

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2013-01-08


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KCJJY"Evidence-Based Medicine, whose philosophical origins extend back to mid-19th century, became more mature and well developed during the 20th century as a new cross-subject discipline. A typical definition for the Evidence-based medicine is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients in a way of more thoughtful identification and compassionate use of individual patients' predicaments, rights, and preferences. A broader definition for evidence-based medicine can be described as a methodology in making clinical decisions for the care of individual patients and the services of public health by integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research. During past decade, evidence-based medicine remains a hot topic for clinicians, public health practitioners, and the public. The number of articles about evidence-based practice has grown exponentially. Globally, the discipline’s positive impacts in clinical practice and medical education just begin and continue to evolve. It may result in a sequential reform and reconstructions in medical education and clinical research.Evidence-Based Medicine, differing from traditional ways of medical teaching and clinical practicing, motivates medical students to learn and solve practical public health and clinical problems by using both individual clinical expertise and the best available external evidences. It emphasizes the creativity in the design and conduct of clinical researches to achieve its goal of improving the quality of individual health care and public health.The course will cover: summarization of Evidence-Based Medicine; summarization of Evidence-Based Decision Making in Heath Care; method of Evidence-Based Medicine; principle of putting in practice; making、search and practices of evidence; statistics applying in Evidence-Based Medicine; systematic review; evaluate and apply to evidence of Etiology and adverse drug reactions; evaluate and apply to evidence of diagnoses; evaluate and apply to evidence of prevention and cure; evaluate and apply to evidence of prognosis; evaluate and apply to clinical practice guidelines; method and application of health technology assessment; reevaluation of practice in Evidence-Based Medicine; evaluate and apply to clinical decision analysis; evaluate and apply to evidence of clinical economics; etc."







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