上海交通大学 a. 海洋工程国家重点实验室; b. 高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心;c. 船舶海洋与建筑工程学院; d. 海洋水下工程科学研究院有限公司, 上海 200240
国家自然科学基金(51179104)资助项目Effects of Rake Angle on Linear Rock Cutting with Chisel Picks
OUYANG Yiping,YANG Qi,MA Jian,QIU Yipinga. State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering; b. Collaborative Innovation Center forAdvanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration; c. School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering; d. Underwater Engineering Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 为研究切削前角对刀齿切削岩石的影响,利用自主研发的刀齿线性切削岩石试验装置对砂岩进行切削前角处于-40°~50° 区间的切削试验.实时采集试验中刀/岩的相互作用力,记录所形成的切削槽形状,收集切削形成的岩石碎块并得到其粒径分布,进而分析岩石碎块的分形特征;同时,利用碎块的分形维数定量描述碎块的粒径分布.结果表明:随着切削前角从 -40° 逐渐增加到50°,切削槽的宽度不断增大,尤其是在切削槽初始形成端;随着切削前角的增加,岩石碎块的分形维数、刀/岩的平均切向力和平均法向力均逐渐减小,且其均可采用切削前角的指数函数表示,平均切削力与平均法向力的比值处于0.56~1.84之间,且无规律性变化.
关键词: 岩石, 切削, 切削前角, 切削力, 分形维数, 碎块分布
Abstract: In order to investigate the effects of rake angle on rock cutting, a linear rock cutting device was invented and used to conduct rock cutting experiments with chisel picks on sandstone with rake angle ranging from -40° to 50°. The interaction forces between picks and rocks were real-time recorded. The grooves created in the experiments were captured. The pieces of debris were collected and the size distribution was obtained. The fractal features of the debris pieces were analyzed. And the debris pieces’ size distribution was quantitatively described by their fractal dimension. The results show that with the increasing of rake angle from -40° to 50°, the width of the groove increases, especially in the initial part of the groove. The fractal dimension of the debris and the cutting force on the picks decrease gradually with the increasing of the rake angle. They can be expressed by the exponential function of the rake angle. However, the ratio of mean cutting force to mean normal force remains between 0.56 and 1.84, and seems not be affected by the rake angle.
Key words: rocks, cutting, rake angle, cutting force, fractal dimension, size distribution