

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2013-01-08


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KCJJ"本课程包括免疫系统、免疫应答和免疫病理三个方面,代表了从结构、功能和与疾病关系上介绍免疫学。对于在本科已初学过免疫学的研究生、七年制和八年制学生,进行新一轮和深层次的培养和训练。要求系统地和牢固地掌握免疫学基本概念,了解新的进展,为从事相关的生命科学和医学研究及实践奠定扎实的基础,提高把免疫学和临床医学紧密结合的兴趣、水平和积极性。课程内容一、绪论:免疫学学科矛盾运动的特点。免疫系统的识别能力、反应能力、调节能力和记忆能力。二、免疫系统 1、免疫器官 2、免疫细胞 3、免疫分子:抗体和补体 4、免疫分子:细胞因子和趋化因子 5、免疫分子:分化抗原和黏附分子 6、主要组织相容性复合体三、免疫应答1、固有免疫应答2、适应性免疫应答:T细胞对抗原的识别、激活和分化3、适应性免疫应答:B细胞对抗原的识别、激活和分化4、适应性免疫应答:免疫应答的效应机制 5、免疫调节四、免疫学与临床疾病(免疫病理) 1、抗感染免疫 2、超敏反应 3、自身免疫和自身免疫病 4、肿瘤免疫 5、移植免疫 6、免疫诊断和免疫治疗教学特点一、课程已开设十余年,教学内容不断更新,力求和国际水平接轨,已成为研究生热选的课程之一。二、全部由上海免疫学研究所和免疫学教研室资深教授任课。三、教材选用周光炎教授主编的《免疫学原理》。该书出版后获上海市优秀教材一等奖,并被教育部推荐为全国研究生教学用书。内容已作全面更新的《免疫学原理》第二版,已于2007年5月由上海科技出版社出版发行,全书彩图精印。"


KCJJY"BRIEF INTRODUCTIONConsisting of three parts: immune system, immune responses andimmunopathology, the course allows the postgraduate students, who have been primarily trained for immunology, to learn more about the structure and functions of immune system and its significance in disease pathogenesis with contemporary concepts. The advanced study will help to lay a better background for understanding of progressed principles and knowledge, by which the students will be much improved to face their basic study and clinical practice on immunology-related medicine and life sciences.MAIN CONTENTSA.IntroductionB.Immune system: immune organs; immunocytes; immune molecules and genes (antibody and complement; cytokines and chemokines; DC antigens and adhesion molecules; the major histocompatibility complex) C. Immune response a)Innate immune response b) Adaptive immune response: antigen recognition, activation and differentiation of T and B cells; immune effective mechanisms c) Immune regulationD.Immunology and diseases (immunopathology): anti-infection immunology; Hypersensitivity and allergic diseases; autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases; tumor immunology; transplantation immunology; diagnostic immunology and immune therapyCHARACTERISTICSA.Being set for more than ten years with update contents, the course has become one of the most welcomed and best-choice lessons by postgraduates as recommended by their tutors.B.All sections and chapters in the course are taught by senior professors or associate professors of Shanghai Institute of Immunology.C.The text book used in the course is “Principles of Immunology”, a publication mainly edited and contributed by experts at the Institute and recommended as a nation-wild teaching book for postgraduates by the Ministry of Education, the People’s Republic of China. The 2nd edition featured with color figures was newly published in May 2007."







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