浙江工业大学 a. 机械工程学院; b. 之江学院, 杭州 310014
国家自然科学基金项目(51609212),浙江省自然科学基金项目(LQ17E090005,LQ15E090004,LQ15E090005),浙江省公益技术应用研究项目(2017C31025)Transient Flow Characteristics in Self-Priming Centrifugal Pump VoluteMOU Jieganga,WU Zhenxinga,ZHOU Peijiana,GU Yunqinga,WU Denghaob,REN Yunb
MOU Jieganga,WU Zhenxinga,ZHOU Peijiana,GU Yunqinga,WU Denghaob,REN Yunba. College of Mechanical Engineering; b. Zhijiang College, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China
摘要: 为了研究自吸离心泵蜗壳内瞬态流动特性,分别对有、无回流孔时的模型泵进行了三维非定常流动数值模拟,得到了蜗壳内压力脉动特性和蜗壳回流孔处的瞬态流动特性.研究结果表明:回流孔的存在使蜗壳内压力脉动更加剧烈多变;蜗壳内最大幅值监测点处的蜗壳断面上,存在强度较大、位置对称、大小不等的反向二次流漩涡;回流孔向蜗壳的流出口处存在较大的涡量,且在此处的蜗壳断面和其垂直截面内都有随时间周期性变化的漩涡流动结构;有回流孔时的最大脉动幅值在 0.8、1.0 和1.2倍设计流量工况下比无回流孔时相应工况下的幅值分别增大 35.5%、13.7% 和 19.6%.
关键词: 自吸离心泵, 蜗壳, 回流孔, 瞬态流动特性, 压力脉动
Abstract: Because of the existence of reflux hole in the self-priming centrifugal pump volute, its internal transient flow is more complicated than the ordinary centrifugal pump, and it largely determines the running stability. In order to study the transient flow characteristics inside a self-priming centrifugal pump volute, the three-dimensional unsteady flow under various operating conditions of a model pump with and without reflux hole were numerically simulated to investigate the volute pressure fluctuations and transient flow characteristics near the reflux hole. The results showed that the existence of reflux hole makes the volute pressure fluctuation more severe and variable. In the volute cross-sections with the largest pressure fluctuation amplitude, there were relatively strong, symmetrical, different sizes and reverse secondary flow vortexes. The vorticity was great at the exit of reflux hole to volute, and there were vortexes flow structures that change periodically over time in the cross-section of both directions. The maximum pressure pulsation amplitude of volute with reflux hole was larger than that without reflux hole. The increased amplitudes were, respectively, 35.5%, 13.7% and 19.6% under the conditions that flow rates were 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 times of the design flow rate.
Key words: self-priming centrifugal pump, volute, reflux hole, transient flow characteristics, pressure fluctuation