本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12
?创建了复合材料弹-塑性本构理论-Bridging Model,是“Failure Olympics”参评理论中惟一可计算纤维和基体中热残余应力的理论(Comp. Sci. Tech., 2004, p. 450),经国外多个研究小组独立评估(Int. J. Impact Engng., 36: 899–912, 2009; Compos Part B, 41: 446-453, 2001; http: //dx.doi.org/ 10.5772/50362)证实,桥联理论与Eshelby方法Halpin-Tsai公式、胞元(Method of Cells)模型、混合率/修正混合率模型、Chamis模型、CCA(同心圆柱)模型、Mori-Tanaka
?发现了基体现场强度异于其原始强度的根本原因是添加纤维后引起的应力集中,首次将基体应力集中系数准确定义为线平均应力与体平均应力之比,并须沿破坏面的外法线方向平均,使得完全根据独立测试的纤维和基体性能预报复合材料强度成为可能(综述见:《应用数学和力学》,36(6): 563-581, 2015)。这曾被国内外众多业内人士认为是不可能实现之举,世界名家Hashin就曾断言“即便最完整的单层板数据都不足以预测由这些单层板构成的层合板的破坏...。我本人不知道如何预测层合板的破坏,鉴于此,我也不相信任何其他人能够做到”(Comp. Sci. Tech., 58: 1005, 1998)。
?针对Hilbert第20个问题,证明了一般算子方程解存在性的一个充分必要条件(Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications,13: 829-832, 1989)。Hilbert被誉为数学界的亚历山大,他于1900年在巴黎世界数学家大会上提出的23个问题,主导了20世纪的数学发展,其中第20个问题是关于一般边值问题的解。
?是同轴共纺制备芯壳复合连续纳米纤维的技术发明人之(ZL0.9),比公开发表在《Advanced Materials》上的第一篇文献提早1个月,该技术曾被美国《科学》期刊刊文(Science, 2004, 304: 1917-1919)认定为静电纺丝领域的三大进展之一。
?所发表的论文单篇(Comp. Sci. Tech., 63: 2223–2253, 2003)最高SCI引用率迄今已超过3000次,是大陆本土科学家论文引用率最高之一。
(1)复合材料中基体的现场强度研究,国家自然科学基金,批准号:,主持,执行年限:2013.1- 2016.12,经费额:92万
2013.1- 2015.12,经费额:12万
号:**,主持,执行年限:2015.1- 2018.12,经费额:110万
?黄争鸣、张彦中,共轴复合连续纳/微米纤维及其制备方法,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL 0.9.
?黄争鸣、董国华,多喷头静电纺丝装置,中国实用新型专利,授权专利号:ZL 2003 2 122276.4.
?黄争鸣, 加热型不燃卷烟,中国发明专利申请号:4.X,申请日:2015-5-122、
?Huang Z.-M., Zhou YX, Strength of Fibrous Composites--Advanced Topics in Science & Technology in China, Zhejiang University Press & Springer, Hangzhou & Heidelberg, 2011.
?Ramakrishna S., Huang Z.-M., Batchelor A. W., Ganesh V. K., Mayer J., An Introduction to Biocomposites,Imperial College Press, London, 2004.
?黄争鸣,复合材料细观力学引论,科学出版社, 北京,2004年9月(初版)、2006年4月(二版)
?Hamada H., Ramakrishna S., Huang Z.-M., Knitted Fabric Composites (Chapter 6), in 3-D Textile Reinforcements in Composite materials, A. Miravete ed., Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, 1999, pp. 180-216.
?Ramakrishna S., Huang Z.-M., Biocomposites Materials (Chapter 6), in Comprehensive Structural Integrity, Vol. 9: Bioengineering, S.H. Teoh & Y-W Mai eds., Elesevier Science Publisher, UK, 2003, pp. 215-296.
?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S., Composites in biomedical applications (Chapter 9), in Engineering Materials for Biomedical Applications, S. H. Teoh ed, World Scientific Publisher, New Jersey, 2004, pp. 9-1-9-49.
?Kotaki M., Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S., Polymer Nanofibers and their Applications in Bioengineering, in Handbook of Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications in Nanotechnology, H. S. Nalwa ed., American Scientific Publishers, CA, USA, 2005, Vol. 2, pp. 276-298.
?Huang, Z.-M., Zhou, Y.-X., Simulation of ultimate strength of fiber-Reinforced composites by means of bridging micromechanics model, Composite Laminates: Properties, Performance and Applications, Doughett A. & Asnarez P. eds., Pages 1-504, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 121-200, 2010.
?黄争鸣,桥联理论研究的最新进展,《应用数学和力学》,36(6): 563-581, 2015.
?李尤, 黄争鸣, 王克用, 常俊骅, 碳纳米管在对称斜交铺层层合板分层检测中的应用, 《玻璃钢/复合材料》,2015年3期,54-58页..
Huang Z.-M., Liu L., Assessment of composite failure and ultimate strength without experiment on composite, ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 30(4): 569-588, 2014.
?Liu L., Huang Z.-M., A note on Mori-Tanaka’s method, ACTA Mechanica Solida Sinica, 27(3): 234-244, 2014.
?Huang Z.-M., Liu L., Predicting strength of fibrous laminates under triaxial loads only upon independently measured constituent properties, Int. J. Mech. Sci.
, 79: 105–129, 2014.
?Liu L., Huang Z.-M., Stress concentration factor in matrix of a composite reinforced with transversely isotropic fibers,J. Comp. Mater., 48(1): 81-98, 2014.
?Yao Z., Huang Z.-M., Stress concentration factors in the matrix with different imperfect interfaces, Int.J. Damage Mechanics, 23(6): 745-771, 2014.
?黄争鸣, 由组份材料性能计算复合材料强度的理论与实践, 《力学与实践》,35(5): 9-16, 2013.
?王克用, 黄争鸣, 李培超, 刘博, 正交各向异性轴对称位势问题的Trefftz有限元分析, 《应用数学和力学》, 34(5): 462-469, 2013.
?Yao Z., Huang Z.-M, Stress concentration factor in the matrix reinforced with fiber having an interface layer, J. Reinf. Plastics Comp., 32: 105-123, 2013.
?Huang Z.-M., Zhou YX, Correlation of the bridging model predictions fortriaxial failure strengths of composites with experiments, J. Comp. Mater., 47(6-7): 697-731, 2013
?Zhou YX, Huang Z.-M., A bridging model prediction of the ultimate strength of composite laminates subjected to triaxial loads, J. Comp. Mater., 46(19-20): 2343-2378, 2012.
?Han XJ, Huang Z.-M., Huang C, Du ZF, Wang H, Wang J, He CL, Wu QS, Preparation and characterization of electrospun polyurethane/inorganic-particles nanofibers, Poly. Comp., 33(11): 2045-2057, 2012.
?Wa n g X F, Huang Z.-M., Chen LS, Comparison Study on Transparent Composites with Different Patterns of Nanofiber Reinforcement, Fibers and Polymers, 12(3): 359-365, 2011.
?Liu Q, Huang Z.-M., Investigation on nonlinear constitutive relationship for a honeycomb sandwich composite, Advanced Materials Research, 291-294: 1025-1038, 2011. ?王小飞,黄争鸣 ,陈卢松,潘胜强,PA 6(MWNTs)纳米纤维增强PMMA透光复合材料,《高分子材料科学与工程》,27(2): 141-144, 2011.
?韩晓建,黄争鸣,黄晨,何创龙,许云辉,王浩,Nylon6-TiO_2杂化超细纤维的制备与表征,《复合材料学报》, 28(4): 156-161, 2011.
?Hu W., Huang Z.-M., Liu X.-Y., Development of braided drug-loaded nanofiber sutures, Nanotechnology, 21(31): 315104, 2010.
?Wang XF, Huang Z.-M, Melt-electrospinning of PMMA, Chinese J. of Polymer Sci., 28(1): 45-53, 2010.
?Hu W, Huang Z.-M., Biocompatibility of braided poly(L-lactic acid) nanofiber wires applied as tissue sutures, Polym Int, 59: 92-99, 2010.
?胡雯, 黄争鸣, 唐亮, PLLA纳米纤维编织缝合线的制备及生物相容性研究,《功能材料》, 40(11): 1888-1892, 2010. ?韩晓建,黄争鸣,黄晨,何创龙,刘玲,胡影影,锦纶6/TiO_2复合超细纤维的制备与表征,《纺织学报》,31(5): 6-9, 2010. ?冯伟,黄争鸣,连续纤维增强玻璃钢球阀研究,《阀门》,2010年1期,1-4页.
?Hu W, Huang Z.-M., Meng SY, He CL, Fabrication and characterization of chitosan coated braided PLLA wire using aligned electrospun fibers, J. Mater. Sci.: Materials in Medicine, 20(11): 2275-2284, 2009. ?He CL, Huang Z.-M., Han XJ, Fabrication of drug-loaded electrospun aligned fibrous threads for sutureapplications,J. Biomedical Mater. Res. Part A, 89A(1): 80-95, 2009.
?Chen LS,Huang Z.-M, Dong GH, He CL, Liu L, Hu YY, Li Y, Development of a Transparent PMMA Composite Reinforced With Nanofibers, Polymer Composites, 30(3): 239-247, 2009.
?胡雯,黄争鸣,纳米纤维束的制备及力学性能研究,《高技术通讯》,19(6): 627-633, 2009.
?陈卢松,黄争鸣,薛聪,纳米二氧化钛对纳米纤维增强透光复合材料性能的影响,《航?空材料学报》,29(1): 81-86, 2009.
?陈卢松,黄争鸣,薛聪,TiO2改性PC纳米纤维增强PMMA透光复合材料,《无机材料学报》, 24(3): 469-474, 2009.
?潘胜强,刘玲,黄争鸣,MWNTs/PU复合超细纤维的热性能及导电性能,《复合材料学报》,26(2): 79-84, 2009.
期,pp. 38-47.
?刘强,黄争鸣,考虑面层约束时蜂窝芯弹性常数的确定,《力学季刊》,30(2): 229-236, 2009.
?王小飞,薛聪,黄争鸣,PEI微孔纤维及PMMA/PEI复合纳米纤维的制备与表征,《过程工程学报》,9(1): 176-180, 2009.
?Zhou YX, Huang Z.-M., A Modified Ultimate Failure Criterion and Material Degradation Scheme in Bridging Model Prediction for Biaxial Strength of Laminates,J.Comp. Mater., 42(20): 2123-2141, 2008.
?Liu L,Huang Z.-M., Xu GY, Liang YM, Dong GH, Mode II Interlaminar delamination of composite laminates incorporating with polymer ultrathin fibers, Polymer Comp.
, 29(3): 285-292, 2008.
?Liu L, Liang YM, Xu GY, Zhang HS, Huang Z.-M., Mode I interlaminar fracture of composite laminates incorporating with ultrathin fibrous sheets, J. Reinf. Plast. Comps., 27(11): 1147-1162, 2008.
25(5): 157-162, 2008.
?潘胜强,刘玲,黄争鸣,MWNTs/PU复合微/纳米纤维的形态及力学性能,《复合材料学报》,25(3): 98-104, 2008.
?陈卢松,黄争鸣,董国华,何创龙,PMMA透光纳米复合材料的制备,《航空材料学报》,28(1): 59-64, 2008.
?刘强,黄争鸣,金属蜂窝材料的弹塑性屈曲临界应力值,《力学季刊》,29(4): 515-520, 2008.
?胡紊,黄争鸣,陈卢松,静电纺纳米纤维束的制备与表征,《塑料》,37(5): 4-7, 2008.
?许乾慰, 王伟, 李岩, 黄争鸣, 王国建, 环氧树脂的静电纺丝, 《合成纤维》,2008年, 3期, 10-13页.
?张华山,黄争鸣, 复合材料层合板低速冲击承载能力的细观力学有限元模型, 《玻璃钢/复合材料》, 2008年,5期, 12-17页. ?徐贵营,黄争鸣, 水平轴风力机叶片的逆向设计与分析, 《玻璃钢复合材料》, 2008年, 1期,41-44页.
?张华山,黄争鸣 ,长纤维复合材料非线性细观模型,《科技资讯》,2008,
?Huang Z.-M., Inelastic and Failure Analysis of Laminate StructuresbyABAQUSIncorporated with a General Constitutive Relationship,J. Reinf. Plastics & Comp,26(11): 1135-1181, 2007.
?Murugan R., Huang Z.-M., Yang F., Ramakrishna S., Nano-fibrous Scaffold Engineering using Electrospinning, J Nanosci. Nanotech,7(11): 4595-4603, 2007.
?Hu YY,Huang Z.-M., Numerical study on two-phase flow patterns incoaxialelectrospinning, J. Appl. Physics, 101: 084307, 2007.
?Huang Z.-M., Failure Analysis of Laminated Structures by FEM Based on Nonlinear Constitutive Relationship, Composite Structures, 77(3): 270-279, 2007.
?Han XJ, Huang Z.-M., Liu L, He CL, Composite nanofibers for textile applications, Solid State Phenomena, 121-123:1237-1240, 2007.
?Han XJ, Huang Z.-M., He CL, Liu L,Preparation and Characterization of Core-Shell Structured Nanofibers by Coaxial Electrospinning, High Performance Polymers, 19(2): 147-159, 2007. 何创龙,
王远亮, 黄争鸣, 杨立华, 无细胞骨胶原基质的理化性能和组织相容性研究,《生物医学工程学杂志》, 24(3): 538-543, 2007.
?韩晓建,黄争鸣,何创龙,刘玲,吴庆生,聚丙烯睛(PA N)/TiO2超细纤维的制备与表征,《高技术通讯》,17(12): 1262-1266, 2007.
?陈卢松,黄争鸣,PMMA透光复合材料研究进展,《塑料》, 36(4): 90-95, 2007.
?张春丽,黄争鸣,董国华,基于非线性本构关系的复合材料风机叶片有限元极限分析与设计,《复合材料学报》,24(2): 174-183, 2007.
?黄争鸣,张华山, 纤维增强复合材料强度理论的研究现状与发展趋势-“破坏分析奥运会”评估综述,《力学进展》,37(1): 80-98, 2007.
?韩晓建, 黄争鸣, 何创龙,刘玲,董国华,吴庆生, 聚碳酸酯/TiO2超细纤维的制备与表征,《无机材料学报》,22(3): 1-6, 2007.
?Liu L,Huang Z.-M., Han XJ, He CL, Mechanical Performance of Laminated Composites Incorporated with Nanofibrous Membranes, Mater. Sci. Engng. A., 435–436: 309–317, 2006.
?Han XJ, Huang Z.-M., He CL, Liu L, Wu QS, Coaxial electrospinning of PC(shell)/PU(core) composite nanofibers for textile application, Polymer Composites, 27 (4): 381-387, 2006.
?He CL, Huang Z.-M., Han XJ, Liu L, Zhang HS, Chen LS, Coaxial electrospun poly(L-lactic acid) ultrafine fibers for sustained drug delivery, J. Macromolecular Sci. Part B-Physics, 45 (4): 515-524, 2006.
?Li Y, Huang Z.-M., Lu Y, Electrospinning of nylon-6,66,1010 terpolymer, European Polymer J., 42 (7): 1696-1704, 2006. ?Zhang YZ, Venugopal J, Huang Z.-M., Lim CT, Ramakrishna S., Crosslinking of the Electrospun Gelatin Nanofibers, Polymer, 47(8): 2911-2917, 2006.
?Zhang YZ, Feng Y, Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Lim CT, Fabrication of porous electrospun nanofibres, Nanotechnology, 17 (3): 901-908, 2006.
?Huang Z.-M., He CL, Yang A, Zhang YZ, Han XJ, Yin J, Wu Q, Encapsulating drugs in biodegradable ultrafine fibers through co-axial electrospinning, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 77A(1): 169-179, 2006. ?Hu YY, Huang Z.-M., Coaxial liquid-liquid flows in tubes with limited length, J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. A, 7(3): 347351, 2006.
?黄争鸣,杨爱昭,将源药包覆到聚己丙脂超细纤维的芯部,《高分子学报》, 2006年, 1期, 48-52页.
?刘玲,黄争鸣,董国华,袁国清,何创龙,韩晓建,层间环氧纳米纤维薄膜对层合板力学性能的影响,《复合材料学报》, 23(3): 15-19, 2006.
?刘玲,黄争鸣,董国华,袁国清,林刚,含环氧-SiC复合微/纳米纤维的层合板制备及其力学性能,《复合材料学报》, 23(3): 20-24, 2006.
?韩晓建, 黄争鸣, 何创龙, 刘玲,胡影影, 吴庆生, 尼龙6/聚乙烯醇超细纤维无纺布的制备与表征, 《高分子材料科学与工程》,22(6): 197-200, 2006.
?何创龙,黄争鸣,韩晓建,刘玲,付强,胡影影, 壳-芯电纺超细纤维作为药物释放载体的研究,《高技术通讯》,16(9):32-36, 2006
?Huang Z.-M., Zhang YZ, Ramakrishna S, Double-layered composite nanofibers and their mechanical performance, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 43(20): 2852-2861, 2005.
?Huang Z.-M., Efficient Approach to the Structure-Property Relationship of Woven and Braided Fabric Reinforced Composites Up to Failure, J. Reinf. Plastics Comp., 24(12): 1289-1309, 2005. ?Huang Z.-M, Ultimate Response of Composite Cylinders under Flexural Load, J. Appl. Mech. ASME, 72(3): 313-321, 2005.
?Huang Z.-M., Teng XC, Ramakrishna S, Fatigue Behavior of Multilayer Braided Fabric Reinforced Laminates, Polymers & Polymer Composites, 13 (1): 73-81, 2005.
?Huang Z.-M., Fujihara K, Stiffness and Strength Design of Composite Bone Plates, Comp. Sci. Tech., 65(1): 73-85, 2005.
?Zhang YZ, Lim CT, Ramakrishna S, Huang Z.-M., Recent Development of Polymer Nanofibers
?Zhang YZ, Ouyang HW, Lim CT, Ramakrishna S, Huang Z.-M., Electrospinning of Gelatin fibers and Gelatin/PCL composite fibrous scaffolds, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials, 72B(1): 156-165, 2005.
?黄争鸣,张彦中,药物和蛋白质与聚己内酯分层复合纳米纤维的微观结构与力学特性,《高等学校化学学报》, 26(5): 968-972, 2005.
?黄争鸣,张若京, 复合材料结构受横向载荷作用的强度问题,《复合材料学报》, 22(2): 148-159, 2005.
?何创龙,黄争鸣,韩晓建,刘玲,胡影影, 张彦中,同轴射流技术制备纳米复合材料研究进展,《复合材料学报》,22(6): 1-8, 2005.
?袁国青,黄争鸣,董国华,单向机织物增强复合材料层合板弯曲破坏规律,《同济大学学报》,33(6): 794-799, 2005.
?李岩,黄争鸣,尼龙6/66/1010三聚体的静电纺丝,《合成橡胶工业》,28 (4): 309, 2005.
?何创龙, 黄争鸣, 张彦中,刘玲, 韩晓建, 鲁亚南, 静电纺丝法制备组织工程纳/微米纤维支架,《自然科学进展》,15(10): 1175-1182, 2005.
?Huang Z.-M., Zhang YZ, Ramakrishna S, LimCT,Electrospinningandmechanicalcharacterization of gelatin nanofibers, Polymer, 45(15): 5361-5368, 2004.
?Huang Z.-M., Progressive flexural failure analysis of laminated composites with knitted fabric reinforcement,Mechanics of Materials, 36(3): 239-260, 2004.
?Huang Z.-M., Ultimate Strength of a Composite Cylinder Subjected to Three-Point Bending: Correlation of BeamTheory with Experiment, Composite Structures, 63: 439-445, 2004.
?Huang Z.-M.,A bridging model prediction of the ultimate strength of composite laminates subjected to biaxial loads,
Comp. Sci. Tech., 64(3-4): 395-448, 2004.
?Huang Z.-M., Correlation of the Bridging Model Predictions of the Biaxial Failure Strengths of Fibrous Laminates with Experiments, Comp. Sci. Tech., 64(3-4): 529-548, 2004.
?Huang Z.-M., Flexural strength of a composite cylinder incorporated with thermal residual stresses, Materials Science and Engineering A, 366(2): 367-380, 2004.
?Fujihara K, Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Hamada H, Influence of Processing Conditions on Bending Properties of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced PEEK Composites, Comp. Sci. Tech., 64(16): 2525-2534, 2004.
?Zhang YZ, Huang Z.-M., Xu XJ, Lim CT, Ramakrishna S, Preparation of Core-Shell tructured PCL-r-Gelatin Bi-Component Nanofibers by Coaxial Electrospinning, Chemistry of Materials, 16(18): 3406-3409, 2004.
?Fujihara K, Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Satknanantham K, Hamada H, Feasibility of Knitted Carbon/PEEK Composites for Orthopaedic Bone Plates, Biomaterials, 25(17): 3877-3885, 2004.
?Huang Z.-M., Fujihara K, Ramakrishna S, Bending Failure Characterization of Laminated Beams with Braided Fabric Reinforcement, Adv. Comp. Let., 12(3): 85-96, 2003.
?Huang Z.-M., Zhang YZ, Kotaki M, Ramakrishna S, A Review on Polymer Nanofibers byElectrospinning and Their Applications in Nanocomposites, Comp. Sci. Tech., 63: 2223-2253, 2003.
?Huang Z.-M, Gopal R, Fujihara K, Ramakrishna S, Loh PL, Foong WC, Ganesh VK, Chew CL, Fabrication of a New Composite Orthodontic Archwire and Validation by a Bridging Micromechanics Model, Biomaterials
, 24(17): 2941-2953, 2003.
?Huang Z.-M., Fujihara K., Ramakrishna S., Tensile Stiffness and Strength of Regular Braid Composites:Correlation of Theory with Experiments, J. Comp. Tech. Res. ASTM, 25(1):
35-49, 2003.
?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Modeling Inelastic and Strength Properties of Textile
Composites: A Unified Approach, Comp. Sci. Tech., 63(3-4): 445-466, 2003. Baidya KP, Ramakrishna S, Rahman M, Ritchie A, Huang Z.-M., An Investigation on the Polymer Composite Medical Device-External Fixator, J. Reinf. Plastics Comp., 22(6): 563-590, 2003.for Biomedical and Biotechnological Applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 16: 933– 946, 2005.
?Zhang YZ, Venugopal J, Huang Z.-M., Lim CT, Ramakrishna S, Characterization of the surface biocompatibility of the electrospun PCL-collagen nanofibers using fibroblasts, Biomacromolecules, 6 (5): 2583-2589, 2005.
?Fujihara K, Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Satknanantham K, Hamada H, Performance Study of Braided Carbon/PEEK Composite Compression Bone Plates, Biomaterials, 24: 2661-2667, 2003.
?Huang Z.-M., Modeling and Characterization of Bending Strength of Braided Fabric Reinforced Laminates, J. Comp. Mater., 36(22): 2537-2566, 2002.
?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Modeling Mechanical Properties of Knitted Fabric Composites-Part I: Overview and Geometric Description,
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?Huang Z.-M.,Ramakrishna S, Modeling Mechanical Properties of Knitted Fabric Composites-Part II: Theoretical Description, Sci. Engng. Comp. Mater., 10(3): 189-212, 2002.
?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Modeling Mechanical Properties of Knitted Fabric
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?Huang Z.-M., Discussion of “Computationally Efficient Micromechanical Models for
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?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Thwe AA, Modeling and Characterization of Fatigue Strength of Laminated Composites with Knitted Fabric Reinforcement, J. Comp. Mater., 36(15):
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?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Leong KH, Modelling the Tensile Behavior of Milano Rib
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?Huang Z.-M., On a General Constitutive Description for the Inelastic and Failure Behaviors
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?Huang Z.-M., On a General Constitutive Description for the Inelastic and Failure Behaviors of Fibrous Laminates-Part II: Laminate Theory & Applications, Computers & Structures, 80(13): 1177-1199, 2002.
?Huang Z.-M., Fujihara K, Ramakrishna S, Flexural Failure Behavior of Laminated
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?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Towards Automatic Designing of 2D Biaxial Woven and
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?Huang Z.-M., Micromechanical modeling of fatigue strength of unidirectional fibrous
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?Huang Z.-M, Wang Q, Ramakrishna S, Tensile Behavior of Functionally Graded Carbon
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?Huang Z.-M., Cyclic Response of Metal Matrix Composite Laminates Subjected to Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Loads, Int. J. Fatigue, 24(2-4): 463-475, 2002.
?Huang Z.-M., Fatigue Life Prediction of a Woven Fabric Composite Subjected to Biaxial Cyclic Loads, Composites Part A, 33(2): 253-266, 2002.
?Huang Z.-M., Teng XC, Ramakrishna S, Progressive Failure Analysis of Laminated Knitted Fabric Composites under Bending, J. Thermoplastic Comp. Mater., 14(6): 499-522, 2001.
?Huang Z.-M., Teng XC, Ramakrishna S, Bending behavior of laminated knitted fabric reinforced beams, Adv. Comp. Let., 10(5): 211-218, 2001.
?Huang Z.-M., Concise Formula for Tensile Strength of Knitted Fabric Reinforced Composite, Material Sci. Tech., 17(10): 1299-1305, 2001.
?Huang Z.-M., Micromechanical Prediction of Ultimate Strength of Transversely Isotropic Fibrous Composites, Int. J. Solids Struct., 38(22-23): 4147-4172, 2001.
?Huang Z.-M., Modeling Strength of Multidirectional Laminates under Thermo-Mechanical Loads, J. Comp. Mater., 35(4): 281-315, 2001.
?Huang Z.-M., Micromechanical Life Prediction for Composite Laminates, Mechanics of Materials, 33(4): 185-199, 2001.
?Huang Z.-M., Simulation of the Mechanical Properties of Fibrous Composites by the Bridging Micromechanics Model, Composites Part A, 32(2): 143-172, 2001.
?Huang Z.-M., Effect of Matrix Plasticity on Ultimate Strength of Composite Laminates,
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?Huang Z.-M., A Unified Micromechanical Model for the Mechanical Properties of TwoConstituent Composite Materials, Part III: Strength Behavior, J. Thermoplastic Comp. Mater., 14(1): 54-69, 2001.
?Huang Z.-M., Zhang YZ, Ramakrishna S, Modeling Progressive Failure Process of
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?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Zhang YZ, Tay A.A.O., Prediction of Tensile Strength of
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?Zhang YZ, Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Tensile Behavior of Multilayer Knitted FabricComposites with Different Stacking Configuration, Appl. Comp. Mater., An Int. J. Sci. Appl. Comp. Mater., 8(4): 279-295, 2001.
?Bini TB, Ramakrishna S, Huang Z.-M.,Lim CT, Structure-Tensile Property Relationship of Knitted Fabric Composites, Polymer Composites, 22(1): 11-21, 2001.
?Fujihara K, Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Satkunanantham K, Hamada H, Development of braided carbon/PEEK composite bone plates, Adv. Comp. Let., 10(1): 13-20, 2001.
?Lim CT, Ramakrishna S, Ong LB, Huang Z.-M., Investigating the Effects of Anisotropy of Knitted Fabric Reinforced Polymer (KFRP) Composite,J. Reinf. Plastics Comp., 20(8):685696,2001.
?Xu D, Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Anisotropic behavior of knitted glass fiber/epoxy composites under compressive and shear loading,Polymer & Polymer Composites, 9(8): 541-548, 2001.
?Huang Z.-M., A Unified Micromechanical Model for the Mechanical Properties of Two Constituent Composite Materials, Part I: Elastic Behavior,J. Thermoplastic Comp. Mater., 13(4): 252-271, 2000.
?Huang Z.-M., A Unified Micromechanical Model for the Mechanical Properties of Two Constituent Composite Materials, Part II: Plastic Behavior,J. Thermoplastic Comp. Mater., 13(5): 344-362, 2000.
?Huang Z.-M., A Unified Micromechanical Model for the Mechanical Properties of TwoConstituent Composite Materials, Part IV: Rubber-Elastic Behavior, J. Thermoplastic Comp.Mater.,13(2): 119-139, 2000.
?Huang Z.-M., A Unified Micromechanical Model for the Mechanical Properties of TwoConstituent Composite Materials, Part V: Laminate Strength,J. Thermoplastic Comp. Mater., 13(3): 190-206, 2000.
?Huang Z.-M., Simulation of inelastic response of multidirectional laminates based on stress failure criteria,
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?Huang Z.-M.,The Mechanical Properties of Composites Reinforced with Woven and Braided Fabrics,Comp. Sci. Tech., 60(4): 479-498, 2000.
?Huang Z.-M., Strength Formulae of Unidirectional Composites Including Thermal Residual Stresses, Mater. Let., 43(1-2): 36-42, 2000.
?Huang Z.-M., Tensile Strength of Fibrous Composites at Elevated Temperature, Mater. Sci. Tech., 16(1): 81-94, 2000.
?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Tay A.A.O., Unified Micromechanical Model for Estimating Elastic,ElastoPlastic, and Strength Behaviors of Knitted Fabric Reinforced Composites, J. Reinf. Plastics Comp., 19(8): 642-656, 2000.
?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Tay A.A.O., Modelling of Stress-Strain Behavior of a Knitted Fabric Reinforced Elastomer Composite,Comp. Sci. Tech., 60(5): 671-691, 2000.
?Huang Z.-M.,Ramakrishna S, Micromechanical modelling approaches for the stiffness and strength of knitted fabric composites: A review & comparative study,Composites Part A, 31(5): 479-501, 2000.
?Zhang YZ, Bini TB,Huang Z.-M.,Ramakrishna S, Fracture Characteristics of KnittedFabric Composites under Tensile Load, Adv. Comp. Let., 9(2): 133-137, 2000.
?Leong KH, Ramakrishna S,Huang Z.-M. BiboGA,The PotentialofKnittingforEngineering Composites-a Review,Composites Part A, 31(3): 197-220, 2000.
?Ramakrishna S, Huang Z.-M.,Teoh SH, Tay A.A.O.,Chew CL,Application of Leaf and Glaskin’s Model for Estimating the 3D Elastic Properties of Knitted Fabric Reinforced Composites, J. Textile Inst.Part 1, 91(1): 132-150, 2000. 9
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?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Tay A.A.O., A Micromechanical Approach to the Tensile Strength of Knitted Fabric Composite, J. Comp. Maters., 33(19): 1758-1791, 1999.
?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Dinner HP, Tay A.A.O., Characterization of a Knitted Fabric Reinforced Elastomer Composite, J. Reinf. Plastics Comp., 18(2): 118-137, 1999.
?Huang Z.-M., Ramakrishna S, Tay A.A.O., A Micromechanical modeling approach to the Mechanical Properties of Textile Elastomeric Composites, Maters. Sci. Res. Int. JSMS, 5(3): 189-194, 1999.
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?Ramakrishna S, Huang Z.-M, A Micromechanical Model for Mechanical Properties of Two Constituent Composite Materials, Adv. Comp. Let., 6(2): 43-46, 1997.
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姜建华,男,博士,教授,硕士生导师。同济大学航空航天与力学学院基础力学教学研究部主任。电子邮箱:tk985_j@tongji.edu.cn电话:教育经历:1978.9-1982.7中国矿业大学工程力学专业毕业,理学学士1984.9-1987.5中国矿业大学工程力学专业研究生,工学硕士1991.1-1 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学航空航天与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-胡振东教授
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聂国华,男,1964年8月生。1985年毕业于华中理工大学(现华中科技大学)力学系,1987年获该校硕士学位。1991年在上海工业大学(现上海大学)、上海市应用数学和力学研究所获博士学位(师从钱伟长院士、刘人怀院士)。1991年至1993年在上海交通大学船舶与海洋工程系从事博士后研究工作。1993年 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学航空航天与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘玲教授
刘玲,女,博士,教授,博士生导师电子邮箱:lingliu@tongji.edu.cn电话:教育经历:1993.09-1997.07长春师范大学化学专业学士1997.09-2000.01长春理工大学材料物理专业硕士2000.09-2004.04哈尔滨工业大学工程力学专业博士工作经历:2004.05-2 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学航空航天与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-聂国隽教授
基本情况:姓名:聂国隽(NieGuojun)职称:教授单位:航空航天与力学学院地址:上海市四平路1239号同济大学航空航天与力学学院200092电话:86-手机:**邮箱:ngj@tongji.edu.cn研究方向:先进材料与结构的力学行为、非均匀多场耦合力学学术经历:2010-现在,教授,同济大学 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学航空航天与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋汉文教授
宋汉文,男,1961年2月出生。1.个人简历:2009-今同济大学航空航天与力学学院,动力学与控制研究所,教授,博士生导师1998-2008复旦大学力学与工程科学系,副教授,副系主任(2004-2007)1996-1998复旦大学-宝钢联合流动站,博士后1993-1996上海交通大学振动冲击噪声国家 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学航空航天与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-潘永东教授
潘永东,教授,博士生导师。机械工程学会无损检测学会非常规检测专业委员会委员,声学学会物理声学专业委员会委员,声学学会检测声学专业委员会委员,上海声学学会超声专业委员会委员。主要研究方向为激光超声和材料超声无损评估、新型材料的波动行为、计算力学。1984年9月至1989年7月清华大学应用物理系固体物理 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学航空航天与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王华宁教授
(2018.6更新)王华宁,教授,博导,教学研究部副主任;同济大学教学督导;中国岩石力学与工程学会环境岩土工程青年工作委员会委员;全国第六届基础力学青年教师讲课比赛评委基本情况:性别:女出生年月及地方:1975年7月,济南单位:同济大学航空航天与力学学院基础力学教学研究部电子邮箱:wanghn@to ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学航空航天与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王国砚教授
王国砚,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。同济大学航空航天与力学学院教师。电子邮箱:gywang@tongji.edu.cn电话:教育经历:1978.10-1982.07合肥工业大学大学工程力学专业学士1993.09-1996.01同济大学固体力学专业硕士1996.03-1999.12同济大学固体力学专业 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学航空航天与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐鉴教授
徐鉴,男,博士,同济大学****,博士生导师,****,上海市领军人才和上海市优秀学科带头人,国务院特殊津贴同济大学航空航天与力学学院动力学与控制研究所,所长。电子邮箱:xujian@tongji.edu.cn电话:**徐鉴,同济大学****,博士生导师。国家****基金、上海市领军人才、优秀学科带 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12