本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12
姓名:聂国隽(Nie Guojun)
[1] Guojun Nie, Han Hu, Zheng Zhong, Xiaodong Chen. A complex Fourier series solution for free vibration of arbitrary straight-sided quadrilateral laminates with variable angle tows. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2020, **.
[2] Xiaodong Chen, Guojun Nie. Prebuckling and buckling analysis of moderately thick variable angle tow composite plates considering the extension-shear coupling. Composite Structures, 2020, 242: 112093.
[3] Xiaodong Chen, Guojun Nie, Zhangming Wu. Application of Rayleigh-Ritz formulation to thermomechanical buckling of variable angle tow composite plates with general in-plane boundary constraint. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 187: 106094.
[4] Fei Li, G. J. Nie. Thermo-mechanical buckling analysis of symmetric VAT composite laminates with temperature-dependent material properties. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 140:263-271.
[5] G. J. Nie, Anup Pydah, R.C. Batra. Torsion of bi-directional functionally graded truncated conical cylinders. Composite Structures, 2019, 210:831-839.
[6] G. J. Nie, R.C. Batra. Reducing stress concentration factor by strengthening circular hole with functionally graded incompressible material layer. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 144:106223.
[7] Xiaodong Chen, Zhangming Wu, G. J. Nie, Paul Weaver. Buckling analysis of variable angle tow composite plates with a through-the-width or an embedded rectangular delamination. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 138:166-180.
[8] Xiaodong Chen, G. J. Nie, Zhangming Wu. Dynamic instability of variable angle tow composite plates with delamination. Composite Structures, 2018, 187:294-307.
[9] G. J. Nie, Z. Zhong and R.C. Batra. Material tailoring for reducing stress concentration factor at a circular hole in a functionally graded material (FGM) panel. Composite Structures, 2018, 205:49-57.
[10]R.C. Batra, G. J. Nie. Torsional deformations and material tailoring of orthotropic bi-directional FGM hollow truncated conical cylinders with curved lateral surfaces. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2018, 133:336-351.
[11]陈晓东,聂国隽.变角度纤维层合板的弯曲问题研究.工程力学,2017, 34(9):248-256.
[12]Tan Ping, G. J. Nie.Free and forced vibration of variable stiffness composite annular thin plates with elastically restrained edges. Composite Structures, 2016, 149: 398-407.
[13]G. J. Nieand Zhong Z. Closed-form solutions for elastoplastic pure bending of a curved beam with material inhomogeneity. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2014, 27(1):54-64.
[14]G. J. Nie, Zhong Z and Chen S. Analytical solution for a functionally graded beam with arbitrary graded material properties. Composites: Part B, 2013, 44: 274-282.
[15]Yu T, G. J. Nie, Zheng Z, Chu F. Analytical solution of rectangular plate with in-plane variable stiffness. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2013, 34(4):395-404.
[16]G. J. Nieand Zhong Z. Analytical solution for elastic and elastoplastic bending of a curved beam composed of inhomogeneous materials. Key Engineering Materials, 2013, 535-536:353-356.
[17]G. J. Nie, Zhong Z. Exact solutions for elastoplastic stress distribution in functionally graded curved beams subjected to pure bending. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2012, 19(6):474-484.
[18]G. J. Nie, Feng Z, Shi J, Lu Y and Zhong Z. Three-dimensional elastic solution of a transversely isotropic functionally graded rectangular plate. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 591-593:2655-2660.
[19]G. J. Nie, Zhong Z, Batra RC. Material tailoring for orthotropic elastic rotating disks. Composites Science and Technology, 2011, 71:406-414.
[20]G. J. Nie, Z. Zhong, R.C. Batra. Material tailoring for functionally graded hollow cylinders and spheres. Composites Science and Technology, 2011, 71:666-673.
[21]G. J. Nie, Z. Zhong. Static deformations of annular sectorial plates with material inhomogeneity. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, 2011, 1051-1054.
[22]G. J. Nie, Zheng Zhong. Dynamic analysis of multi-directional functionally graded annular plates. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2010, 34: 608-616.
[23]G. J. Nie, R.C. Batra, Material tailoring and analysis of functionally graded isotropic and incompressible linear elastic hollow cylinders. Composite Structures, 2010, 92: 265-274.
[24]G. J. Nie, R.C. Batra, Stress analysis and material tailoring in isotropic linear thermoelastic incompressible functionally graded rotating disks of variable thickness. Composite Structures, 2010, 92: 720-729.
[25]G. J. Nie, R.C. Batra. Static deformations of functionally graded polar-orthotropic cylinders with elliptical inner and circular outer surfaces. Composites Science and Technology, 2010, 70: 450-457.
[26]G. J. Nie, R. C. Batra, Exact solutions and material tailoring for functionally graded hollow cylinders. J Elast, 2010, 99: 179-201.
[27]R.C. Batra, G. J. Nie, Analytical solutions for functionally graded incompressible eccentric and non-axisymmetrically loaded circular cylinders. Composite Structures, 2010, 92: 1229-1245.
[28]G. J. Nie, Z. Zhong. Vibration analysis of functionally graded annular sectorial plates with simply supported radial edges.Composite Structures, 2008, 84: 167-176.
[29]G. J. Nie, Zheng Zhong.Axisymmetric Bending of Two-directional Functionally Graded Circular and Annular Plates. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2007, 20(4): 289-295.
[30]G. J. Nie, Z. Zhong. Semi-analytical solution for three-dimensional vibration of functionally graded circular plates. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 2007, 196: 4901-4910.
[31]A. M. Yu, G. J. Nie. Tangential stresses in two-material curved beam. Meccanica, 2007, 42: 307-311.
[32]G. J. Nie, Z. Zhong. Static analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric annular sectorial plates. Proceedings of SPIE, 2007, 6423.
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团队主页:https://tongji-foxuas.github.io/Tongji-FoxUAS/#/ ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学航空航天与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-周跃亭教授
个人基本资料姓名:周跃亭最高学位:理学博士专业:应用数学/固体力学E-mail:zhouyt@tongji.edu.cn研究方向1)先进功能材料多场耦合力学行为:多场耦合力学本构描述、弹性、断裂及接触力学理论模型、数值及(半)解析求解工作2)力学分析的数学方法:各种数值、解析、半解析方法研究,涉及的 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12