杭州电子科技大学 浙江省船港机械装备与技术重点实验室, 杭州 310018
国家自然科学基金项目(51775153, 51505112), 浙江省自然科学基金项目 (LQ15E050010 ), 浙江省青年人才项目Antifriction and Lubrication Mechanism of Imitate Raindrop Textured Broach
NI Jing,LI Bin,XU JingKey Laboratory of Mechanical Equipment and Technology for Marine Machinery, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
摘要: 采用激光加工技术在键槽拉刀后刀面加工了仿雨滴形状的表面微织构,进行了45#钢负载拉削试验研究,同时,基于N-S方程与润滑理论,建立雨滴织构拉刀减磨润滑数学分析模型,求解拉刀润滑油液的流动特性,剖析微织构拉刀的减磨润滑机制. 研究表明,微织构拉刀能够有效降低拉削负载,提高刀具响应性能,减缓刀具磨损,改善拉削性能;拉削过程中,雨滴形状微织构可以有效减小润滑液流动阻力,加快润滑液流动速度,使得润滑液在单位时间内可以带走更多的热量,降低拉削温度,提高拉削效率与加工精度;同时微织构槽可存储微量拉削液,在微润滑状态下可补充局部拉削液断层的不足.
关键词: 表面织构, 雨滴, 仿生, 拉削力, 减磨
Abstract: Laser processing technology was used to generate raindrop surface texture on the flank of keyway broach. Broaching load test of 45# steel was carried out. A fluid dynamics model was established to analyze the lubrication oil flow characteristics and the lubricating mechanism of micro-textured broach by the fluid dynamics analysis method. Research shows that micro-textured broach can not only reduce the broach-ing load and tool wear, but also improve the response and broaching performance. Meanwhile, flow resistance of the lubricating fluid was effectively reduced by raindrop micro-texture, which leads to an increase in flow velocity of the lubricating fluid, and the lubricant could took away more heat in unit time, so that broaching temperature was effectively reduced. The textured broach can greatly improve cutting efficiency and machining accuracy. The micro-textured groove can also be used to store micro lubricating fluid, to be a supplement under the state of micro-lubrication.
Key words: surface texture, raindrop, bionics, broaching force, anti-friction