1. 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院,上海 200240
2. 上海交通大学 航空航天学院,上海 200240
3. 中国商飞上海飞机设计研究院,上海 201210
国家自然科学基金(51875346);工信部民机预研专项课题资助项目A State-Integrated Approach for Generalized Functional Modeling
ZHAO Meng1, CHEN Yong2(
1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
2. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
3. COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, Shanghai 201210, China
CHEN Yong E-mail:mechenyong@sjtu.edu.cn摘要/Abstract
摘要: 随着复杂系统的研制过程中越来越多地采用基于模型的方法,形式化的功能建模方法得到了广泛关注.然而,现有的功能建模方法通常不关注系统结构的状态,容易导致功能模型的模糊和缺失.对此,开展了集成状态的广义功能建模方法研究.首先,提出组件的State-Behavior-Function模型,表达组件的结构状态、行为以及功能.随后,提出系统的广义功能建模方法,表达系统的不同结构状态以及对应于各状态的功能.最后,以某型离心机的功能建模过程为例进行验证,结果表明:集成状态的广义功能建模方法可支持工程师建立清晰和完整的系统功能模型.
关键词: 概念设计, 复杂系统, 功能建模, 结构状态
Abstract: With the model-based approaches gaining popularity in the development of complex systems, formal approaches for functional modeling have attracted a lot of attention. However, existing approaches for functional modeling do not involve structural states of a system, which often makes the functional models of such systems ambiguous and incomplete. To address this issue, research on a state-integrated approach for generalized functional modeling has been conducted. First, the State-Bahvior-Function model for components is proposed, which can represent the structural states, behaviors, and functions of a component. Thereafter, an approach for generalized functional modeling of systems is proposed, which can represent different structural states of a system, as well as the functions corresponding to the states of the system. Finally, the functional modeling process of a peeler centrifuge is provided as an example, which demonstrates that the state-integrated approach for generalized functional modeling can enable engineers to establish explicit and complete functional models of systems.
Key words: conceptual design, complex system, functional modeling, structural state