摘要: 自杀意念是精神疾病中较为严峻的问题。药物治疗起效慢,对自杀意念的干预效果有限。物理治疗作为辅助治疗方法被广泛应用,其主要通过物理性(如电、磁等)作用对中枢神经系统进行调节,常用方法包括电休克治疗、重复经颅磁刺激、磁抽搐治疗和迷走神经刺激术等神经调控技术。该文主要围绕临床中常用的物理神经调控干预对精神疾病患者自杀意念的疗效进行综述。
关键词: 自杀意念, 物理神经调控, 干预
Suicide ideation is a serious problem in mental illness. The medication treatment is slow to take effect, of which intervention effect on suicidal ideation is limited. Physical therapy is widely used as an adjuvant therapy, which mainly regulates the central nervous system through physical action (such as electric, magnetic, etc). The common methods of physical therapy include electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, magnetic seizure therapy, vagus nerve stimulation and other neuromodulation techniques. This paper mainly reviews the application and efficacy of physicalneuromodulation intervention on suicidal ideation in patients with mental illness.
Key words: suicidal ideation, physical-neuromodulation, intervention