上海交通大学 海洋工程国家重点试验室; 高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心, 上海 200240
上海交通大学海洋工程国家重点实验室自主研究课题(编号GKZD010061)Influence of Bowshape on Hydrodynamic Performance of Mono Wave-Piercing Craft
WEI Chengzhu,YI Hong,LI YinghuiState Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering; Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 通过对4个具有不同穿浪船首的单体穿浪船进行建模并对比分析模型在静水及波浪中的直航运动,研究了水线以上船首形式变化对单体穿浪船水动力性能的影响.研究主要基于数值模拟,通过求解URANS(Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes)方程和使用多种动网格技术来预报船体阻力和运动.研究表明:具有瘦削船首的单体穿浪船在短波中的受力和运动对水线以上穿浪船首形式变化不敏感,在波浪中的阻力、运动姿态和加速度比滑行艇的要小;水线以上穿浪船首形式对单体穿浪船在静水中的阻力、姿态和兴波的影响要基于船体尺度进行讨论,大型单体穿浪船静水中的阻力、姿态和兴波对水线以上穿浪船首形式变化不敏感,而水线以上穿浪船首形式对小型高速穿浪艇静水中的阻力、姿态和兴波的影响显著.
关键词: 穿浪船首, 单体穿浪船, 水动力, 船体运动
Abstract: Typical wave piercing bows were modeled to study the influence of bowshape on hydrodynamic performance of mono wave-piercing craft. Numerical methods were developed by solving URANS (Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) equations and adopting different dynamic mesh methods for this study. Simulations of hulls with different wave-piercing bows running in calm water and waves were conducted. Mono wave-piercing craft with slender wave-piercing bows are not sensitive to bow forms in short waves, and have smaller resistance, hull motions and acceleration than a planning boat. Resistance and wave making in calm water of a mono wave-piercing craft in large scale are not sensitive to bowshape, while bowshape has great influence on resistance, hull motions and wave making in calm water of a mono wave-piercing craft with small scale and high speed.
Key words: wave-piercing bows, mono wave-piercing craft, hydrodynamic performance, hull motions