

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2013-01-08


课程讨论时数8 (小时)课程实验数0 (小时)



This course, the Management and Risk Control of Drug Research and Development is to address economics that applies cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, cost-minimization, and cost-utility analyses to evaluate the feasibility of drug R&D projects and to assess the economics of different pharmaceutical products or to compare drug therapy to other treatments. The primary purpose of the training in this discipline has been to provide assistance in making various healthcare decisions in the pharmaceutical industry. The rapid growth in the supply of pharmacoeconomic data over the past few years suggests that pharmacoeconomics can be of help in delivering good, cost-effective healthcare. Greater challenges in decision-making coupled with improvements in the techniques of pharmacoeconomic research point to a greater role for pharmacoeconomics in the coming years. This in turn will have consequences for companies in the pharmaceutical industry. More successful access to markets and better commercialisation of products will be the rewards for those companies committing to pharmacoeconomics and to the broader goal of delivering value for money in healthcare. In this 36 h course, the streamlines of drug research and development, the principles of pharmacoeconomics, statistics, as well as specific topics such as the research and development of chemical drugs and traditional Chinese medicines, etc, will be discussed. Students are anticipated to actively take part in the discussions and share their own perspectives in drug R&D with a view of improved management and risk control.


1.新药的研究和开发 - 基本流程和管理(掌握)2.药物经济学-1(了解)3.药物经济学-2(了解)4.成本的核算(掌握)5.数据统计-1 常规的医学和药学统计(了解)6.数据统计-2 多元统计在新药研究中的应用(了解)7.讨论1(课堂提问、老师和同学互动式交流)8.化学药物的研发管理(掌握)9.生物药物的研发管理(掌握)10.中药的研发管理(掌握)11.讨论2- 本企业中的药物研发相关问题(每人5分钟报告,3分钟提问)12.讨论 3- 新药研发领域的共性问题的讨论 - 辩论(分正方和反方,人数各半)


1.新药的研究和开发 - 基本流程和管理(掌握)2.药物经济学-1(了解)3.药物经济学-2(了解)4.成本的核算(掌握)5.数据统计-1 常规的医学和药学统计(了解)6.数据统计-2 多元统计在新药研究中的应用(了解)7.讨论1(课堂提问、老师和同学互动式交流)8.化学药物的研发管理(掌握)9.生物药物的研发管理(掌握)10.中药的研发管理(掌握)11.讨论2- 本企业中的药物研发相关问题(每人5分钟报告,3分钟提问)12.讨论 3- 新药研发领域的共性问题的讨论 - 辩论(分正方和反方,人数各半)


课堂出勤 20%, 课间讨论50%, 报告及答辩30%

参 考 文 献
  • 药物经济学与医药产业 孙树华 蔡宁 编著 科学出版社 2004年8月第一版药物经济学与新药研究开发 孙利华 主编 化学工业出版社 2003年5月第一版