

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2013-01-08


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KCJJ"生物医学工程学是一个使用工程学手段分析和解决医学问题的学科。该学科涉及诸多的领域,是一门典型的交叉学科,吸引了大批致力于人类健康的研究人员。本课程划分为五个模块:生物信号处理、生物医学成像、生物材料、生物物理、生物信息学。课程主要介绍如何应用基本物理理论和工程方法对生物系统进行量化的分析,同时还将介绍这些领域的最新发展动态。 生物信号处理是生物医学工程的重要组成部分。通过分析EEG、MEG等信号,医生可以获取大量的有用信息。在这一部分,我们将介绍包括信号检测、信号分析等内容,特别是如何将信号从时域变换到频域,并在频域中进行处理。在生物物理部分,我们将讨论物理学在医学领域中的应用。类似于血压、呼吸压等压力物理量,虽然很简单,但是也可以揭示身体的状态,这是我们要讨论的。激光在医学领域的应用也是这章要讨论的重点,包括激光的产生、特性,激光器的构造,激光的生物效应等。还要谈谈激光应用的新进展。生物医学成像是将人体内部结构以可视化的方式表现出来。MRI、X成像、CT、PET以及超声波可以帮助医生获取人体深部的信息,本部分将简介这些成像设备的原理和医学应用。同时还将介绍医学图像处理的基本理论和方法。生物医学材料部分向学生介绍了这一领域的发展过程和趋势。掌握生物医学材料的基本概念和生物医学材料在临床应用中所面临的基本问题,如应用中的环境影响、与人体的相互作用和它的安全性条件等。同时以人工关节为例,着重介绍了各种人工关节的特性和应用在人工关节中的各种类型的生物材料。在现实世界中,会遇到大量的问题,但是,它们往往并不是自然地以现成定量问题的形式出现的。首先,我们需要对要解决的实际问题进行分析研究,经过简化,提炼,建立该问题的数学模型。生态系统建模主要介绍数学建模概论、建模方法,然后再介绍房室模型的辨识。人类基因组计划产生了大量的数据,研究人员建立了GenBank,EMBL等公开的数据库,数据库中的数据以几何级数上升。信息学与生物学的结合产生了生物信息学,在本课程中我们会介绍:生物信息学的定义、目的和意义;生物信息学的主要内容,包括序列比较和数据库搜索、基因组序列和表达数据分析、蛋白质结构预测等。"


KCJJY"A biomedical engineer uses traditional engineering expertise to analyze and solve problems in biology and medicine, providing an overall enhancement of health care. It turns out that lots of people have a common interest of trying to improve human life, which exploits the many specialty areas inside of the field of Biomedical Engineering.The course is organized into modules consisting of five tracks: biosignal processing, Biomedical imaging, Biomaterials, Biophysics, Bioinformatics and computational. Application of basic principles of physics and engineering science to the quantitative analysis of biological systems will be highlighted. In addition, applications of technology to address contemporary issues and various roles of the engineer will be discussed. Biosignal processing is an very important part of biomedical Engineering. Through analyzing the signals such as EEG, MEG, doctors will find available information hidden in the body. The Biosignal processing, that involves detecting signals and analyzing signal, is discussed in this chapter. Especially, how to transfer signals from the time field to the frequency field and how to process signals in the frequency field. In the part of biophysics, the application of physics science in the medicine will be discussed. Pressure, such as blood pressure, air pressure, is the usual sign to discover the status of patients. So these simple but important physics parameter will be discussed in this chapter. At the same time, the concept about laser application in medicine will also be discussed: the method to produce laser, the character of laser, the construction of laser device, the biological effectivity of laser. In addition, the last progress of the application on laser will be mentioned. Biomedical imaging involves mapping the interior structure of the human body. MRI, X-Ray, CT, PET and Ultrasound aid doctors in identifying problems that occur where the human eye cannot detect it. Such diseases include tumors, ulcers, and some cancers. The theories of such imaging equipment, moreover, the application in the medicine will be introduced briefly. The basic method and application of medical image processing is also discussed in this chapter. This chapter about Biomaterials introduces the basic concepts of biomaterial and their applications. Problems about clinical application of biomaterials such as the interaction of biomaterial and human body in physical and chemical aspects have fully studied. The evaluation and control of the safety of the clinical application of verials biometerials have also studied. Artificial joints as a sample of clinical application of biomaterials have introduced.Though we meet a great deal of problems in real life, they are not always presented in forms of quantification. First, we should analysis the problems, then simplify and try to find the essence. At last we get the mathematics model. This part mainly introduce the Modeling of Ecosystem summarily, methods. We also discuss one-compartment open model and two-compartment open model。The Human Genome Project, designed to sequence all 24 of the human chromosomes, is also progressing. Popular sequence databases, such as GenBank and EMBL, have been growing at exponential rates. This deluge of information has necessitated the careful storage, organization and indexing of sequence information. Information science has been applied to biology to produce the field called Bioinformatics. In this course, we would introduce: Developing methods to predict the structure and/or function of newly discovered proteins and structural RNA sequences. Clustering protein sequences into families of related sequences and the development of protein models."







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