摘要: 心理韧性指个体应对逆境积极适应的动态过程,与精神障碍症状密切相关,可通过干预进行提升。该文对心理韧性的定义、评估方法及干预进行综述,提出心理韧性可作为与压力源暴露相关的精神障碍症状的指标,对改善个体心理韧性、促进个体心理健康发展具有一定的参考和借鉴意义。
关键词: 心理韧性, 精神障碍, 评估方法, 干预
Resilience refers to the dynamic process of individual's positive adaptation to adversity, which is closely related to the symptoms of mental disorders and can be improved through intervention. This paper reviews the definition, evaluation method and intervention of resilience, and proposes that resilience can be used as an indicator of mental disorders related to stressor exposure, which has certain reference significance for improving individual resilience and promoting individual mental health development.
Key words: resilience, mental disorder, evaluation method, intervention