

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2013-01-07


课程讨论时数0 (小时)课程实验数0 (小时)



This course intends to be an introductory course of translation criticism which helps students to develop practical skills in judging and criticizing a translated work. The course aims at introducing the objectives, basic techniques and general ideas of Translation criticism. A broad spectrum of perspectives in the study of translation criticism will also be introduced to help students to understand the complicate process of translation and the various factors to be considered in criticizing a work.


When students have finished this course, they should be able to:a) understand the general ideas and basic principles of translation criticism;b) know about the various perspectives in criticizing a translated work;c) do basic analysis of a translated work;d) develop better sense in their own translation.


第1-4周 英译汉译文赏析 第1周 译文赏析之准确的传译 第2周 译文赏析之词句的雕琢 第3周 译文赏析之翻译的风格 第4周 译文赏析之韵文、诗歌、影视前4周要求同学们完成第一个project, 任选一篇英文的不同汉译本,进行对比分析。第5周 presentation of the first project第6-8周 汉译英译文赏析 第6周 译文赏析之异化与归化 第7周 译文赏析之如何系统地进行译本比较 第8周 译文赏析之如何进行译者研究要求同学们完成二个project, 任选一篇中文的不同英译本,进行对比分析。第9周presentation of the second project


1. Class attendance Students are required to attend ALL classes scheduled and take an active part in classroom activities. Attendance will be recorded every class. If, for some justifiable reason, you are not able to come to class on a certain day, advance notices to the instructor are required, except for emergency cases. Supporting documents (e.g. doctor's note) should be submitted in order for an absence to be excused. If a student misses the equivalent of two weeks of classes, then this can result in the reduction of one letter grade. The next absence after two weeks can result in failing the course. Students should be in class on time. If a student is late, the instructor can refuse his/her entry to class. 2. Projects presentation 50%Each student is required to do two class projects and present their projects' result in front of the class. Students are supposed to present criticism on a certain translation work in a persuasive manner. Each project presentation will account for 25% of the total grade. 3. Final paper 50%Each student is required to submit a term paper within two weeks after the class session is over.

参 考 文 献
  • 《翻译批评散论》 马红军 中国对外翻译出版社 2002《翻译理论与实践探索》 孙致礼 译林出版社 1999