南京理工大学 机械工程学院,南京 210094
王炅,男,教授,博士生导师,E-mail: wjiongz@njust.edu.cn.作者简介:
国家自然科学基金(5167050237)资助项目Thermal and Fluid Coupling Field Analysis of MR Damper for Gun Recoil
ZHANG Guang,WANG Huixing,OUYANG Qing,WANG JiongSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
摘要: 为探究磁流变缓冲器后坐过程中热-流耦合特性,设计双出杆三级独立式磁流变缓冲器,并自行研制硅树脂基磁流变胶(MRG),对其进行稳态剪切测试,得到Herschel-Bulkley模型中稠度系数和非牛顿指数随磁感应强度变化规律;将MRG-70运用到缓冲器中,结合某型号固定式火炮炮膛合力变化规律对后坐部分进行运动分析,对缓冲器展开热-流耦合场理论分析和数值计算.结果表明:缓冲器内部能量耗散中的Poiseuille压力流损耗和Couette黏性流损耗为主要可控的部分,缓冲器中每个磁极对应位置的温度出现峰值,且不同时刻峰值不同,温度分布具有明显的非线性和时变性;阻尼通道中轴面压力分布及压力降具有非线性和时变性,缓冲器有效阻尼通道中轴面动力黏度具有明显的非线性和时变性,且在每个磁极处变化剧烈,峰值随位置而变化.
关键词: 磁流变胶, Herschel-Bulkley模型, 非线性, 时变性, Poiseuille压力流, Couette黏性流
Abstract: In order to investigate the multi physics coupling characteristics in the recoil process of magnetorheological (MR) damper, an independent three-stage MR damper of double rod was designed. Magnetorheological gel (MRG) based on silicone was prepared and the steady-state shear test was carried out for obtaining the consistency coefficient and the non-Newtonian index of the Herschel-Bulkley model. MRG-70 was applied to the damper, and the motion analysis of recoil part was carried out by combining with the law of chancing of the bore resultant force for a certain type fixed artillery. The multiple physical fields of damper was analysed and calculated. The results show that Poiseuille pressure flow loss and Couette viscous flow loss are the main and controllable parts of the damper. The temperature of each pole corresponds to a different peak value at different times, and the temperature distribution was obviously nonlinear and time-variable. The pressure distribution and the pressure drop on the central axial surface of the damping channel are nonlinear and time-variable, the dynamic viscosity of the central axial surface of the effective damping channel is also obviously nonlinear and time-variable, and varies sharply at each pole, and the peak value fluctuates with the position.
Key words: magnetorheological gel, Herschel-Bulkley model, nonlinearity, time variability, Poiseuille pressure flow, Couette viscous flow