

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12

程黎明 主任医师,教授

(Mechanical,biological and clinical study of spine and spinal cord injury repairing andreconstruction)

NowI serve as the director of Tongji Hospital affiliated Tongji university anddepartment of orthopedics. The executive director of the national center forthe international joint research on stem cell and regenerative medicine, the headof the key discipline of Shanghai, the director of spine and spinal cord injuryresearch institute of the Tongji university, and the head of the brain andspinal cord innovation research center of Tongji university. The director ofthe world society for Neurology (IANR), the director of the guidance committeeof the clinical medicine teaching of the ministry of education, the deputydirector of the committee for the research of the research hospital onneurotransformation, the director of the shanghai medical association, thedirector of the association of doctors in shanghai, the committee of theChinese medical association for trauma, the committee of specialcommittee for neural restoration in the Chinese medical association. thestanding committee of the china alliance for the treatment of trauma, thecommittee member of the chinese medical doctor association department oforthopedics and the working committee of the spine, the committee member of thethoracic and lumbar special committee of the chinese medical doctorassociation, the committee member of orthopedics branch of the shanghai medicalassociation, the deputy leader of the minimally invasive group of the shanghaimedical association, and the committee member of spinal specialty in chinese andwestern medicine combination council , the committee of the medical scientificresearch management council of the shanghai medical association. the specialeditorial committee of the chinese medical journal (english edition), thespecial editorial committee of the chinese medical journal, the communicationeditorial committee of the chinese journal of surgery, the communicationeditorial committee of the chinese journal of department of orthopedics and theeditorial committee of the chinese trauma miscellaneous communication.

已入选“国家百千****才工程人选”、“教育部新世纪优秀人才”、“上海市领军人才”、“新一轮上海市卫生系统优秀学科带头人”、“上海市优秀学科带头人”、“上海市医苑新星”等人才培养计划;主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目等18项,科研经费数千万元。发表论文百余篇,其中包括《Nature》、《Cell》、《Nature medicine》、《Cell Stem Cell》等SCI、EI收录论文40篇,中华核心期刊30余篇;主编著作2部,参编著作10余部。获得上海市科技进步奖一等奖、上海医学科技奖一等奖、上海市优秀发明奖金奖等省部级奖励10余项。近年获国家百千****才工程人选、国家有突出贡献中青年专家、国家特殊津贴、教育部新世纪优秀人才、上海医学发展杰出贡献奖、上海市领军人才、上海市优秀学科带头人、上海市五一劳动奖章、上海市模范教师、上海医务职工科技创新标兵、上海市科教党委系统青年科技创新人才奖、上海市医苑新星、上海市新长征突击手、上海市银蛇奖提名奖等多项荣誉。
Ihas been selected as " millions of talent projects of the state","the outstanding talents of the Ministry of education in the newcentury", "Leading talents of shanghai", "a new round ofleading people of the shanghai health system", "the leader of theexcellent discipline of shanghai" and "the new star of the shanghaimedical park". At the same time, I was supported by 18 key projectsincluding key national research and development projects and key projects ofthe national natural science foundation of china, add up to tens of millions ofresearch funds. There are more than 100 papers published, including more than40 papers published in Nature, Cell, Nature medicine, Cell Stem Cell, SCI, EI,and more than 30 core Chinese periodicals. To serve as chief editors in 2 booksand coeditors in 10 books. There are more than 10 provincial and ministerialawards, including the first prize of the Shanghai science and technologyprogress award, the Shanghai medical science and technology prize, and theShanghai outstanding invention award. In recent years, I have won millions oftalent projects of the state, the young experts with outstanding contributionsto the state, the national special allowance, the outstanding talents of thenew century of the ministry of education, the outstanding contribution award ofthe shanghai medical development, the shanghai leading talent, the shanghaiexcellent subject leader, the labor medal of the may 1st in shanghai, the modelteacher in shanghai, scientific and technological innovation of medical workersin shanghai, youth science and technology innovation talent award in scienceand education party committee system, medical park new star in shanghai,new long march commando in shanghai, silver snake nomination award in shanghaiand so on.

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