

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2013-01-08


课程讨论时数0 (小时)课程实验数0 (小时)



Since the first transistor was invented in 1947, the microelectronics science and technology focused on integrated circuit has been developed rapidly with Moor's law, and was considered as the rapidest science and technology developed in the history of human being. And it has infiltrated in lots of technological fields, such as computer, electronics, communication, auto-control, instrument, and so on. It becomes the mark and foundation of development of information age.Microelectronics covers lots of fields, such as the theories of semiconductor, design, fabrication, packaging and assembly, test, etc. In general, what undergraduate students which major in electronics and related fields studies is limited in one area, and they don't know or know little about the other areas in microelectronics. So, we set "Introduction on Microelectronics" for the fresh graduated students in School of Microelectronics to know and master the basic knowledge about the special areas in microelectronics and widen their knowledge structure in research of science and technology before they start to study their specialties and researches.This course on "Introduction on Microelectronic" covers various areas in microelectronics, including basic theories, design of IC, fabrication of IC, packaging and assembly of IC, test of IC, and other new intercrossing areas, etc. That is, the history, law and future of microelectronics, physics of semiconductor and semiconductor device, microelectronics devices and special microelectronics devices, basic of very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI), techniques and CAD in IC designing, fabrication/packaging and assembly/testing of IC, new intercrossing areas (micro-electro-mechanical system, biochips), and so on. The fundamental knowledge in all microelectronics are taught in this course. At the same time, the newest development and newest fruits in microelectronics are introduced in this course. In summary, the knowledge in microelectronic are taught fundamentally, comprehensively, systemically.


1、绪论(3hr)2、半导体器件基础 (6hr)3、集成电路制造技术(3hr)4、微电子封装(3hr)5、微电子测试(3hr)6、集成电路产品及其应用(6hr)7、集成电路设计基础(6hr)8、集成电路设计中的CAD系统(3hr)9、硅知识产权与相关法律法规10、技术交流技巧(6hr)11、学生调研与讲演(12hr)




①考试目的; 本课程属引论性课程,重点系统地向学生介绍微电子产业领域及相关技术领域的基本知识,知识面广。其主要目的是考察学生对微电子学产业及相关技术领域的理解程度,考察学生论文写作和学术讲演的能力;同时培养学生对微电子产业及技术研究的兴趣。②考试方式 学生可根据自己的未来的研究和工作领域选择相关主题,完成一篇文献综述;并分组完成一技术Presentation.③ 考试内容及要求 论文题目选择:1)全球、亚洲、中国IC产业相关2)微电子器件、工艺制造、设备、封装与测试3)集成电路设计技术4)EDA理论与工具5)集成电路产品及其系统应用考试及成绩(Exams):1)选择一个以上与集成电路相关的题目,并撰写一篇综述性论文,并写明自己的观点。2)根据所选题目,分成若干讨论小组,以小组为单位,合作完成一PPT。每个小组选择一成员为代表,完成相关Presentation.3)成绩100分由以下几部分组成:a)课堂出勤率: 30%b)综述性调研论文: 40%;c)调研PPT:30%d)演讲:额外加分0-5分

参 考 文 献
  • [1] 张兴,黄如,《微电子学概论》,北京大学出版社,2000[2] 杨之廉,《集成电路导论》,清华大学出版社,,2003[3] 毕克允, 《微电子技术,信息装备的精灵》,国防工业出版社,2000[4] 黄庆安,《硅微机械加工技术》,科学出版社,1996[5] John P. Uyemura,《超大规模集成电路与系统导论》,电子工业出版社,2004