

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2013-01-07


课程讨论时数0 (小时)课程实验数0 (小时)



Aims- This unit is designed to improve education-major students’ command of English for academic purposes, with particular focus on reading and writing. - A related course aim is to develop their academic skills which will be required and applied in their future study and work, particularly in their assignment- and dissertation-writing. OutcomesAfter the course, students are expected- to expand students’ academic vocabulary in the field of higher education;- to deal effectively with reading in academic courses, and to improve their reading skills, e.g. skimming, scanning, intensive reading, dealing with reading lists, note-taking , summarising and paraphrasing;- to develop students’ understanding on writing research papers and help them to plan, construct and organise their papers with logical and coherent argumentation; - to raise their awareness of critical thinking skills in writing; and- to enhance their understanding of academic conventions: citation, quotation, bibliography, paraphrase (to avoid plagiarism).




The nine-week course will combine both reading tasks and writing tasks. In general, it will be organised on the following themes:Week 1 & 2: developing reading skillsWeek 3: constructing a research paperWeek 4: literature review and critical thinkingWeek 5, 6, 7 & 8: writing styles and functionsWeek 9: reference


Assessment1.Homework: a summary of a journal article and a presentation in the class (30%)2.Assignment: a critical review paper on a topic of higher education (60%)3.Class attendance and participation (10%)

参 考 文 献
  • English for academic purposes:- American Psychological Association (2001). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (fifth edition). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.- Foley, M. and Hall, D. (2003). Advanced Learners’ Grammar: a Self-study Reference and Practice Book with Answers. Essex: Longman. - Jordan, R.R. (2004). Academic Writing Course (third edition). Essex: Longman.- Oshima, A. and Hogue, A. (2006). Writing Academic English (fourth edition). Essex: Longman.- Paltridge, B. and Starfield, S. (2007). Thesis and Dissertation Writing in a Second Language: a Handbook for Supervisors. Oxon: Routledge. - Swales, J.M. and Feak, C.B. (2008). Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills (second edition). Michigan: University of Michigan Press.- Waters, M. and Waters, A. (1995). Study Tasks in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Education, sociology and research methods:- Ashton, D. and Green, F. (1996). Education, Training and the Global Economy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.- Brown, P., Green, A. and Lauder, H. (2001). High Skill: Globalization, Competitiveness, and Skill Formation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.- Brown, P. and Hesketh, A. (2004). The Mismanagement of Talent: Employability and Jobs in the Knowledge Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. - Bryman, A. (2001). Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.- Cohen, L., Lawrence, M. and Morrison, K. (2000). Research Methods in Education (5th ed.). London : RoutledgeFalmer.- Denzin N.K. and Lincoln Y.S. (eds.) (2005). Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage.- Epstein, D.; Boden, R.; Deem, R.; Rizvi, F. and Wright, S. (eds.) (20080 World Yearbook of Education. New York and London: Routledge.- Halsey, A.; Lauder, H.; Brown, P. and Wells, A.S. (eds.) (1997). Education: Culture, Economy and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. - Haralambos, M. and Holborn, M. (2004). Sociology: Themes and Perspectives (6th). London: Collins. - Held, D. and McGrew, A. (eds.) (2003). The Global Transformations Reader: An Introduction to the Globalization Debate. Bristol: Polity Press.- Lauder, H., Brown, P., Dillabough, J. and Halsey, A.H. (eds.) (2006). Education, Globalization, and Social Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press.- Moore, R. (2004). Education and Society: Issues and Explanations in the Sociology of Education. Cambridge: Polity Press.- Salmi, J. (2009) The Challenge of Establishing World-Class Universities. Washington DC: the World Bank.- Scott, J. (1995). Sociology Theory: Contemporary Debates. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.- Turner, J. (ed.) (2000). The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory (2nd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell.Journals:- Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education- British Journal of Sociology of Education- Compare- Comparative Education - Higher Education- Higher Education Review- Higher Education in Europe- Higher Education Research and Development- Journal of Education and Work- Journal of Education Policy- International Journal of Lifelong Education- Quality of Higher EducationWebsites: - Education Resource Information Centre http://www.eric.ed.gov - UNESCO http://www.unesco.org- World Bank http://www.worldbank.org