摘要: 妊娠期妇女在体质量增长的同时,体成分也不断地发生变化。目前体成分分析是一种评估人体组成的方法,由体脂肪量、细胞外液、细胞内液、无机盐、蛋白质等基本五组分组成模型,可以准确地反映妊娠期体质量成分构成情况;在诸多体成分分析方法中,生物电阻抗分析法为用于妊娠期的主要测定方法。已有临床研究报道了各母体组分与妊娠期疾病之间的相关关系。该文就体成分分析在妊娠期妇女中的临床应用研究做一综述。
关键词: 体成分分析, 生物电阻抗分析法, 孕期体质量增长, 妊娠合并症
The maternal components are constantly changing with gestational weight gains during pregnancy. Body composition analysis is a method for evaluating the maternal body composition accurately during pregnancy, models of which consist of fat mass, extracellular water, intracellular water, inorganic salts and protein basically. Among various methods to body composition analysis, bioelectrical impedance analysis is an important method for pregnant women. Many studies have reported about clinical applications based on correlations between maternal individual components and gestational diseases. This article reviews the researches on clinical applications of body composition analysis to pregnant women.
Key words: body composition analysis, bioelectrical impedance analysis, gestational weight gain, pregnancy complication