

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-12


摘要: 目的 ·评价翼状胬肉术中应用博来霉素预防术后复发的临床疗效。方法 ·回顾性研究 59例(82眼)翼状胬肉患者资料,在胬肉切除联合自体结膜瓣移植手术中局部使用博来霉素( 3 mg/mL),观察术后角膜、结膜愈合情况,评价术后复发率和并发症。结果 ·所有患者术后观察随访 6个月及以上,平均( 18.5±9.7)个月,术眼角膜透明,结膜瓣愈合良好,与周围组织融合,无明显瘢痕增生,随访期间胬肉无复发;所有患者均未发生持续性角膜上皮缺损、巩膜缺血溶解、睑球粘连、继发性青光眼和白内障等并发症。结论 ·抗代谢药博来霉素的局部应用可能可以降低翼状胬肉的术后复发率,且不引起严重的并发症。
关键词: 翼状胬肉, 博来霉素, 复发
Objective · To observe the clinical effect of bleomycin for prevention of recurrence after pterygium treatment. Methods · Pterygium excision surgery combined with conjunctival autograft transplantation method on 59 patients (82 eyes) was performed, bleomycin (3 mg/mL) was used to prevent recurrence during the surgery. Corneal and conjunctival wound healing, recurrence rate and complications were observed in all the patients after surgery. Results · All the patients were followed-up for 6 months or more [(18.5±9.7) months]. After surgery, the corneas were transparent; the conjunctival flaps healed well and fused with surrounding tissues; no obvious scar hyperplasia and no recurrence of pterygium occured during the follow-up. None of the patients had sustained corneal epithelial defect, scleral ischemia, symblepharon, secondary glaucoma or cataract. Conclusion · The application of bleomycin may reduce the recurrence rate of pterygium effectively without serious complications.
Key words: pterygium, bleomycin, recurrence


相关话题/组织 临床 霉素 结膜 并发症