

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12

徐俊 教授

1. 利用疾病特异的iPS细胞研究重大神经退行性疾病的机制。
2. 神经干细胞在衰老过程中的DNA损伤修复及应答反应的调控机制的研究。
3. 利用成体干细胞治疗脊髓损伤,中风,关节炎等重大疾病的研究。

1. 利用疾病特异的iPS细胞研究重大神经退行性疾病的机制。
这部分课题主要围绕两个关键科学问题进行:(1)如何将疾病特异性iPS细胞向相应疾病中的功能细胞定向诱导,并建立研究相关疾病的细胞或动物模型?(2)如何应用这样的疾病模型探索疾病发生的机制和规律,并发现对这些疾病有效治疗的新靶点和新途径?我们将首先建立严重危害人民健康的重大疾病的iPS细胞系,重点选择我们项目组有一定研究基础的疾病,并优先考虑具有遗传起因的家族病例,包括神经系统 (阿尔茨海默病AD、帕金森病PD和运动神经元疾病(如小儿脊肌萎缩症SMA和侧索硬化肌萎缩等)重大疾病。 然后在疾病模型的基础上深入研究突触病变,轴突退变,细胞凋亡,氧化压力,DNA损伤等致病的分子机制,并探索用CRISPR CAS9等基因修饰的方法来治疗疾病的可能性
2. 神经干细胞在衰老过程中的DNA损伤修复及应答反应的调控机制的研究
本课题的主要目标是研究在衰老过程中DNA损伤修复及其应答反应对神经干细胞功能的影响,从而揭示神经干细胞衰老的分子调控机制。 具体目标包括:
4)利用特异的DSB修复的荧光报道系统,深入研究DBS相关的两个重要修复途径HR(homologous recombination)和NHEJ(non-homologous end-jointing)在神经干细胞的DNA损伤修复中的作用及其在衰老的模型中的变化及调控机制。
5)利用分子遗传学和转基因小鼠,研究与衰老相关的重要基因如Sirt1, ATM, Ku80及P53在衰老过程中对DNA损伤修复的调节机制
3. 利用干细胞及其衍生物治疗脊髓损伤,中风,关节炎等重大疾病的研究
建立脊髓损伤,中风,关节炎等重大疾病的小动物或灵长类动物模型,研究不同的干细胞尤其是成体干细胞(ADSC)的分化及其衍生物,对治疗若干重大疾病的效果及作用机制, 并结合组织工程材料及基因工程来探索的最佳治疗策略,在坚实临床前研究的基础上,开展临床研究。

美国神经科学学会会员 2000---至今
国际干细胞协会会员 2000---至今
中国生物物理协会会员 2011---至今
中国干细胞协会会员 2011---至今
J Neuroscience Research, Stem Cell Research and Therapy, Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, NRR等杂志的特约审稿;科技部863项目入库评审专家;科技部“干细胞先导计划”评审专家;国家基金委自然科学基金评审专家;上海科委自然基金评审专家 。

本科于1999年毕业于北大生命科学学院,2004年在纽约医学院获得博士学位,2005-2008年间师从2013诺贝尔奖获得者Dr. Thomas Sudhof进行博士后研究。从事神经科学和干细胞方面研究十余年,有丰富的相关领域研究经验。研究工作主要集中在揭示神经递质释放的分子机制、基于诱导性全能干细胞的神经性退行性疾病治疗以及干细胞衰老及相关分子机制等领域。作为第一作者或通信作者在世界著名的学术刊物 Nature Neuroscience、Neuron、PNAS、Journal of Neuroscience、Cell Death and Disease、 Journal of Biological Chemistry、Journal of Neurophysiology、Tissue Engineering,Cell Death and Disease, Oncotarget等发表多篇论文,自2009年回国后参与创建了同济大学干细胞中心,上海高等研究院同济大学东方医院干细胞工程转化中心,分别担任中心副主任;先后获得上海市启明星、教育部新世纪人才和中组部青年拔尖人才等荣誉;承担了包括科技部重大科学研究计划、自然基金面上项目、自然基金国际合作项目等一系列科研项目;并担任了科技部973重大项目中期评审专家、科技部十二五863项目入库评审专家、上海市自然基金的评委等。主要研究成果如下:


Sun Chenxi; Zhu Liang; MaRongjie; Ren Jie; Wang Jian; Gao Shane; Yang Danjing; Ning,Ke; Ling Bin; Lu Bing; Chen Xu; Xu Jun*(FEB 2019)Astrocytic miR-324-5p is essentialfor synaptic formation by suppressing the secretion of CCL5 from astrocyte. Cell Death and Disease卷10 期2 页141 DOI:10.1038/s41419-019-1329-3

Liang Zhu, Chenxi Sun, JieRen, Guangming Wang, Rongjie Ma, Lixin Sun, Danjing Yang, Shane Gao, Ke Ning,Zhigang Wang, Xu Chen, Shengdi Chen, Hongwen Zhu, Zhengliang Gao, Jun Xu*,(FEB 2019) Stress-induced precocious aging in PD-patients iPSC-derived NSCsmay underlie the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease Cell Death and Disease 卷10 期2 页105 DOI:10.1038/s41419-019-1313-y

Yu W, Li L, Wang G, Zhang W, Xu J*, Liang A* (2018) KU70 InhibitionImpairs Both Non-Homologous End Joining and Homologous Recombination DNA DamageRepair Through SHP-1 Induced Dephosphorylation of SIRT1 in Adult T-CellLeukemia-Lymphoma Cells. Cell Physiol Biochem 49:2111-2123. doi: 10.1159/

Yinpeng Jin a,?, JunyiWang b, Hongchao Lib, Shane Gao c, Rongfeng Shi d, Danjing Yang c, Xianli Wang f, XiWang a, LiangZhu c, XiaojinWang b, ChengweiChen b, KeNing e, Qingchun Fu a,?, JunXu c,?, ZhengliangGao c,? (AUG 2018) ExtracellularVesicles Secreted by Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells (hASCs) Improve Survival Rateof Rats with Acute Liver Failure by Releasing lncRNA H19 EBioMedicine . 34:231-242 DOI:10.1016/J.EBIOM.2018.07.015

Guangming Wang, Fangce Wang,Jie Ren, Yue Qiu, Wenjun Zhang, Shane Gao, Danjing Yang, Zhigang Wang, AibinLiang*, Zhengliang Gao*, Jun Xu* (JUL 2018) SIRT1 Involved in the Regulation of Alternative Splicing Affects theDNA Damage Response in Neural Stem Cells. Cell Physiol Biochem 48(2):657-669 DOI:10.1159/

W. Le , L. Qi, C. Xu, Z.Xiang, Z. Mao, J. Zhang*, J. Xu* andD. Wu* (MAY 2018) Preliminary study of the homologous recombination repair pathwayin mouse spermatogonial stem cells ANDROLOGY 6(3) :488-497 doi: 10.1111/andr.12481

Qian M, Liu Z, Peng L, TangX, Meng F, Ao Y, Zhou M, Wang M, Cao X, Qin B, Wang Z, Zhou Z, Wang G, Gao Z,Xu J, Liu B* (MAY 2018) Boosting ATM activity alleviates ageing and extendslifespan in a mouse model of progeria. Elife Sciences 7:e34836 DOI:10.7554/eLife.34836

Liang Q, Cai C, Duan D, HuX, Hua W, Jiang P, Zhang L, Xu J*,Gao Z* (APR 2018) Postnatal Vitamin D Intake Modulates Hippocampal Learning andMemory in Adult Mice. Frontiers in Neuroscience 12:141 DOI:10.3389/fnins.2018.00141 657-66912:141 (*Corresponding author)

Wang J, Li J, Yang J, ZhangL, Gao S, Jiao F, Yi M*, Xu J*. (NOV 2017)MicroRNA?138?5p regulates neural stem cell proliferation anddifferentiation in vitro by targeting TRIP6 expression. MolMed Rep 16(5):7261-7266DOI:10.3892/mmr.2017.7504 (*Corresponding author)

Ciervo Y, Ning K, Xu J, ShawPJ, Mead RJ*. (NOV 2017) Advances, challenges and future directions for stemcell therapy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Mol Neurodegener 12:85 (*Correspondingauthor) DOI:10.1186/s13024-017-0227-3

Kang S, Zhang Z, Liu X,Manfredsson F, Benskey M, Cao X, Luo H, XuJ*, Sun Y, K Ye*. (OCT 2017) TrkBneurotrophic activities are blocked by α-synuclein, triggeringdopaminergic cell death in Parkinson’s disease. PNAS 114(40):10773-10778 DOI:10.1073/pnas. (*Corresponding author)

Wang X, Sun C, Zhu L, Sun L, Ma R, Wang Z, Lu B*, Chen X*, Xu J*. (JUL 2017) Quantitativeproteomic analysis revealed changes in protein synthesis and mitochondrialfunctions after acute DNA damage in mouse neural stem cells.NeuroscienceLetters 653:355-361 DOI:Web of Science (*Corresponding author,equal contribution)

Wang X, Dong C, Sun L, Zhu L, Sun C, Ma R, Ning K, Lu B*, Zhang J*, Xu J*. (NOV 2016) Quantitativeproteomic analysis of age-related subventricular zone proteins associated with neurodegenerative disease. Scientific Reports. 6:37443.doi: 10.1038/srep37443. (*Correspondingauthor,equal contribution )

Shi R, Jin Y, Cao C, Han S, Shao X, Meng L, Cheng J, Zhang M, Zheng J, Xu J*, Li M*. (OCT 2016) Localization of humanadipose-derived stem cells and their effect in repair of diabetic foot ulcersin rats Stem cell research & therapy 7(1):155 DOI:10.1186/s13287-016-0412-2
(*Correspondingauthor,equal contribution )

Zhang WJ, Wu HX, Yang M, Ye SG, Li L, Zhang H, Hu J, Wang XG*, Xu J*, Liang AB* (MAR 2016) SIRT1 inhibition impairs non-homologous end joiningDNA damage repair by increasing Ku70 acetylation in chronic myeloid leukemiacells. Oncotarget 7(12):13538-13550. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.6455. [Epub ahead of print] (*Corresponding author,equal contribution )

Yang DJ, Zhu L, Ren J, Ma RJ, Zhu HW*, XuJ* (AUG 2015) Dysfunction of autophagy as the pathological mechanism ofmotor neuron disease based on a patient-specific disease model. NeuroscienceBulletin 31(4)SI:445-451DOI:10.1007/s12264-015-1541-9 (*Corresponding author,equal contribution )

Zhu L, Dong CM, Ma RJ, Sun CX, Zhu HW*,Xu J* (AUG 21 2015) Rejuvenation ofMPTP-induced human neural precursor cell senescence by activating autophagy. BBRC 464(2):526-533 DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.06.174 (*Corresponding author,equal contribution )

Zhou F, Gao S, Wang L, Sun CX, Chen L, Li Q, Yuan P, Zhao H, Yi Y, Qin Y, DongZY, Cao LM, Ren HY, Zhu L, Ma RJ, Lu B,Liang AB, Xu GT, Zhu HW, Gao ZL, Ma J*,Xu J*, Chen X* (MAY 2015). Human adipose-derived stem cellspartially rescue the stroke syndromes by promoting spatial learning and memoryin mouse middle cerebral artery occlusion model. Stem cell research &therapy 6(92) DOI:10.1186/s13287-015-0078-1(*Corresponding author,equal contribution )-

Gao SE*║, Wang Juan║, Wu ZY, Yuan P, Gao FJ,Zhou F, Cao LM, Chen X, Zhu HW and XuJ* (2015) Do the Stem Cells Really Work with Autism Spectrum DisordersAssociated with Neuro-Immune Interaction? Autism Open Access,5(3):151, 2015.(*Corresponding author,equal contribution )

Dong CM║, Wang XL║, Wang GM║, Zhu L, Ma RJ, Sun CX, Deng HT, Liang A*, Gao ZL*, Xu J* (2014) Astress-induced cellular aging model with postnatal neural stem cells. Cell death & disease 5:e1116 (*Correspondingauthor,║equal contribution )

Yang DJ║, Wang XL║, Ismail A, Ashman CJ, Valori CF, Wang G, Gao S, Higginbottom A, IncePG, Azzouz M, Xu J*, Shaw PJ*, Ning K* (2014) PTEN regulates AMPAreceptor-mediated cell viability in iPS-derived motor neurons. Cell death& disease5:e1096. (*Corresponding author,║equal contribution )

Gao S║, Zhao P║, Lin C, Sun Y, Wang Y, Zhou Z, Yang D, Wang X, Xu H, Zhou F, Cao L,Zhou W, Ning K, Chen X*, Xu J* (2013) Differentiation ofHuman-Adipose Derived Stem Cells into neuron-like cells which are compatiblewith photocurable three-dimensional scaffolds. Tissue engineering Part A 20(7-8):1271-84 (*Correspondingauthor,║equal contribution )

Shi S║, Gao S║, Cao T, Liu J, Gao X, Hao J, Lv C, Huang H, Xu J*, Yao T* (2013)Targeting human telomeric G-quadruplex DNA and inhibition of telomeraseactivity with [(dmb)2Ru(obip)Ru(dmb)2](4+). PloS one 8:e84419. (*Correspondingauthor,║equal contribution )

Peng H, Kang N, Xu J*, Stanton PK, Kang J* (2013) Twodistinct modes of exocytotic fusion pore expansion in large astrocyticvesicles. The Journal of biological chemistry 288:16872-16881. (*Correspondingauthor )

Hu G, Huang K, Yu J, Gopalakrishna-Pillai S, Kong J, Xu H, Liu Z,Zhang K, Xu J, Luo Y, Li S, Sun YE, Iverson LE, Xue Z, Fan G (2012)Identification of miRNA signatures during the differentiation of hESCs intoretinal pigment epithelial cells. PloS one7:e37224.

Gustavsson N, Wang X, Wang Y, Seah T, Xu J, Radda GK, SudhofTC, Han W (2010) Neuronal calcium sensor synaptotagmin-9 is not involved in theregulation of glucose homeostasis or insulin secretion. PloS one 5:e15414.

Shin OH║, Xu J║, Rizo J, Sudhof TC (2009) Differential but convergent functionsof Ca2+ binding to synaptotagmin-1 C2 domains mediate neurotransmitter release. Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:16469-16474. (║equal contribution)

Xu J, Pang ZP, Shin OH, Sudhof TC (2009) Synaptotagmin-1 functions asa Ca2+ sensor for spontaneous release. Nature neuroscience 12:759-766

Xu J, Mashimo T, Sudhof TC (2007a) Synaptotagmin-1, -2, and -9: Ca(2+)sensors for fast release that specify distinct presynaptic properties insubsets of neurons. Neuron 54:567-581.

Xu J, Peng H, Kang N, Zhao Z, Lin JH, Stanton PK, Kang J (2007b)Glutamate-induced exocytosis of glutamate from astrocytes.The Journal ofbiological chemistry 282:24185-24197.

Wu H, Xu J║, Pang ZP║, Ge W║, Kim KJ, Blanchi B, Chen C,Sudhof TC, Sun YE (2007) Integrative genomic and functional analyses revealneuronal subtype differentiation bias in human embryonic stem cell lines. Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104:13821-13826. (║equal contribution)

Kang N║, Xu J║, Xu Q, Nedergaard M, Kang J (2005) Astrocytic glutamaterelease-induced transient depolarization and epileptiform discharges inhippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. Journal of neurophysiology 94:4121-4130. (║equal contribution)

Xu J, Kang N, Jiang L, Nedergaard M, Kang J (2005) Activity-dependentlong-term potentiation of intrinsic excitability in hippocampal CA1 pyramidalneurons. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of theSociety for Neuroscience 25:1750-1760.

Xu J, Kang J (2005) The mechanisms and functions of activity-dependentlong-term potentiation of intrinsic excitability.Reviews in the neurosciences 16:311-323.

Kang N, Jiang L, He W, Xu J, Nedergaard M, Kang J (2004)Presynaptic inactivation of action potentials and postsynaptic inhibition ofGABAA currents contribute to KA-induced disinhibition in CA1 pyramidal neurons. Journalof neurophysiology92:873-882.

Jiang L, Xu J, Nedergaard M, Kang J (2001) A kainate receptorincreases the efficacy of GABAergic synapses. Neuron 30:503-513.

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