1994. 8-2008. 6中国航天员科研训练中心重力生理学研究室研究实习员/助理研究员
2006. 3-2011. 7陕西师范大学生命科学学院副教授
2011. 8-至今同济大学航空航天与力学学院教授
代表性论文(SCI共64篇;其中第一、通讯作者54篇; #第一作者,*通讯作者):
1Yanbing Jia,Huaguang Gu*, Qiang Luo*. Sample entropy reveals an age-related reduction in the complexity of dynamic brain. Scientific Reports, 2017, 8: 7990.
2Zhiguo Zhao, Huaguang Gu*. Transitions between classes of neuronal excitability and bifurcations induced by autapse. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 6760.
3Bing Jia, Huaguang Gu*. Dynamics and physiological roles of stochastic neural firing patterns near bifurcation points. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2017, 27(7): **.
4Ye Tao, Huaguang Gu*, Xueli Ding. Spatial coherence resonance and spatial pattern transition induced by the decrease of inhibitory effect in a neuronal network. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2017, 31(26): **. DOI: 10.1142/S02**79X
5Bing Jia, Huaguang Gu*, Lei Xue. A basic bifurcation structure from bursting to spiking of the injured nerve fibers in a two-dimensional parameter space. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2017, 11(2): 189–200.DOI:10.1007/s11571-017-9422-8
6Yuye Li, Huaguang Gu*. The distinct stochastic and deterministic dynamics between period-adding and period-doubling bifurcations of neural bursting patterns. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 87(4): 2541–2562. DOI:10.1007/s11071-016-3210-6
7Weiwei Xiao, Huaguang Gu*, Mingrui Liu. Spatiotemporal dynamics in a network composed of neurons with different excitabilities and excitatory coupling. Science China Technological Science, 2016, 59(12):1943–1952. (Cover)
8Zhao Zhiguo, Bing Jia, Huaguang Gu*. Bifurcations and enhancement of neuronal firing induced by negative feedback. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 86(10):1549–1560.10.1007/s11071-016-2976-x.
9Yanbing Jia,Huaguang Gu*. Transition from double coherence resonances to single coherence resonance in a neuronal network with phase noise. Chaos, 2015, 25(12): 123124.
10Zhiguo Zhao, Huaguang Gu*. The influence of single neuron dynamics and network topology on time delay-induced multiple synchronous behaviors in inhibitory coupled network. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2015, 80(11):96–108.
11Huaguang Gu*, Baobao Pan, Yuye Li. The dependence of synchronization transition processes of coupled neurons with coexisting spiking and bursting on the control parameter, initial value, and attraction domain. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 82(3):1191–1210.
12Huaguang Gu*, Zhiguo Zhao. Dynamics of time delay-induced multiple synchronous behaviors in inhibitory coupled bursting neurons. PLoS ONE, 2015,10(9): e**.
13Huaguang Gu*,Baobao Pan. Identification of neural firing patterns, frequency and temporal coding mechanisms in individual aortic baroreceptors.Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2015, 9:108.Doi:10.3389/fncom.2015.00108.
14Huaguang Gu*, Baobao Pan.A four-dimensional neuronal model to describe the complex nonlinear dynamics observed in the firing patterns of a sciatic nerve chronic constriction injury model.Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 81(4):2107–2126. DOI: 10.1007/s11071-015-2129-7.
15Yuye Li,Huaguang Gu*. The influence of initial values on spatial coherence resonance in neuronal networks.International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2015, 25(8):**.
16Yanbing Jia, Huaguang Gu*. Phase noise-induced double coherence resonances in a neuronal model. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2015, 29(20): **.
17Wei Cheng#, Edmund T. Rolls#, Huaguang Gu#, Jie Zhang, Jianfeng Feng*. Autism: Reduced connectivity between cortical areas involved in face expression, theory of mind, and the sense of self. Brain, 2015, 138(5):1382-1393.(# These authors contributed equally to this work, 共同第一作者)
18Huaguang Gu*, Shenggen Chen, Yuye Li. Complex transitions between spike, burst or chaos synchronization states in coupled neurons with coexisting bursting patterns. Chinese Physics B, 2015, 24(5): 050505.
19Huaguang Gu*,Zhiguo Zhao, Bing Jia, Shenggen Chen. Dynamics of on-off neural firing patterns and stochastic effects near a sub-critical Hopf bifurcation. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(4): e**.
20Huaguang Gu*,Baobao Pan, Guanrong Chen, Lixia Duan.Biological experimental demonstration of bifurcations from bursting to spiking predicted by theoretical models. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 78(1):391–407.
21Huaguang Gu*, Baobao Pan, Jian Xu. Experimental observation of spike, burst and chaos synchronization of calcium concentration oscillation. Europhysics Letters (EPL), 2014, 106:50003.
22Huaguang Gu*, Weiwei Xiao. Difference between intermittent chaotic bursting and spiking of neural firing patterns. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2014, 24(6):**.
23Huaguang Gu*,Shenggen Chen. Potassium-inducedbifurcations and chaos in neural firing patternsobserved from a biological experimental pacemaker. Science China Technological Sciences,2014, 57(5):864–871.
24Huaguang Gu*. Biological experimental observation of an unnoticed chaos as simulated by the Hindmarsh-Rose model. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(12): e81759.
25Huaguang Gu*. Different bifurcation scenarios of neural firing pattern in identical pacemakers. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2013, 23(12): **.
26Huaguang Gu*, Baobao Pan, Jian Xu. Bifurcation scenarios of neural firing patterns across two separated chaotic regions in theoretical and biological experimental models. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013, 2013: 374674.
27Huaguang Gu*, Yuye Li, Bing Jia, Guanrong Chen. Parameter-dependent synchronization transition of coupled neurons with co-existing spiking and bursting. Physica A, 2013, 392(15): 3281–3292.
28Huaguang Gu*. Experimental observation of transitions from chaotic bursting to chaotic spiking in a neural pacemaker. Chaos, 2013, 23(2): 023126.
29Huaguang Gu*, Bing Jia, Guanrong Chen. Experimental evidence of a chaotic region in a neural pacemaker. Physics Letters A, 2013, 377(9): 718–720.
30Huaguang Gu*, Bing Jia, Yuye Li, Guanrong Chen. White noise-induced spiral waves and multiple spatial coherence resonances in a neuronal network with type I excitability. Physica A, 2013, 392(6): 1361–1374.
31贾冰, 古华光*. 异质生物网络的同步节律的实验研究. 物理学报, 2012, 61(24): 240505.
32Bing Jia, Huaguang Gu*. Identifying type I excitability using dynamics of stochastic neural firing patterns.Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2012, 6(6): 485–497.
33古华光*, 惠磊, 贾冰. 一类位于加周期分岔中的貌似混沌的随机神经放电节律的识别. 物理学报, 2012, 61(8): 080504.
34李玉叶, 贾冰, 古华光*. 白噪声诱发Morris-Lecar模型构成的II型兴奋网络产生多次空间相干共振. 物理学报, 2012, 61(7): 070504.
35Yuye Li,Bing Jia, Huaguang Gu*, Shucheng An. Parameter diversity induced multiple spatial coherence resonances and spiral waves in neuronal network with and without noise. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2012, 57(5): 817–824.
36Bing Jia, Huaguang Gu*, Li Li, Xiaoyan Zhao. Dynamics of period-doubling bifurcation to chaos in the spontaneous neural firing patterns. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2012, 6(1): 89–106.
37Zhao Tang, Yuye Li, Lei Xi, Bing Jia, Huaguang Gu*. Spiral waves and multiple spatial coherence resonances induced by colored noise in neuronal network. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2012, 57(1): 61–67.
38Huaguang Gu, Huimin Zhang, Chunling Wei, Minghao Yang, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Ren. Coherence resonance induced stochastic neural firing at a saddle-node bifurcation. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2011, 25(29): 3977–3986.
39古华光*, 朱洲, 贾冰. 一类新的混沌神经放电的动力学特征的实验和数学模型研究. 物理学报, 2011, 60(10): 100505.
40Bing Jia, Huaguang Gu*, Yuye Li. Coherence-resonance-induced neuronal firing near a saddle-node and homoclinic bifurcation corresponding to type-I excitability. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28(9): 090507.
41Huaguang Gu*, Bing Jia, Qishao Lu. Exponential decay characteristics of the integer multiple neural firing patterns.Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2011, 5(1): 87–101.
42Lan Yuan, Zhiqiang Liu, Huimin Zhang, Minghao Yang, Chunling Wei, Xueli Ding, Huaguang Gu*, Wei Ren. Noise-induced synchronous stochastic oscillations in small scale cultured heart-cell networks. Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20(2): 020508.
43Juan Mo, Yuye Li, Chunling Wei, Minghao Yang, Zhiqiang Liu, Huaguang Gu*, Shixian Qu, Wei Ren. Interpreting a period-adding bifurcation scenario in neural bursting patterns using border-collision bifurcation in a discontinuous map of a slow control variable. Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(8): 080513.
44Zhiqiang Liu, Huimin Zhang, Yuye Li, Cuncai Hua, Huaguang Gu*, Wei Ren. Multiple spatial coherence resonance induced by stochastic signal in neuronal networks near a saddle-node bifurcation. Physica A, 2010, 389: 2642–2653.
45Dong Wang, Juan Mo, Xiaoyan Zhao, Huaguang Gu*, Shixian Qu, Wei Ren. Intermittent chaotic neural firing characterized by non-smooth like features. Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27(7): 070503.
46Minghao Yang, Zhiqiang Liu, Li Li, Yulin Xu, Hongju Liu, Huaguang Gu*, Wei Ren. Identifying distinct stochastic dynamics from chaos: a study on multimodal neural firing patterns. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 2009, 19(2): 453–485. (Tutorials and Reviews).
47Yuye Li, Huimin Zhang, Chunling Wei, Minghao Yang, Huaguang Gu*, Wei Ren. Stochastic signal induced multiple spatial coherence resonances and spiral waves in excitable media. Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26(3): 030504.
48Ning Zhang, Huimin Zhang, Zhiqiang Liu, Xueli Ding, Minghao Yang, Huaguang Gu*, Wei Ren. Stochastic alternating dynamics for synchronous EAD-like beating rhythms in cultured cardiac myocytes. Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26(11): 110501.
49Xiaobo Wu, Juan Mo, Minghao Yang, Qiaohua Zheng, Huaguang Gu*, Wei Ren. Two different bifurcation scenarios in neural firing rhythms discovered in biological experiments by adjusting two parameters. Chinese Physics Letters, 2008, 25(8): 2799–2802.
50Huaguang Gu*, Minghao Yang, Li Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Ren. Chaotic and ASR induced firing pattern in experimental neural pacemaker. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive System (Series B: Applications & Algorithms), 2004,
51Huaguang Gu*, Minghao Yang, Li Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Ren. Noise induced multi-mode firing patterns in neural period adding bifurcation scenario. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2003, 17(22-24): 4195–4200.
52Huaguang Gu, Minghao Yang, Li Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Ren. Dynamics of autonomous stochastic resonance in neural period adding bifurcation scenarios. Physics Letters A, 2003, 319(1-2): 89–96.
53Huaguang Gu, Minghao Yang, Li Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Ren. Experimental observation of the stochastic bursting caused by coherence resonance in experimental neural pacemaker. NeuroReport, 2002, 13: 1657–1660.
54Huaguang Gu, Wei Ren, Qishao Lu, Shunguang Wu, Wenjuan Chen. Integer multiple spiking in neuronal pacemakers without external periodic stimulation. Physics Letters A, 2001, 285: 63–68.
55Qishao Lu, Zhuoqin Yang, Lixia Duan, Huaguang Gu, Wei Ren. Dynamics and transition of firing patterns in deterministic and stochastic neuronal system. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 40(2): 577-597. (578-583).
56Qiaohua Zheng, Zhiqiang Liu, Minghao Yang, Xiaobo Wu, Huaguang Gu, Wei Ren. Qualitatively different bifurcation scenarios observed in the firing of identical nerve fibers. Physics Letters A, 2009, 373: 540–545.
57Qishao Lu, Huaguang Gu, Zhuoqin Yang, Xia Shi, Lixia Duan, Yanhong Zheng. Dynamics of firing patterns, synchronization and resonances in neuronal electrical activities. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2008, 24(6): 593–628. (Review) (596–605)
58MinghaoYang, Shucheng An, Huaguang Gu, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Ren. Understanding of physiological neural firing through dynamical bifurcation machineries. NeuroReport, 2006, 17(10): 995–999.
59LiLi, Huaguang Gu, Minghao Yang, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Ren. A series of bifurcation scenarios in the firing transitions in an experimental neural pacemaker. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 2004, 14(5): 1813–1817.
60ZhuoqinYang, Qishao Lu, Huaguang Gu, Wei Ren. GWN-induced bursting, spiking and random subthreshold pulse before Hopf bifurcation. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 2004, 14(12): 4143–4159.
61Minghao Yang, Huaguang Gu, Li Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Ren. Characteristics of period adding bifurcation without chaos in firing pattern transitions in an experimental neural pacemaker. NeuroReport, 2003, 14(17): 2153–2157.
62ZhuoqinYang, Qishao Lu, Huaguang Gu, Wei Ren. The generation of stochastic integer multiple spiking in the Chay model. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2003, 17(22-24):4362–4366.
63ZhuoqinYang, Qishao Lu, Huaguang Gu, Wei Ren. Integer multiple spiking in the stochastic Chay model and its dynamical generation mechanism. Physics Letters A, 2002, 299: 499–506.
64Wei Ren,Huaguang Gu, Zhong Jian, Qishao Lu, Minghao Yang. Different classification of UPOs in the parametrically different chaotic ISI series. NeuroReport, 2001, 12: 2121–2124.
第二作者(导师第一作者) SCI论文3人
陶 烨(本科上海海事大学、机电一体化专业;2015级,荣泰健康航天奖学金,第一作者SCI源期刊论文1篇)