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陈峰 研究员


担任同济大学附属第十人民医院骨科实验室PI(主持工作),同济大学转化医学高等研究院研究员,十院攀登人才计划领军人才(2018)。担任国家自然科学基金函评专家、浙江省/上海市项目评审专家;曾担任Current Tissue Engineering编委、International Journal ofPolymer Science客座编辑;是中国生物材料学会会员、中美华人纳米医学及纳米生物技术学会终身会员、中国抗癌协会纳米肿瘤学专业委员会专业会员;担任Biomaterials、Chemistry of Materials、ACS Applied materials& interfaces、Applied Materials Today等三十余种学术期刊审稿人。
Prof.Feng Chen is a PI and co-leader of Orthopaedic Laboratory in Tenth People'sHospital affiliated to Tongji University, and has been selected into theClimbing Talents Program (First class, 2018) of leading talents of TenthPeople's Hospital. He is a member of evaluation experts for the projects of NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, Zhejiang and Shanghai governments. Heserved as a member of the editorial board of Current Tissue Engineering and aguest editor of the International Journal of Polymer Science. He is a member ofthe several academic societies, such as Chinese Biomaterials Society and Chinese-AmericanSociety of Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology. He has served as a reviewer ofmore than 30 academic journals including Biomaterials, Chemistry of Materials,ACS Applied materials & interfaces, and Applied Materials Today.

自08年起,在仿生材料和生物医学研究领域发表和被接收SCI论文100余篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文40余篇,包括ACS Nano、Materials Horizons、Small、Biomaterials、ACS Applied materials& interfaces、Acta Biomaterialia等国际重要学术期刊,论文被引4100余次,H指数35。在仿生磷酸钙生物材料及其再生医学、药物递送等领域的应用研究方面开展了系统的工作,发表的纳米磷酸钙及生物医学应用相关研究论文数量在全球作者中排名前10。获中国发明专利授权18项,美国专利授权1项。主持科研项目10余项,其中国家、省部级项目7项,总科研经费超1000万元。研究成果曾得到了人民日报、中国科学报及英国皇家物理学会等国内外媒体的广泛关注。
[1] CaoWT, Feng W, Jiang YY, Ma Chang, Zhou ZF, Ma MG,* ChenY,* Chen F.* Two-dimensional MXene-reinforced robust surfacesuperhydrophobicity with self-cleaning and photothermal-actuating binaryeffects, Materials Horizons, 2019, 6, 1057 (IF: 14.356)
[2] ChenF, ZhuYJ.* Large-Scale Automated Production of Highly Ordered UltralongHydroxyapatite Nanowires and Construction of Various Fire-Resistant FlexibleOrdered Architectures, ACS Nano, 2016; 10 (12): 11483–11495 (IF: 13.903)
[3] CaoWT, Chen FF, Zhu YJ*, Zhang YG, Jiang YY, Ma MG*, Chen F * Binary Strengtheningand Toughening of MXene/Cellulose Nanofiber Composite Paper with Nacre-InspiredStructure and Superior Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Properties, ACSNano, 2018, 12 (5), 4583–4593 (IF: 13.903)
[4] JiangYY, Zhou ZF, Zhu YJ,* Chen FF, Lu BQ, Cao WT, Zhang YG, Cai ZD,* Chen, F.*Enzymatic Reaction Generates Biomimic Nanominerals with Superior Bioactivity. Small,2018,14:** (IF: 10.856).
[5] ZhouZF, Sun TW, Chen F,* Zuo DQ, Wang HS, Hua YQ, Cai ZD, * and TanJ*, Calcium phosphate-phosphorylated adenosine hybrid microspheres foranti-osteosarcoma drug delivery and osteogenic differentiation, Biomaterials, 2017; 121: 1–14(IF: 10.273)
[6] ChenF, HuangP, Zhu YJ*, Wu J, Cui DX.* Multifunctional Eu3+/Gd3+dual-doped calcium phosphate vesicle-like nanospheres for sustained drugrelease and imaging. Biomaterials, 2012; 33: 6447-55. (IF: 10.273)
[7] ChenF, HuangP, Zhu YJ*, Wu J, Zhang CL, Cui DX*. The photoluminescence, drug delivery andimaging properties of multifunctional Eu3+/Gd3+dual-doped hydroxyapatite nanorods. Biomaterials, 2011; 32:9031-9. (IF: 10.273)
[8] ZhangYG, Zhu YJ*, Xiong ZC, Wu J, Chen F*, Bioinspired Ultralight InorganicAerogel for Highly Efficient Air Filtration and Oil–Water Separation, ACSApplied Materials and Interfaces, 18, 10, 13019–13027. (IF: 8.456)
[9] ZhangYG, Zhu YJ*, Chen F*, Sun TW. Biocompatible, ultralight, stronghydroxyapatite networks based on hydroxyapatite microtubes with excellentpermeability and ultralow thermal conductivity. ACS Applied Materials andInterfaces, 2017; 9: 7918-28. (IF: 8.456)
[10] Sun TW, Yu WL, Zhu YJ*, Yang RL, ShenYQ, Chen DY, He* YH, Chen F*. Hydroxyapatite Nanowire@Magnesium SilicateCore-Shell Hierarchical Nanocomposite: Synthesis and Application in BoneRegeneration. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2017, 9,16435-16447. (IF: 8.456)

3.上海市自然科学基金探索类项目,18ZR**,仿线粒体的微环境制备活性生物矿物,2018.6 -2021.5,20万元,在研,主持

Prof. Feng Chen has published morethan 100 papers in the field of biomimetic materials and biomedical research,including ACS Nano, Materials Horizons, Small, Biomaterials, ACS Appliedmaterials & interfaces. These papers have been cited more than 4,100 timeswith an H-index of 35. He has carried out systematic work in the biomimetic biomaterialsand their applications in regenerative medicine. He has obtained 18 Chineseinvention patents and one US patent. He has led more than 10 projects with atotal research funding of over 10 million Yuan. His research results have beenwidely concerned by the People's Daily, the Chinese Journal of Science and theRoyal Society of Physics and other domestic and foreign media.
Selected Publications
[1] CaoWT, Feng W, Jiang YY, Ma Chang, Zhou ZF, Ma MG,* ChenY,* Chen F.* Two-dimensional MXene-reinforced robust surfacesuperhydrophobicity with self-cleaning and photothermal-actuating binaryeffects, Materials Horizons, 2019, 6, 1057 (IF: 14.356)
[2] ChenF, ZhuYJ.* Large-Scale Automated Production of Highly Ordered UltralongHydroxyapatite Nanowires and Construction of Various Fire-Resistant FlexibleOrdered Architectures, ACS Nano, 2016; 10 (12): 11483–11495 (IF: 13.903)
[3] CaoWT, Chen FF, Zhu YJ*, Zhang YG, Jiang YY, Ma MG*, Chen F * BinaryStrengthening and Toughening of MXene/Cellulose Nanofiber Composite Paper withNacre-Inspired Structure and Superior Electromagnetic Interference ShieldingProperties, ACS Nano, 2018, 12 (5), 4583–4593 (IF: 13.903)
[4] JiangYY, Zhou ZF, Zhu YJ,* Chen FF, Lu BQ, Cao WT, Zhang YG, Cai ZD,* Chen, F.*Enzymatic Reaction Generates Biomimic Nanominerals with Superior Bioactivity. Small,2018,14:** (IF: 10.856).
[5] ZhouZF, Sun TW, Chen F,* Zuo DQ, Wang HS, Hua YQ, Cai ZD, * and TanJ*, Calcium phosphate-phosphorylated adenosine hybrid microspheres foranti-osteosarcoma drug delivery and osteogenic differentiation, Biomaterials,2017; 121: 1–14 (IF: 10.273)
[6] ChenF, HuangP, Zhu YJ*, Wu J, Cui DX.* Multifunctional Eu3+/Gd3+dual-doped calcium phosphate vesicle-like nanospheres for sustained drugrelease and imaging. Biomaterials, 2012; 33: 6447-55. (IF: 10.273)
[7] ChenF, HuangP, Zhu YJ*, Wu J, Zhang CL, Cui DX*. The photoluminescence, drug delivery andimaging properties of multifunctional Eu3+/Gd3+dual-doped hydroxyapatite nanorods. Biomaterials, 2011; 32:9031-9. (IF: 10.273)
[8] ZhangYG, Zhu YJ*, Xiong ZC, Wu J, Chen F*, Bioinspired Ultralight InorganicAerogel for Highly Efficient Air Filtration and Oil–Water Separation, ACSApplied Materials and Interfaces, 18, 10, 13019–13027. (IF: 8.456)
[9] ZhangYG, Zhu YJ*, Chen F*, Sun TW. Biocompatible, ultralight, stronghydroxyapatite networks based on hydroxyapatite microtubes with excellentpermeability and ultralow thermal conductivity. ACS Applied Materials andInterfaces, 2017; 9: 7918-28. (IF: 8.456)
SunTW, Yu WL, Zhu YJ*, Yang RL, Shen YQ, Chen DY, He* YH, Chen F*. HydroxyapatiteNanowire@Magnesium Silicate Core-Shell Hierarchical Nanocomposite: Synthesisand Application in Bone Regeneration. ACS Applied Materials andInterfaces, 2017, 9, 16435-16447. (IF: 8.456)

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