

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2013-01-08


课程讨论时数0 (小时)课程实验数26 (小时)

KCJJ"放射性同位素在生物医学研究中的应用是国家和平利用原子能的重要标志之一, 有不少用途是其它技术无法取代的。从应用到防护,从示踪原理到计量单位,都有很多特殊性。本课程从核物理基础知识和标记化合物到各领域的应用,对原理作简要介绍,通过几个有代表性的实验,最后以实验设计的方式将各部分知识有机结合起来,使研究生掌握生物医学研究中应用同位素的必要知识及技能。本课程包括以下几个部分:1.核物理基础与放射性测量技术:内容主要是核衰变的四种类型、衰变规律、放射性活度及其单位;射线与物质的相互作用,以及γ计数器及液体闪烁仪测量的基本原理和放射性测量的统计误差。2.标记化合物及示踪原理:主要介绍放射性标记物的类型、主要指标、保存;125I-标记物制备的基本过程;示踪原理及常用的整体及离体示踪方法和放射自显影的实验。3.放射防护:国家有关放射防护的法规、应用放射性核素的防护条例和放射性实验室工作规章制度。射线的生物学效应、外照射及内照射的特点和各自防护原则。放射性实验操作的基本要领,废物存放,处理和一般防护设施。4.受体放射配基结合分析法:基本原理和实验方法建立、受体密度和亲和力计算的原则。几种不同类型的放射配基结合分析法及各自的主要用途。5.科研中生物活性物质的超微量测定:放射免疫分析法的基本原理和方法,由放射免疫分析法派生的放射性超微量测定技术(免疫放射分析法),由放射免疫分析法派生的各种非放射性超微量测定技术。6.分子生物学和细胞生物学中同位素示踪技术的应用:32P及33P在蛋白质磷酸化和脱磷酸化中的应用,35S在G蛋白与受体偶联中的应用。核素标记物在研究DNA与蛋白质相互作用中的应用。7.同位素实验的实验设计:最后以实验设计的方式将各部分知识有机结合起来,使研究生掌握生物医学研究中应用同位素的必要知识及技能。鉴于同位素应用是实践性很强的课程,而且实践上有明显的特殊性,本课程的安排以约2/3时间为实验课,1/3为理论教学,两者互相紧密结合,使参修同学不仅能较快掌握技术,而且能较好地掌握有关的理论基础,从而在今后的工作中能主动出击,而不是仅仅限于已学过的几个具体方法。"


KCJJY"The application of radioactive isotope in biomedical research is an important part of the peaceful use of atomic energy. A lot of applications are up to now un-replaceable by other techniques. This is an experimental course. 1/3 time will be lectures and 2/3 time will be experiments covering the following portions:1. Basic nuclear physics and fundamental measuring techniques: The basic nuclear physics involves the main types of nuclear decay, law of decay, definition and units of radioactivity and the interaction of radiations and materials. The measuring techniques involve the basic principle and counting statistics of ? counting and liquid scintillation counting. An experiment will be carried out on the measuring techniques.2. Labelled compounds and principles of tracer technique: These will involve the types of radio-isotope labeled compounds, their main characteristics, their specific changes during storage, the principles and fundamental in vivo and in vitro methods of tracer techniques. The preparation of 125I-labelled compounds and basic autoradiographic technique will be specified. A second experiment will be carried out on tracer experiment using autoradiographic technique.3. Radiation protection: This will involve the basic biological responses to radiation, the national laws, the regulations about the applications of radio-isotopes with emphasis on the protection principle in biomedical research laboratory, and disposal of radioactive wastes. 4. Radioligand binding assay: Basic principle and the methodology of the chief types of radioligand binding assay. An experiment will be carried out covering the saturation analysis and competitive binding assay.5. Ultra-micro assays of bioactive compounds: Basic principle and fundamental techniques of radio-immunoassay, immuno-radiometric assay and other ultra-micro assay techniques derived from radio-immunoassay and immuno-radiometric assay. An experiment will be carried out for radio-immunoassay. 6. Applications of radio-isotope tracer techniques in cell biology and molecular biology: in addition to a general description, emphasis will be put on certain selected topics such as phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of proteins studied with 32P or 33P, coupling to G proteins to receptors studied with 35S, labeled compounds in the study of DNA and protein interaction.7. In the last section of this course, each student will be requested to make the design of an isotope experiment for his/her own thesis so as to combine the knowledge obtained from the above lessons."







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