海军工程大学 动力工程学院, 武汉 430033
国家自然科学基金资助项目(51179196)Characteristic Identification and Cavitation Analysis of Centrifugal Pump Based on Differential Evolution Algorithm with Residual Correction
NI He,QIN Haibo,JIN Jiashan,SUN FengruiCollege of Power Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China
倪何(1982-),男,上海市人,讲师,研究方向为热力系统的设计、优化和仿真.电话(Tel.):027-65460963; E-mail:elegance2006@sina.com. 摘要/Abstract
摘要: 针对船用离心泵的特性参数辨识与汽蚀现象分析,提出了一种采用残差修正的差异演化辨识方法.该方法采用差异演化算法辨识其压头-流量特性曲线,然后利用原始数据和辨识结果的残差进行二次建模修正,从而有效提高了辨识精度.以某型船用离心式凝水泵为例对上述方法进行验证,利用辨识得到的特性曲线和已有的凝水系统管路模型进行仿真实验,得到了凝水泵转速、压头、流量、凝水温度、吸入压力与排出压力等参数之间的关系,计算得到了该凝水泵的汽蚀预警转速,并在此基础上分析得到了整个凝水系统的稳定运行边界.
关键词: 离心泵, 差异演化, 残差修正, 汽蚀
Abstract: For the characteristic parameters identification and cavitation research of centrifugal pump, an improved differential evolutionary identification method with residual correction was proposed in this paper. This method adopted differential evolution algorithm to identify the lift-flow characteristic curves, and then the residuals of original data and identified results were used to correct the errors, thus effectively improved the identification precision. A type of marine centrifugal condensate pump was taken as an instance to verify the above method. Simulation experiments were carried out by adopting the identified lift-flow characteristic curves and the existing condensate piping model. Relations between the rotation speed, lift, flow, condensing water temperature, inlet and outlet pressure of the condensate pump were obtained, and the cavitation rotation speed of this type marine condensate pump was calculated. Based on these, the stable operation boundary of the whole condensate system is also analyzed and obtained.
Key words: centrifugal pump, differential evolution, residual correction, cavitation