liu J, Liu X, Wang M, Qiao Y,Zheng Y, Zhang X-H*. Bacterial andarchaeal communities in sediments of the north Chinese marginal seas. MicrobEcol doi: 10.1007/s00248-014-0553-8. (SCI, IF2013: 3.118)

6. Jatt AN, Tang K, Liu J, Zhang Z, ZhangX-H*. 2015. Quorum sensing in marine snow and its possible influence on production ofextracellular hydrolytic enzymes in marine snow bacterium Pantoeaananatis B9. FEMS MicrobiolEcol, 91, 1-13. (SCI, IF2013: 3.875)

7. Gao X, Zhang Z, Dai X, ZhangX-H*. 2015. Spongiibacteriumpacificum sp. nov., isolated from seawater of South Pacific Gyre and emendeddescription of the genus Spongiibacterium. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol, 65,154–158. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

8. Liang J, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Wang M, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Loktanella sediminum sp. nov.,isolated from sediment of the northern Okinawa Trough. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol, 65,686-691. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

9. Yu M, Xu Y, Xu T, Wang B, Sheng A, Zhang X-H*. 2015. WcaJ, the initiating enzyme for colanicacid synthesis, is required for lipopolysaccharide production, biofilmformation and virulence in Edwardsiellatarda. Aquaculture, 437, 287-291. (SCI, IF2013: 1.828)

10. Wu F, Tang K, Yuan M, Shi X, Shakeela Q, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Studies on bacterial pathogens isolated fromdiseased torafugu (Takifugu rubripes)cultured in marine industrial recirculation aquaculture system in ShandongProvince, China. Aquac Res, 46, 736–744 (SCI, IF2013: 1.320)

11. Chang X, Liu W, Yin Q, Wang H, ZhangX*. 2014. Phylogenetic diversity and biological activities of marine actinomycetesisolated from sediments of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass, China, MarineBiology Research, doi: 10.1080/**.2014.962540 (SCI, IF2013: 1.134)

12. Gao X, Zhang Z, Dai X, ZhangX-H*. 2015. Hyunsoonleella pacifica sp. nov., isolated from seawater of South Pacific Gyre. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol. (SCI,IF2013: 2.798)

13. Liang J, Liu J, Zhang X-H. 2015. Jiellaaquimaris gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from offshore surface seawater ofthe East China Sea. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.000067 (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

14. Fu B, Liu J, Yang H, Hsu TC, He B, Dai M, Kao SJ, Zhao M, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Shift of anammoxbacterial community structure along Pearl Estuary and the impact of environmental factors. J Geophys Res –Oceans (in printing) (SCI, IF2013: 3.44)

15. Dai X, Shi X, Gao X, Liang J, ZhangX-H. 2015. Salipiger nanhaiensis sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from deep water of the South China Sea. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.000066 (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

16. Dong N, Li H-R, Yuan M, ZhangX-H, Yu Y. 2015. Deinococcusantarcticus sp. nov., isolated from soil of Grove Mountains, EastAntarctica. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol,65, 331-335. (SCI,IF2013: 2.798)

17. Liu J, Yu S, Zhao M, He B, ZhangX-H*. 2014. Shifts in archaeaplankton community structure along ecological gradients of Pearl Estuary. FEMS Microbiol Ecol,90, 424-435. (SCI, IF2013: 3.875)

18. Tang K, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Quorum quenching agents:resources for antivirulence therapy. MarDrugs, 12, 3245-3282. (SCI,IF2013: 3.512)

19. Liu J, Yang H, Zhao M, Zhang X-H*.2014. Spatial distribution patterns of benthic microbial communities along Pearl Estuary. Syst Appl Microbiol. 37, 578-589. (SCI, IF2013: 3.366)

20. Xu Y, Xu T, Wang B, Dong X, Sheng A, Zhang X-H*. 2014. A mutation in rcsB, a gene encoding the core component of the Rcs cascade,enhances the virulence of Edwardsiellatarda. Res Microbiol, 165, 226-232. (SCI, IF2013: 2.826)

21. Xu T, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Edwardsiella tarda: anintriguing problem in aquaculture. Aquaculture, 431, 129-135. (SCI, IF2013: 1.828)

22. Xu T, Su Y, Xu Y, He Y, Wang B, Dong X, Li Y, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Mutations of ?agellar genes fliC12, fliA and flhDC of Edwardsiellatarda attenuated bacterial motility, biofilm formation and virulence tofish. J Appl Microbiol, 116, 236-244. (SCI, IF2013: 2.386)

23. Yu T, Zhang Z, Fan X,Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Aquimarina megaterium sp. nov.,isolated from seawater of South Pacific Gyre. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 64,122-127. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

24. Zhang Y, Tang K, Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Thalassotaleapiscium sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), andreclassification of four Thalassomonas species as members of the novel genus Thalassotalea and emended description of the genus Thalassomonas.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 64, 1223–1228. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

25. Fan X, Yu T, Li Z, Zhang X-H*.2014. Luteimonas abyssi sp. nov.,isolated from deep-sea sediment of South Pacific Gyre. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 64, 668–674. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

26. Fan X, Qiao Y, Gao X, Zhang X-H*.2014. Nocardioides pacifica sp.nov., isolated from deep sub-seafloor sediment of South Pacific Gyre. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol, 64, 2217-2222. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

27. Fan X,Zhang Z, Li Z, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Luteococcus sediminum sp. nov.,isolated from deep subseafloor sediment of the South Pacific Gyre. Int J SystEvol Microbiol, 64,2522-2527. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

28. Yu C, Yu S, Zhang Z, Li Z, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Oceanobacilluspacificus sp. nov., isolated from a deep-sea sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 64, 1278–1283. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

29. Zhang Z, Yu T, Xu T, ZhangX-H*. 2014. Aquimarina pacifica sp. nov.,isolated from seawater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 64, 1991–1997. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

30. Zhang Z, Fan X, Gao X, Zhang X-H*.2014. Achromobacter sediminum sp.nov., isolated from deep sub-seafloor sediment of South Pacific Gyre. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol, 2244-2249. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

31. Cui F, Dong S, Shi X*, Zhao X, Zhang X-H. 2014. Overexpression and characterization of a novelthermostable β-agarase YM01-3, from marine bacterium Catenovulumagarivorans YM01T. Mar Drugs, 12, 2731-2747. (SCI,IF2013: 3.512)

32. Dai X, ShiX, Gao X, Liu J, Zhang X-H. 2014. Roseivivaxmarinus sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from deep water of the South China Sea. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 64,2540-2544.

33. Yuan M, YuY, Li H-R, Dong N, Zhang X-H. 2014.Phylogenetic diversity and biological activity of actinobacteria isolatedfrom marine sediments of the Chukchi Shelf, arctic ocean. Marine Drugs, 12,1281-1297. (SCI, IF2013: 3.512)

34. Christiaen S, Matthijs N, Zhang X-H, Nelis H, Bossier P, Coenye T. 2014. Bacterial thatinhibit quorum sensing decrease biofilm formation and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA01. Pathogensand Disease (original name: FEMS Immunol Med Mic), 70, 271–279. (SCI, IF2012: 2.684)

35. Yu M, Tang K, Liu J, Shi X, Gulder TAM, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Genome analysis of Pseudoalteromonas flavipulchra JG1 reveals various survivaladvantages in marine environment. BMC Genomics 14:707. (SCI, IF2012: 4.397)

36. Yin Q, Fu B, Li B, Shi X, Inagaki F and Zhang X-H*. 2013. Spatial variations in microbial communitycomposition in surface seawater from the ultra-oligotrophic center to rim ofthe South Pacific Gyre. PLOS ONE 8(2), e55148. (SCI, IF2012: 3.73)

37. Wang B, Yu T, Dong X, Zhang Z, Song L, Xu Y, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Edwardsiellatarda invasion of fish cell lines and the activation of divergent celldeath pathways. Vet Microbiol, 163, 282-289 (SCI, IF2011: 3.127)

38. Tang K, Zhang Y, Yu M, Shi X, Coenye T, Bossier P, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Evaluation of a newhigh-throughput method for identifying quorum quenching bacteria. Sci. Rep.3, 2935 . (SCI, IF2012: 2.927)

39. Dong X, Fan X, Wang B, Shi X, ZhangX-H*. 2013. Invasin of Edwardsiellatarda is essential for its haemolytic activity, biofilm formation andvirulence toward fish. J Appl Microbiol, 115, 12-19. (SCI, IF2012: 2.196)

40. Ji S, Zhao R, Li Z, Li B, Shi X, Zhang,X-H*. 2013. Ferrimonas sediminum sp. nov., a novel species isolated from coastal sediment of an amphioxusbreeding zone in Qingdao, China. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol. 63, 977-981. (SCI,IF2012: 2.112)

41. Yu T, Yin Q, Zhao R, Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Aquimarina longa sp.nov., isolated from seawater of South Pacific Gyre and emended description of A. muelleri. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 63, 1235 – 1240 (SCI, IF2012: 2.112)

42. Xu T, Su Y, Xu Y, He Y, Wang B, Dong X, Li Y, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Mutations of ?agellar genes fliC12, fliA and flhDC of Edwardsiella tarda attenuatedbacterial motility, biofilm formation and virulence to fish. J Appl Microbiol,116, 236-244. (SCI, IF2012: 2.196)

43. Zhao R, Ji S, Wang Y, Yu T, Li Z, Li B, Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Litoribacillusperitrichatus gen. nov. sp. nov., isolated from coastal sediment of anamphioxus breeding zone in Qingdao, China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Int J Gen MolMicrobiol. 103 (2), 357-366. (SCI, IF2012: 2.112)

44. Li Z,Zhao R, Ji S, Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Roseovarius marisflavi sp. nov., isolated from an amphioxusbreeding zone in the coastal region of the Yellow Sea, China. Antonievan Leeuwenhoek Int J Gen MolMicrobiol. 104:413–421. (SCI,IF2012: 2.112)

45. Wang Y, Zhao R, Ji S, Li Z, YuT, Li B, Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Litorilituus sediminis gen. nov.sp. nov., isolatedfrom coastal sediment of an amphioxus breeding zonein Qingdao, China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Int J Gen Mol Microbiol. 104: 423–430. (SCI, IF2011: 2.091)

46. Zhang Y, Tang K, Shi X, ZhangX-H*. 2013. Flaviramulus ichthyoenteri sp. nov., a novel N-acyl-homoserine lactone-degradingbacterium isolated from intestine of flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and emendeddescriptions of the genus Flaviramulus and Flaviramulus basaltis. 63,4477–4483 (SCI, IF2012:2.112)

47. Yu T, Zhang Z, Fan X,Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Aquimarina megaterium sp.nov., isolated from seawater of South Pacific Gyre. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.055517-0 (SCI, IF2012: 2.112)

48. Fan X, Yu T, Li Z, Zhang X-H*.2013. Luteimonas abyssi sp. nov.,isolated from deep-sea sediment of South Pacific Gyre. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.056010-0 (SCI, IF2012: 2.112)

49. Xu T, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Edwardsiella tarda: an intriguingproblem in aquaculture. Aquaculture doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2013.12.001(SCI, IF2012: 2.009)

50. Christiaen S,Matthijs N, ZhangX-H, Nelis H, Bossier P, Coenye T*. 2014. Bacterial that inhibit quorumsensing decrease biofilm formation and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA01. Pathogens and Disease (originalname: FEMS Immunol Med Mic) 70, 271–279. (SCI, IF2012: 2.684)

51. He Y, Xu T, Fossheim LE, ZhangX-H*. 2012. FliC, a flagellin protein, is essential for the growth andvirulence of fish pathogen Edwardsiellatarda. PLoS One, 7(9): e45070.(SCI, IF2011: 4.092)

52. Yu M, Wang J, Tang K, Shi X, Wang S, Zhu W-M* and Zhang X-H*. 2012. Purification and characterizationof antibacterial compounds of Pseudoalteromonasflavipulchra JG1. Microbiology (SGM), 158, 835 – 842. (SCI,IF2011: 3.061)

53. Yu M, Tang K, Shi X, Zhang X-H*.2012. Genome sequence of Pseudoalteromonasflavipulchra JG1, a marine antagonistic bacterium with abundantantimicrobial metabolites. J Bacteriol, 194 (14), 3735. (SCI, IF2011: 3.825)

54. Wang H, Zhang X, Yan S, Qi Z, Yu Y, Zhang X-H*. 2012. Huaishuiahalophila gen. nov. sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from Yellow Seacoastal water in Qingdao, China. IntJ Syst Evol Microbiol, 62, 223 – 228. (SCI, IF2011: 2.268)

55. Qu Z, Li Z, Zhang X and Zhang X-H*. 2012. Salinicoccusqingdaonensis sp. nov., anovel bacterium isolated from coastal seawater of Qingdao during a bloom ofgreen algae. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 62, 545 – 549. (SCI, IF2011: 2.268)

56. Chang X, Liu W, and Zhang X-H*.2012. Salinactinosporaqingdaonensis gen. nov.sp. nov., a novel halophilic actinomycete isolated from a salt pond. IntJ Syst Evol Microbiol. 62, 954 – 959. (SCI, IF2011:2.268)

57. Yan S, Zhao N and Zhang X-H*. 2012. Myroides phaeus sp. nov., isolated from human saliva and emendeddescriptions of the genus Myroides and the species M. profundi Zhang et al. 2008 and M. marinus Cho et al. 2011. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 62, 770 – 775. (SCI,IF2011: 2.268)

58. Li Z, Qu Z, Zhang X and Zhang X-H*. 2012. Lentibacter algarum gen. nov. sp. nov., a novelbacterium isolated from coastal water in Qingdao, China during a massivegreen algae bloom. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 62, 1042-1047. (SCI,IF2011: 2.268)

59. Wang Y, Yu M, Austin B and ZhangX-H*. 2012. Oleispira lenta sp. nov., a novel marinebacterium isolated from Yellow sea coastal seawater in Qingdao, China.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Int J Gen Mol Microbiol 101, 787-794. (SCI, IF2011:2.091)

60. Liu W, Dong N, Zhang X-H*. 2012.Overexpression of mltA in Edwardsiella tarda reduces resistanceto antibiotics and enhances lethality in zebra fish. J Appl Microbiol, 112, 1075–1085. (SCI, IF2011: 2.337)

61. Ji S, Zhao R, Yin Q, Zhao Y, Liu C, Xiao T and Zhang X-H*. 2012. Gel microbeadcultivation with a subenrichment procedure can yield better bacterial cultivabilityfrom a seawater sample than standard plating method. J Ocean Univ China. 11 (1), 45-51. (SCI)

62. Shi X, Yu M, Yan S, Dong S, Zhang X-H*. 2012. Genome sequence of the thermostable-agarase producting marinebacterium Catenovulum agarivorans YM01T,reveals the presence of a series of agarase encoding genes. J Bacteriol, 194(19), 5484. (SCI, IF2011: 3.825)

63. Han Y, Yang C-L, Yang Q, Qi Z, Liu W, Xu Z-H, Zhu W-M*, Bossier P & Zhang X-H*. 2011. Mutationof tryptophanase gene tnaA in Edwardsiella tarda reduceslipopolysaccharide production, antibiotic resistance and virulence. EnvironMicrobiol Rep, 3, 603-612. (SCI,IF2010: 3.076)

64. Xu Z, Wang Y, Han Y, Chen J & Zhang X-H*. 2011. Mutation of a novelvirulence-related gene mltD in Vibrio anguillarum enhances lethalityin zebra fish. ResMicrobiol, 162, 144-150. (SCI, IF2009: 2.405)

65. Yang Q, Han Y & Zhang X-H*. 2011. Detection of quorum-sensing signal molecules in the family Vibrionaceae. J Appl Microbiol, 110, 1438-1448. (SCI, IF2010: 2.365)

66. He Y, Xu T, Han Y, Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2011. Phenotypic diversity of Edwardsiella tarda isolated from differentorigins. Lett Appl Microbiol, 53, 294–299. (SCI, IF2010: 1.647)

67. Yan S, Yu M, Wang Y, Shen C and Zhang X-H*. 2011. Catenovulum agarivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., a peritrichously flagellated, chain-forming,agar-hydrolysing gammaproteobacterium from seawater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 61, 2866 – 2873. (SCI, IF2010: 1.930)

68. Chang X, Liu W, and Zhang X-H*. 2011. Spinactinospora alkalitolerans gen. nov. sp. nov., an actinomyceteisolated from marine sediment. IntJ Syst Evol Microbiol, 61, 2805 – 2810. (SCI,IF2010: 1.930)

69. Yu Y*, Yan S,Li H-R & Zhang X-H*. 2011. Roseicitreum antarcticum gen. nov. sp. nov., an aerobicbacteriochlorophyll a-containing alphaproteobacterium from Antarcticsandy intertidal sediments. IntJ Syst Evol Microbiol, 61, 2173-2179. (SCI, IF2010: 1.930)

70. Wang H, Liu J, Wang Y & ZhangX-H*. 2011. Vibrio marisflavi sp. nov., a novel marine bacterium isolatedfrom seawater near the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass, China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 61, 568– 573. (SCI, IF2010: 1.930)

71. Li Y, Yan S, Yang Q, Qi Z*, ZhangX-H*, and Fu Y-B. 2011. Algoriphagusfaecimaris sp. nov., anovel bacterium isolated from Yellow Sea coastal sediment, China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 61, 2856 – 2860. (SCI, IF2010: 1.930)

72. D’Hondt S, Inagaki F, Alvarez Zarikian CA, and the Expedition 329 Scientists (including Zhang X-H). 2011. South Pacific Gyre SubseafloorLife. Proc. IODP, 329: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling ProgramManagement International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.329.2011

73. Liu R, Chen J, Li K, Zhang X-H.2011. Identification and evaluation as a DNA vaccine candidate of avirulence-associated serine protease from a pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolate. Fish Shellfish Immunol, 30,1241-1248. (SCI, IF2010: 3.044)

74. Bai F, Sun B, Woo NYS & ZhangX-H*. 2010. Vibrio harveyi hemolysin induces ultrastructural changes and apoptosis in flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) cells. BiochemBiophys Res Commun, 395, 70-75. (SCI, IF2009: 2.548)

75. Wang Y, ZhangX-H*, Yu M, Wang H & Austin B. 2010. Vibrio atypicus sp. nov., isolated from thedigestive tract of Chinese prawn (Penaeuschinensis, O’sbeck). Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 60, 2517–2523. (SCI,IF2009: 2.113)

76. Wang Y, Wang H, Liu J, Lai Q, Shao Z, Austin B & ZhangX-H*. 2010. Aestuariibacteraggregatus sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated fromseawater of the Yellow Sea. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 309, 48-54. (SCI, IF2009:2.119)

77. Han Y, Li X, Qi Z, Zhang X-H*& Bossier P. 2010. Detection of different quorum sensing signal moleculesin a virulent Edwardsiella tarda strain LTB-4. J Appl Microbiol, 108, 139-147. (SCI, IF2009: 2.098)

78. Li X, Han Y, Yang Q & Zhang X-H*. 2010. Detection of quorum-sensingsignal molecules and mutation of luxS gene in Vibrio ichthyoenteri.Res Microbiol, 161, 52-57. (SCI, IF2009: 2.154)

79. Jia A, Woo NYS & & Zhang X-H*. 2010. Expression, purification andcharacterization of the thermolabile hemolysin (TLH) from Vibrio alginolyticus. Dis Aquat Organ, 90,121-127. (SCI,IF2009: 1.678)

80. Wang Y, ZhangX-H & Austin B. 2010. Comparative analysis of the phenotypic characteristics of high- andlow virulent strains of Edwardsiellatarda. J Fish Dis, 33, 985–994.(SCI, IF2009: 1.697)

81. Jin G, Wang S, Yu M, Yan S & Zhang X-H*. 2010. Identification of a marine antagonistic strain JG1 and establishmentof a polymerase chain reaction detection technique based on the gyrB gene. Aquaculture Res, 41,1867-1874. (SCI, IF2009: 1.099)

82. Guo S, Mao Wen, Han Y, Zhang X-H,Yang C, Chen Y, Chen Y, Xu J, Li H, Qi X & Xu J. 2010. Structuralcharacteristics and antioxidant activities of the extracellular polysaccharidesproduced by marine bacterium Edwardsiellatarda. Biores Tech, 101, 4729-4732. (SCI, IF2009: 4.253)

83. Jia A & Zhang X-H*. 2009. Molecular cloning,characterization and expression analysis of cathepsin D gene from turbot Scophthalmusmaximus. Fish Shellfish Immunol, 26, 606-613. (SCI,IF2008: 3.16)

84. Jia A & Zhang X-H*. 2009. Molecular cloning, characterization,and expression analysis of the CXCR4 gene from turbot: Scophthalmus maximus. J Biomed Biotechnoldoi:10.1155/2009/767893. (SCI, IF2008: 2.563)

85. Jia A & Zhang X-H*. 2009. cDNA cloning,characterization, and expression analysis of the Rac1 gene from Scophthalmus maximus. CompBiochem Physiol B,154, 80-84. (SCI, IF2008: 1.47)

86. Qi Z, Zhang X-H*, Boon N & Bossier P. 2009. Probiotics in aquaculture of China – current state, problems andprospect. Aquaculture, 290, 15-21.(SCI, IF2008: 1.678)

87. Yang H, Chen J, Yang G, Zhang X-H. 2009. Protection of Japanese flounder (Paralichthysolivaceus) against Vibrioanguillarum with a DNA vaccine containing the mutatedzinc-metalloprotease gene. Vaccine, 27, 2150–2155. (SCI, IF2008: 3.298)

88. Lan J, Zhang X-H*, Wang Y,Chen J & Han Y. 2008. Isolationof an unusual strain of Edwardsiellatarda from turbot and establish a PCR detection technique with the gyrB gene. J Appl Microbiol, 105, 644-651. (SCI, IF2007: 2.501)

89. Bai F, Han Y, Chen J & Zhang X-H*. 2008. Disruption of quorum sensing in Vibrio harveyi bythe AiiA protein of Bacillusthuringiensis. Aquaculture, 274, 36-40. (SCI, IF2007: 1.735)

90. Wang C, Zhang X-H*, Jia A, Chen J& Austin B. 2008. Identification of immune-related genes fromkidney and spleen of turbot, Psettamaxima (L.), by suppression subtractive hybridization following challengewith Vibrio harveyi. J Fish Dis, 31, 505-514. (SCI, IF2007: 1.712)

91. Bai F, Pang L, Qi Z, Chen J, Austin B & Zhang X-H*. 2008. Distributionof five vibrio virulence-related genes among Vibrio harveyi isolates. J Gen ApplMicrobiol, 54, 71-78. (SCI, IF2007: 0.925)

92. Sun F, Chen J, Zhong L, ZhangX-H, Wang R, Guo Q & Dong Y. 2008.Characterization and virulence retention of viable but nonculturable Vibrio harveyi. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 64, 37-44. (SCI,IF2007: 3.039)

93. Sun B, Zhang X-H*, Tang X, Wang S, ZhongY, Chen J & Austin B. 2007. A particular single residuechange in Vibrio harveyi hemolysin (VHH) results in the loss of phospholipaseand hemolytic activities and pathogenicity to turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). J Bacteriol, 189,2575-2579. (SCI, IF2007: 4.013)

94. Du M, Chen J, Zhang X-H, Li A, Li Y &Wang Y. 2007. Retentionof virulence in a viable-but-nonculturable Edwardsiella tarda isolate.Appl Environ Microbiol, 73, 1349-1354. (SCI, IF2007: 4.004)

95. Zhong Y, Zhang X-H*, Chen J, Chi Z, Sun B, Li Y & AustinB. 2006. Overexpression, purification, characterization and pathogenicitiy of Vibrio harveyi hemolysin VHH. Infect Immun, 74,6001-6005. (SCI, IF2006: 4.004)

96. Pang L, Zhang X-H*, Zhong Y, Chen J, Li Y &Austin B. 2006. Identification of Vibrioharveyi using PCR amplification of the toxR gene. Lett ApplMicrobiol, 43, 249-255. (SCI, IF2006: 1.593)

97. Austin B & Zhang X-H. 2006. Vibrio harveyi: a significant pathogen of marinevertebrates and invertebrates. LettAppl Microbiol, 43, 119-124. (SCI,IF2006: 1.593)

98. Zhang X-H & Austin B.2005. Haemolysins in Vibrio species. JAppl Microbiol, 98, 1011-1019. (SCI, IF2005:2.127)

99. Zhang X-H,Axton JM, Drinjákovic J, Lorenz L, White-Cooper H & Renault AD.2004. Spatial and temporal control of mitoticcyclins by the Gnu regulator of embryonic mitosis in Drosophila.J Cell Sci, 117,3571-3578. (SCI, IF2004: 7.250)

100. Renault AD, Zhang X-H, Alphey LS, Frenz LM, Glover DM,Saunders RDC & Axton JM. 2003. giantnuclei is essential in the cell cycle transition from meiosis to mitosis. Development, 130, 2997-3005. (SCI, IF2004: 7.149)

101. Zhang X-H,Meaden PG. & Austin B. 2001. Duplication of hemolysin genesin a virulent isolate of Vibrio harveyi. Appl Environ Microbiol, 67, 3161-3167. (SCI, IF2004: 3.810)

102. Zhang X-H & Austin B. 2000. Pathogenicity of Vibrio harveyi to salmonids. J Fish Dis, 23, 93-102. (SCI, IF2004: 1.587)

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Xiao-Hua Zhang

Title: professor


Email:xhzhang@ouc.edu.cn Tel:0086-**(office)


Colleage of Marine Life Sciences

Ocean UniversityofChina

Yushan 5 Road,Qingdao266003, China





PhD in Microbiology,Department of Biological Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, U.K.

MSc in Physiology,Biological Department, Shandong University, China

BSc. in Zoology,Biological Department, Shandong University, China
Employment andexperience


Professor in MarineMicrobiology, Colleage of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China,China

Postdoctoral Researcher in Department of Genetics, CambridgeUniversity, U.K.

Postdoctoral Researcher in Department of Zoology, Oxford University,U.K.

Lecturer and AssociateProfessor in Marine Microbiology, Colleage of Marine Life Sciences, OceanUniversity of China, P.R. China

Research associate inShandong Institute of Marine Materia Media, China

Lectures in Microbiology, MarineMicrobiology and Modern Microbiological Methods

Research Interests

Marinemicrobiology; roles of marine microorganisms in driving biogeochemical cycles;marine bacterial taxonomy and ecology; applications of marine bacteria; bacterialquorum sensing and quorum quenching


1. D Hondt S, Inagaki F, Zarikian C, Abrams L, Dubois N, Engelhardt T,Evans H, Ferdelman T, Gribsholt B, Harris R, Hoppie B, Hyun J-H, Kallmeyer J,Kim J, Lynch J, McKinley C, Mitsunobu S, Morono Y, Murray R, Pockalny R,Sauvage J, Shimono T, Shiraishi F, Smith D, Smith-Duque C, Spivack A,Steinsbu B, Suzuki Y, Szpak M, Toffin L, Uramoto G, Yamaguchi Y, Zhang G-L, Zhang X-H, and Ziebis W. 2015. Presenceof oxygen and aerobic communities from seafloor to basement in deep-seasediment. Nature Geoscience. doi:10.1038/NGEO2387. (SCI, IF2013: 11.668)

2. Tang K, Su Y, Brackman G, Cui F, Zhang Y, Shi X, Coenye T, Zhang X-H*. 2015. MomL, a novelmarine-derived N-acyl homoserinelactonase from Muricauda olearia.Appl Environ Microbiol, 81:774 –782. (SCI, IF2013: 3.952)

3. Zhang Y, Liu J, Tang K, Yu M, Coenye T, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Genomeanalysis of Flaviramulus ichthyoenteri Th78T in the family Flavobacteriaceae:insights into its quorum quenching property and potential roles in fishintestine. BMC Genomics, 16:38. (SCI, IF2013: 4.041)

4. Liu J, Fu B,Yang H, Zhao M, He B, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Phylogenetic shifts of bacterioplanktoncommunity composition along the Pearl Estuary: the potential impact ofhypoxia and nutrients. Front Microbiol, 6, 64. (SCI, IF2013: 3.941)

5. Liu J, Liu X, Wang M, Qiao Y,Zheng Y, Zhang X-H*. Bacterial andarchaeal communities in sediments of the north Chinese marginal seas. MicrobEcol doi: 10.1007/s00248-014-0553-8. (SCI, IF2013: 3.118)

6. Jatt AN, Tang K, Liu J, Zhang Z, ZhangX-H*. 2015. Quorum sensing in marine snow and its possible influence on production ofextracellular hydrolytic enzymes in marine snow bacterium Pantoeaananatis B9. FEMS MicrobiolEcol, 91, 1-13. (SCI, IF2013: 3.875)

7. Gao X, Zhang Z, Dai X, ZhangX-H*. 2015. Spongiibacteriumpacificum sp. nov., isolated from seawater of South Pacific Gyre and emendeddescription of the genus Spongiibacterium. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol, 65,154–158. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

8. Liang J, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Wang M, ZhangX-H*. 2015. Loktanella sediminum sp. nov., isolated from sediment of the northern Okinawa Trough. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol, 65,686-691. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

9. Yu M, Xu Y, Xu T, Wang B, Sheng A, Zhang X-H*. 2015. WcaJ, the initiating enzyme for colanicacid synthesis, is required for lipopolysaccharide production, biofilmformation and virulence in Edwardsiellatarda. Aquaculture, 437, 287-291. (SCI, IF2013: 1.828)

10. Wu F, Tang K, Yuan M, Shi X, Shakeela Q, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Studies on bacterial pathogens isolated fromdiseased torafugu (Takifugu rubripes)cultured in marine industrial recirculation aquaculture system in ShandongProvince, China. Aquac Res, 46, 736–744 (SCI, IF2013: 1.320)

11. Chang X, Liu W, Yin Q, Wang H, ZhangX*. 2014. Phylogenetic diversity and biological activities of marineactinomycetes isolated from sediments of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass,China, Marine Biology Research, doi: 10.1080/**.2014.962540 (SCI, IF2013:1.134)

12. Gao X, Zhang Z, Dai X, ZhangX-H*. 2015. Hyunsoonleella pacifica sp. nov., isolated from seawater of South Pacific Gyre. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol. (SCI,IF2013: 2.798)

13. Liang J, Liu J, Zhang X-H. 2015. Jiellaaquimaris gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from offshore surface seawater ofthe East China Sea. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.000067 (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

14. Fu B, Liu J, Yang H, Hsu TC, He B, Dai M, Kao SJ, Zhao M, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Shift of anammox bacterial communitystructure along Pearl Estuary and the impact of environmental factors. JGeophys Res – Oceans (in printing) (SCI,IF2013: 3.44)

15. Dai X, Shi X, Gao X, Liang J, ZhangX-H. 2015. Salipiger nanhaiensis sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from deep water of the South China Sea. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.000066 (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

16. Dong N, Li H-R, Yuan M, ZhangX-H, Yu Y. 2015. Deinococcusantarcticus sp. nov., isolated from soil of Grove Mountains, EastAntarctica. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol,65, 331-335. (SCI,IF2013: 2.798)

17. Liu J, Yu S, Zhao M, He B, ZhangX-H*. 2014. Shifts in archaeaplankton community structure along ecologicalgradients of Pearl Estuary. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 90, 424-435. (SCI, IF2013: 3.875)

18. Tang K, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Quorum quenching agents: resources for antivirulence therapy. Mar Drugs, 12, 3245-3282. (SCI, IF2013: 3.512)

19. Liu J, Yang H, Zhao M, Zhang X-H*.2014. Spatial distribution patterns of benthic microbial communities along PearlEstuary. Syst Appl Microbiol. 37, 578-589. (SCI, IF2013: 3.366)

20. Xu Y, Xu T, Wang B, Dong X, Sheng A, Zhang X-H*.2014. A mutation in rcsB, a geneencoding the core component of the Rcs cascade, enhances the virulence of Edwardsiella tarda. Res Microbiol, 165,226-232. (SCI, IF2013:2.826)

21. Xu T, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Edwardsiella tarda: an intriguingproblem in aquaculture. Aquaculture, 431, 129-135. (SCI, IF2013: 1.828)

22. Xu T, Su Y, Xu Y, He Y, Wang B, Dong X, Li Y, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Mutations of ?agellar genes fliC12, fliA and flhDC of Edwardsiella tarda attenuatedbacterial motility, biofilm formation and virulence to fish. J Appl Microbiol,116, 236-244. (SCI, IF2013: 2.386)

23. Yu T, Zhang Z, Fan X,Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Aquimarina megaterium sp. nov.,isolated from seawater of South Pacific Gyre. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 64,122-127. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

24. Zhang Y, Tang K, Shi X, Zhang X-H*.2014. Thalassotalea piscium sp.nov., a novel bacterium isolated from flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), and reclassification of four Thalassomonas species as members ofthe novel genus Thalassotalea andemended description of the genus Thalassomonas.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 64, 1223–1228. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

25. Fan X, Yu T, Li Z, Zhang X-H*.2014. Luteimonas abyssi sp. nov.,isolated from deep-sea sediment of South Pacific Gyre. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 64, 668–674. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

26. Fan X, Qiao Y, Gao X, Zhang X-H*.2014. Nocardioides pacifica sp.nov., isolated from deep sub-seafloor sediment of South Pacific Gyre. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol, 64, 2217-2222. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

27. Fan X,Zhang Z, Li Z, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Luteococcus sediminum sp. nov.,isolated from deep subseafloor sediment of the South Pacific Gyre. Int J SystEvol Microbiol, 64,2522-2527. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

28. Yu C, Yu S, Zhang Z, Li Z, Zhang X-H*.2014. Oceanobacillus pacificus sp.nov., isolated from a deep-sea sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 64,1278–1283. (SCI,IF2013: 2.798)

29. Zhang Z, Yu T, Xu T, ZhangX-H*. 2014. Aquimarina pacifica sp. nov., isolated fromseawater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 64,1991–1997. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

30. Zhang Z, Fan X, Gao X, Zhang X-H*.2014. Achromobacter sediminum sp.nov., isolated from deep sub-seafloor sediment of South Pacific Gyre. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol, 2244-2249. (SCI, IF2013: 2.798)

31. Cui F, Dong S, Shi X*, Zhao X, ZhangX-H. 2014. Overexpression and characterizationof a novel thermostable β-agarase YM01-3, from marine bacterium Catenovulumagarivorans YM01T. Mar Drugs, 12, 2731-2747. (SCI,IF2013: 3.512)

32. Dai X, ShiX, Gao X, Liu J, Zhang X-H. 2014. Roseivivaxmarinus sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from deep water of the South China Sea. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 64,2540-2544.

33. Yuan M, YuY, Li H-R, Dong N, Zhang X-H. 2014.Phylogenetic diversity and biological activity of actinobacteria isolatedfrom marine sediments of the Chukchi Shelf, arctic ocean. Marine Drugs, 12,1281-1297. (SCI, IF2013: 3.512)

34. Christiaen S, Matthijs N, Zhang X-H, Nelis H, Bossier P, Coenye T. 2014. Bacterial that inhibitquorum sensing decrease biofilm formation and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA01. Pathogensand Disease (original name: FEMS Immunol Med Mic), 70, 271–279. (SCI, IF2012: 2.684)

35. Yu M, Tang K, Liu J, Shi X, Gulder TAM, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Genome analysis of Pseudoalteromonas flavipulchra JG1 reveals various survivaladvantages in marine environment. BMC Genomics 14:707. (SCI, IF2012: 4.397)

36. Yin Q, Fu B, Li B, Shi X, Inagaki F and Zhang X-H*. 2013. Spatial variations in microbial communitycomposition in surface seawater from the ultra-oligotrophic center to rim ofthe South Pacific Gyre. PLOS ONE 8(2), e55148. (SCI, IF2012: 3.73)

37. Wang B, Yu T, Dong X, Zhang Z, Song L, Xu Y, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Edwardsiellatarda invasion of fish cell lines and the activation of divergent celldeath pathways. Vet Microbiol, 163, 282-289 (SCI, IF2011: 3.127)

38. Tang K, Zhang Y, Yu M, Shi X, Coenye T, Bossier P, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Evaluation of a newhigh-throughput method for identifying quorum quenching bacteria. Sci. Rep.3, 2935 . (SCI, IF2012: 2.927)

39. Dong X, Fan X, Wang B, Shi X, ZhangX-H*. 2013. Invasin of Edwardsiellatarda is essential for its haemolytic activity, biofilm formation andvirulence toward fish. J Appl Microbiol, 115, 12-19. (SCI, IF2012: 2.196)

40. Ji S, Zhao R, Li Z, Li B, Shi X, Zhang,X-H*. 2013. Ferrimonas sediminum sp. nov., a novel species isolated from coastal sediment of an amphioxusbreeding zone in Qingdao, China. Int JSyst Evol Microbiol. 63, 977-981. (SCI,IF2012: 2.112)

41. Yu T, Yin Q, Zhao R, Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Aquimarina longa sp.nov., isolated from seawater of South Pacific Gyre and emended description of A. muelleri. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 63, 1235 – 1240 (SCI, IF2012: 2.112)

42. Xu T, Su Y, Xu Y, He Y, Wang B, Dong X, Li Y, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Mutations of ?agellar genes fliC12, fliA and flhDC of Edwardsiella tarda attenuatedbacterial motility, biofilm formation and virulence to fish. J Appl Microbiol,116, 236-244. (SCI, IF2012: 2.196)

43. Zhao R, Ji S, Wang Y, Yu T, Li Z, Li B, Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Litoribacillusperitrichatus gen. nov. sp. nov., isolated from coastal sediment of anamphioxus breeding zone in Qingdao, China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Int J Gen MolMicrobiol. 103 (2), 357-366. (SCI, IF2012: 2.112)

44. Li Z,Zhao R, Ji S, Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Roseovarius marisflavi sp. nov., isolated from an amphioxusbreeding zone in the coastal region of the Yellow Sea, China. Antonievan Leeuwenhoek Int J Gen MolMicrobiol. 104:413–421. (SCI,IF2012: 2.112)

45. Wang Y, Zhao R, Ji S, Li Z, YuT, Li B, Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Litorilituus sediminis gen. nov.sp. nov., isolatedfrom coastal sediment of an amphioxus breeding zone in Qingdao, China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Int J Gen Mol Microbiol. 104: 423–430. (SCI, IF2011: 2.091)

46. Zhang Y, Tang K, Shi X, ZhangX-H*. 2013. Flaviramulus ichthyoenteri sp. nov.,a novel N-acyl-homoserinelactone-degrading bacterium isolated from intestine of flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and emendeddescriptions of the genus Flaviramulus and Flaviramulus basaltis. 63,4477–4483 (SCI, IF2012:2.112)

47. Yu T, Zhang Z, Fan X,Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Aquimarina megaterium sp. nov.,isolated from seawater of South Pacific Gyre. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.055517-0 (SCI, IF2012: 2.112)

48. Fan X, Yu T, Li Z, Zhang X-H*.2013. Luteimonas abyssi sp. nov.,isolated from deep-sea sediment of South Pacific Gyre. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.056010-0 (SCI, IF2012: 2.112)

49. Xu T, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Edwardsiella tarda: an intriguingproblem in aquaculture. Aquaculture doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2013.12.001(SCI, IF2012: 2.009)

50. Christiaen S,Matthijs N, ZhangX-H, Nelis H, Bossier P, Coenye T*. 2014. Bacterial that inhibit quorumsensing decrease biofilm formation and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA01. Pathogens and Disease (originalname: FEMS Immunol Med Mic) 70, 271–279. (SCI, IF2012: 2.684)

51. He Y, Xu T, Fossheim LE, ZhangX-H*. 2012. FliC, a flagellin protein, is essential for the growth andvirulence of fish pathogen Edwardsiellatarda. PLoS One, 7(9): e45070.(SCI, IF2011: 4.092)

52. Yu M, Wang J, Tang K, Shi X, Wang S, Zhu W-M* and Zhang X-H*. 2012. Purification and characterizationof antibacterial compounds of Pseudoalteromonasflavipulchra JG1. Microbiology (SGM), 158, 835 – 842. (SCI, IF2011: 3.061)

53. Yu M, Tang K, Shi X, Zhang X-H*.2012. Genome sequence of Pseudoalteromonasflavipulchra JG1, a marine antagonistic bacterium with abundantantimicrobial metabolites. J Bacteriol, 194 (14), 3735. (SCI, IF2011: 3.825)

54. Wang H, Zhang X, Yan S, Qi Z, Yu Y, Zhang X-H*. 2012. Huaishuiahalophila gen. nov. sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from Yellow Seacoastal water in Qingdao, China. IntJ Syst Evol Microbiol, 62, 223 – 228. (SCI, IF2011: 2.268)

55. Qu Z, Li Z, Zhang X and Zhang X-H*. 2012. Salinicoccusqingdaonensis sp. nov., anovel bacterium isolated from coastal seawater of Qingdao during a bloom ofgreen algae. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 62, 545 – 549. (SCI, IF2011: 2.268)

56. Chang X, Liu W, and Zhang X-H*.2012. Salinactinosporaqingdaonensis gen. nov.sp. nov., a novel halophilic actinomycete isolated from a salt pond. IntJ Syst Evol Microbiol. 62, 954 – 959. (SCI, IF2011:2.268)

57. Yan S, Zhao N and Zhang X-H*. 2012. Myroides phaeus sp. nov., isolated from human saliva and emendeddescriptions of the genus Myroides and the species M. profundi Zhang et al. 2008 and M. marinus Cho et al. 2011. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 62, 770 – 775. (SCI,IF2011: 2.268)

58. Li Z, Qu Z, Zhang X and Zhang X-H*. 2012. Lentibacter algarum gen. nov. sp. nov., a novelbacterium isolated from coastal water in Qingdao, China during a massivegreen algae bloom. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 62, 1042-1047. (SCI,IF2011: 2.268)

59. Wang Y, Yu M, Austin B and ZhangX-H*. 2012. Oleispira lenta sp. nov., a novel marinebacterium isolated from Yellow sea coastal seawater in Qingdao, China.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Int J Gen Mol Microbiol 101, 787-794. (SCI, IF2011:2.091)

60. Liu W, Dong N, Zhang X-H*. 2012.Overexpression of mltA in Edwardsiella tarda reduces resistanceto antibiotics and enhances lethality in zebra fish. J Appl Microbiol, 112, 1075–1085. (SCI, IF2011: 2.337)

61. Ji S, Zhao R, Yin Q, Zhao Y, Liu C, Xiao T and Zhang X-H*. 2012. Gel microbeadcultivation with a subenrichment procedure can yield better bacterial cultivabilityfrom a seawater sample than standard plating method. J Ocean Univ China. 11 (1), 45-51. (SCI)

62. Shi X, Yu M, Yan S, Dong S, Zhang X-H*. 2012. Genome sequence of the thermostable-agarase producting marinebacterium Catenovulum agarivorans YM01T,reveals the presence of a series of agarase encoding genes. J Bacteriol, 194(19), 5484. (SCI, IF2011: 3.825)

63. Han Y, Yang C-L, Yang Q, Qi Z, Liu W, Xu Z-H, Zhu W-M*, Bossier P & Zhang X-H*. 2011. Mutationof tryptophanase gene tnaA in Edwardsiella tarda reduceslipopolysaccharide production, antibiotic resistance and virulence. EnvironMicrobiol Rep, 3, 603-612. (SCI,IF2010: 3.076)

64. Xu Z, Wang Y, Han Y, Chen J & Zhang X-H*. 2011. Mutation of a novelvirulence-related gene mltD in Vibrio anguillarum enhances lethalityin zebra fish. ResMicrobiol, 162, 144-150. (SCI, IF2009: 2.405)

65. Yang Q, Han Y & Zhang X-H*. 2011. Detection of quorum-sensing signal molecules in the family Vibrionaceae. J Appl Microbiol, 110, 1438-1448. (SCI, IF2010: 2.365)

66. He Y, Xu T, Han Y, Shi X, Zhang X-H*. 2011. Phenotypic diversity of Edwardsiella tarda isolated from differentorigins. Lett Appl Microbiol, 53, 294–299. (SCI, IF2010: 1.647)

67. Yan S, Yu M, Wang Y, Shen C and Zhang X-H*. 2011. Catenovulum agarivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., a peritrichously flagellated, chain-forming,agar-hydrolysing gammaproteobacterium from seawater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 61, 2866 – 2873. (SCI, IF2010: 1.930)

68. Chang X, Liu W, and Zhang X-H*. 2011. Spinactinospora alkalitolerans gen. nov. sp. nov., an actinomyceteisolated from marine sediment. IntJ Syst Evol Microbiol, 61, 2805 – 2810. (SCI,IF2010: 1.930)

69. Yu Y*, Yan S,Li H-R & Zhang X-H*. 2011. Roseicitreum antarcticum gen. nov. sp. nov., an aerobicbacteriochlorophyll a-containing alphaproteobacterium from Antarcticsandy intertidal sediments. IntJ Syst Evol Microbiol, 61, 2173-2179. (SCI, IF2010: 1.930)

70. Wang H, Liu J, Wang Y & ZhangX-H*. 2011. Vibrio marisflavi sp. nov., a novel marine bacterium isolatedfrom seawater near the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass, China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 61, 568– 573. (SCI, IF2010: 1.930)

71. Li Y, Yan S, Yang Q, Qi Z*, ZhangX-H*, and Fu Y-B. 2011. Algoriphagusfaecimaris sp. nov., anovel bacterium isolated from Yellow Sea coastal sediment, China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 61, 2856 – 2860. (SCI, IF2010: 1.930)

72. D’Hondt S, Inagaki F, Alvarez Zarikian CA, and the Expedition 329 Scientists (including Zhang X-H). 2011. South Pacific Gyre SubseafloorLife. Proc. IODP, 329: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling ProgramManagement International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.329.2011

73. Liu R, Chen J, Li K, Zhang X-H.2011. Identification and evaluation as a DNA vaccine candidate of avirulence-associated serine protease from a pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolate. Fish Shellfish Immunol, 30,1241-1248. (SCI, IF2010: 3.044)

74. Bai F, Sun B, Woo NYS & ZhangX-H*. 2010. Vibrio harveyi hemolysin induces ultrastructural changes and apoptosis in flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) cells. BiochemBiophys Res Commun, 395, 70-75. (SCI, IF2009: 2.548)

75. Wang Y, ZhangX-H*, Yu M, Wang H & Austin B. 2010. Vibrio atypicus sp. nov., isolated from thedigestive tract of Chinese prawn (Penaeuschinensis, O’sbeck). Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 60, 2517–2523. (SCI,IF2009: 2.113)

76. Wang Y, Wang H, Liu J, Lai Q, Shao Z, Austin B & ZhangX-H*. 2010. Aestuariibacteraggregatus sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated fromseawater of the Yellow Sea. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 309, 48-54. (SCI, IF2009:2.119)

77. Han Y, Li X, Qi Z, Zhang X-H*& Bossier P. 2010. Detection of different quorum sensing signal moleculesin a virulent Edwardsiella tarda strain LTB-4. J Appl Microbiol, 108, 139-147. (SCI, IF2009: 2.098)

78. Li X, Han Y, Yang Q & Zhang X-H*. 2010. Detection of quorum-sensingsignal molecules and mutation of luxS gene in Vibrio ichthyoenteri.Res Microbiol, 161, 52-57. (SCI, IF2009: 2.154)

79. Jia A, Woo NYS & & Zhang X-H*. 2010. Expression, purification andcharacterization of the thermolabile hemolysin (TLH) from Vibrio alginolyticus. Dis Aquat Organ, 90,121-127. (SCI,IF2009: 1.678)

80. Wang Y, ZhangX-H & Austin B. 2010. Comparative analysis of the phenotypic characteristics of high- andlow virulent strains of Edwardsiellatarda. J Fish Dis, 33, 985–994.(SCI, IF2009: 1.697)

81. Jin G, Wang S, Yu M, Yan S & Zhang X-H*. 2010. Identification of a marine antagonistic strain JG1 and establishmentof a polymerase chain reaction detection technique based on the gyrB gene. Aquaculture Res, 41,1867-1874. (SCI, IF2009: 1.099)

82. Guo S, Mao Wen, Han Y, Zhang X-H,Yang C, Chen Y, Chen Y, Xu J, Li H, Qi X & Xu J. 2010. Structuralcharacteristics and antioxidant activities of the extracellular polysaccharidesproduced by marine bacterium Edwardsiellatarda. Biores Tech, 101, 4729-4732. (SCI, IF2009: 4.253)

83. Jia A & Zhang X-H*. 2009. Molecular cloning,characterization and expression analysis of cathepsin D gene from turbot Scophthalmusmaximus. Fish Shellfish Immunol, 26, 606-613. (SCI, IF2008: 3.16)

84. Jia A & Zhang X-H*. 2009. Molecular cloning, characterization,and expression analysis of the CXCR4 gene from turbot: Scophthalmus maximus. J Biomed Biotechnoldoi:10.1155/2009/767893. (SCI, IF2008: 2.563)

85. Jia A & Zhang X-H*. 2009. cDNA cloning,characterization, and expression analysis of the Rac1 gene from Scophthalmus maximus. Comp BiochemPhysiol B, 154, 80-84. (SCI, IF2008: 1.47)

86. Qi Z, Zhang X-H*, Boon N & Bossier P. 2009. Probiotics in aquaculture of China – current state, problems andprospect. Aquaculture, 290, 15-21.(SCI, IF2008: 1.678)

87. Yang H, Chen J, Yang G, Zhang X-H. 2009. Protection of Japanese flounder (Paralichthysolivaceus) against Vibrioanguillarum with a DNA vaccine containing the mutatedzinc-metalloprotease gene. Vaccine, 27, 2150–2155. (SCI, IF2008: 3.298)

88. Lan J, Zhang X-H*, Wang Y,Chen J & Han Y. 2008. Isolationof an unusual strain of Edwardsiellatarda from turbot and establish a PCR detection technique with the gyrB gene. J Appl Microbiol, 105, 644-651. (SCI, IF2007: 2.501)

89. Bai F, Han Y, Chen J & Zhang X-H*. 2008. Disruption of quorum sensing in Vibrio harveyi bythe AiiA protein of Bacillusthuringiensis. Aquaculture, 274, 36-40. (SCI, IF2007: 1.735)

90. Wang C, Zhang X-H*, Jia A, Chen J& Austin B. 2008. Identification of immune-related genes fromkidney and spleen of turbot, Psettamaxima (L.), by suppression subtractive hybridization following challengewith Vibrio harveyi. J Fish Dis, 31, 505-514. (SCI, IF2007: 1.712)

91. Bai F, Pang L, Qi Z, Chen J, Austin B & Zhang X-H*. 2008. Distributionof five vibrio virulence-related genes among Vibrio harveyi isolates. J Gen ApplMicrobiol, 54, 71-78. (SCI, IF2007: 0.925)

92. Sun F, Chen J, Zhong L, ZhangX-H, Wang R, Guo Q & Dong Y. 2008. Characterization and virulenceretention of viable but nonculturable Vibrioharveyi. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 64,37-44. (SCI, IF2007: 3.039)

93. Sun B, Zhang X-H*, Tang X, Wang S, ZhongY, Chen J & Austin B. 2007. A particular single residuechange in Vibrio harveyi hemolysin (VHH) results in the loss of phospholipaseand hemolytic activities and pathogenicity to turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). J Bacteriol, 189,2575-2579. (SCI, IF2007: 4.013)

94. Du M, Chen J, Zhang X-H, Li A, Li Y &Wang Y. 2007. Retentionof virulence in a viable-but-nonculturable Edwardsiella tarda isolate.Appl Environ Microbiol, 73, 1349-1354. (SCI, IF2007: 4.004)

95. Zhong Y, Zhang X-H*, Chen J, Chi Z, Sun B, Li Y & AustinB. 2006. Overexpression, purification, characterization and pathogenicitiy of Vibrio harveyi hemolysin VHH. Infect Immun, 74,6001-6005. (SCI, IF2006: 4.004)

96. Pang L, Zhang X-H*, Zhong Y, Chen J, Li Y &Austin B. 2006. Identification of Vibrioharveyi using PCR amplification of the toxR gene. Lett ApplMicrobiol, 43, 249-255. (SCI, IF2006: 1.593)

97. Austin B & Zhang X-H. 2006. Vibrio harveyi: a significant pathogen of marinevertebrates and invertebrates. LettAppl Microbiol, 43, 119-124. (SCI,IF2006: 1.593)

98. Zhang X-H & Austin B.2005. Haemolysins in Vibrio species. JAppl Microbiol, 98, 1011-1019. (SCI, IF2005:2.127)

99. Zhang X-H,Axton JM, Drinjákovic J, Lorenz L, White-Cooper H & Renault AD.2004. Spatial and temporal control of mitoticcyclins by the Gnu regulator of embryonic mitosis in Drosophila.J Cell Sci, 117, 3571-3578.(SCI, IF2004: 7.250)

100. Renault AD, Zhang X-H, Alphey LS, Frenz LM, Glover DM,Saunders RDC & Axton JM. 2003. giantnuclei is essential in the cell cycle transition from meiosis to mitosis. Development, 130, 2997-3005. (SCI, IF2004: 7.149)

101. Zhang X-H,Meaden PG. & Austin B. 2001. Duplication of hemolysin genesin a virulent isolate of Vibrio harveyi. Appl Environ Microbiol, 67, 3161-3167. (SCI, IF2004: 3.810)

102. Zhang X-H & Austin B. 2000. Pathogenicity of Vibrio harveyi to salmonids. J Fish Dis, 23, 93-102.(SCI, IF2004: 1.587)
