上海交通大学 船舶海洋与建筑工程学院, 上海 200240
邱国志,女,高级工程师,电话(Tel.):021-34207985;E-mail: qiugz@sjtu.edu.cn.作者简介:
工业与信息化部高技术船舶科研项目(工信部联装[2016]546号)Fire Smoke Spread Law in Deep Water Semi-Submersible Platform
XU Pengcheng,GAO Jin,QIU GuozhiSchool of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 基于火灾动力学模拟软件中的数值计算方法对深水半潜式支持平台的火灾烟气蔓延规律开展研究.根据火灾布置最不利原则设计4类火灾工况;研究烟气沿楼梯向上蔓延能力的分布规律及其对温度、能见度、CO体积分数的极值在各层甲板楼梯口分布的影响;分析火源层高度对烟气充满甲板所需时间的分布规律及烟气蔓延路径的影响.研究结果表明:随着楼梯与火源之间距离的减小,烟气沿楼梯向上蔓延的能力增强;火源层以上甲板的最高温度及能见度达到临界条件的最短时间、最高CO体积分数均位于烟气向上蔓延能力强的楼梯口;随着火源层高度的增加,烟气充满火源层以上甲板所需时间有所减少,充满火源层以下甲板所需时间有所增加.研究结果可为火灾中人员的疏散路径规划及深水半潜式支持平台的消防设计优化提供一定的理论指导依据.
关键词: 深水半潜式支持平台; 烟气蔓延规律; 极值分布; 火源层高度
Abstract: Based on the fire dynamic simulator numerical method, the fire smoke spread law in deep water semi-submersible platform is studied. According to the most disadvantageous principles of fire scenario design, four fire cases are designed to investigate the fire smoke spread and distribution law of upward spreading ability along stairwell. And its influence on the distribution of extremum of temperature, visibility, CO volume fraction on the staircase of each deck are studied. The impact of height of fire deck on the distribution law of filling the deck within required time is analyzed. Its impact on the smoke spreading path is also analyzed.The results show that when the distance between the stairwell and the fire room decreases, the upward spreading ability of smoke along the stairwell will be strengthened. The maximum temperature, the shortest time of visibility reaching critical condition, the maximum CO volume fraction of decks above the fire deck are located in staircases with strong upward spreading ability of smoke. With the height of fire deck increasing, it would take shorter time for the smoke to fill the decks above the fire deck and longer time for that below the fire deck. The results can contribute to the design of fire protection and the evacuation path when the semi-submersible platform is on fire.
Key words: deep water semi-submersible platform (DWSSP); smoke spread law; distribution of extremum; height of fire deck