上海交通大学 仪器科学与工程系, 上海 200240
国家重点研发计划(2016YFB0402705),国家自然科学基金资助项目(60274062, 10304012, 60774052, 50875167, 11174205, 11474203, 51475306, 61531008, 11774230)Surface Acoustic Wave Based Wireless and Passive Sensors
HAN Tao,JI Xiaojun,LI Ping,WEN Yumei,SHI WenkangDepartment of Instrument Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 无线无源赋予声表面波(Surface Acoustic Wave, SAW)传感器的显著特点使其在物联网、智能电网、智慧城市等领域日益受到关注.综述了上海交通大学在SAW基础理论、器件精确仿真分析建模、传感器无线阅读装置设计、信息获取及处理算法以及应用等方面的研究成果,详细介绍了面向智能化配网中压开关柜动静触头温度、环网柜电缆终端头温度以及配网变压器油温/油位监测的声表面波无线无源温度传感器研发与应用情况,同时介绍了耐高温声表面波无线无源传感器研发进展以及在炼铝电解槽温度监控中的应用.
关键词: 声表面波, 无线无源, 传感器, 智能化配网, 耐高温
Abstract: Surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensors endowed with the unique advantage of truly passive and naturally wireless operating principle attract much attentions in some applications, such as Internet-of-Things, smart grid, smart cities, and so forth. Some research results in SJTU on the fundamental theory of SAW, precise modeling of SAW sensors, design of wireless interrogation system, the sensing information acquisition and signal processing algorithm in the past 20 years have been summarized. The wireless SAW temperature sensor applications in the temperature monitoring of the breaker contacts of a switchgear, the cable joints in ring main units, and the oil temperature and level of power distribution transformers have been presented. Additionally, the wireless SAW sensor withstanding high temperature environment has been developed and applied in temperature monitoring of the high-frequency induction-heated cells in aluminium smelting.
Key words: surface acoustic wave (SAW), wireless and passive, sensors, intelligent distribution grid, high temperature resistance