

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27


博士生导师,教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划入选者,Algebra Colloquium(代数集刊)的责任编委。

电话:021-5474 3148 Ext 2605
传真:021-5474 3152
1989年2月 中国科学院系统科学研究所获博士学位(方向:Kac-Moody代数,导师:万哲先院士)
1985年7月 厦门大学数学系获硕士学位(方向:李代数,导师:杨锡安教授)
1982年7月 厦门大学数学系获学士学位
1998年1月至今 上海交通大学数学系副教授、教授、博士生导师;其中
2003年8月-2004年8月 澳大利亚悉尼大学数学系研究员
2002年9月-2003年6月 美国哈佛大学数学系访问教授
1990年9月-1997年12月 获包玉刚基金-中英友好奖学金,先后在英国伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院、加拿大Concordia大学、魁北克大学蒙特利尔分校作访问学者、博士后研究工作7年
1989年3月-1990年9月及1985年8月-1986年8月 厦门大学数学系助教、讲师
Algebra Colloquium(代数集刊) 责任编委(自2003年)
美国数学评论Mathematical Review评论员(自1989年)
德国数学杂志Zentralblatt fur Mathematik评论员(自1992年)
2000年1月至2004年3月被接受发表论文34篇 (从发表论文至今共完成60余篇), 统计如下:

该杂志发表论文数 杂志名称 2002年影响因子 杂志所在类别 所在类别排名(注2)
1(注1) Adv. Math. 0.951 数学 13
1 Comm.Math.Phys. 1.851 数学物理 3
5 J. Math. Phys. 1.387 数学物理 9
1 Lett. Math. Phys. 0.812 数学物理 20
1 Israel J. Math. 0.636 数学 40
6 J. Algebra 0.501 数学 62
1 Canadian J. Math. 0.485 数学 67
1 J. Pure Appl. Alg. 0.400 数学 92
1 Math. Nach. 0.388 数学 96
2 Manuscripta Math. 0.335 数学 115
9 Comm. Algebra 0.305 数学 124
5 Science in China A 综合类

合计 34
注1: 该论文成为Adv. Math. 杂志在03年度网上下载率最高的25篇论文之一。
注2: 其中数学类共170份杂志, 数学物理类共29份杂志

(1)计算出了一般线性李超代数的有限维不可约表示的Kazhdan-Lusztig多项式,并由此给出了有限维不可约表示的特征标公式(以Kac-Weyl形的有限和的形式给出)和维数公式。从而给出了Kac 30年前提出的公开问题的圆满答案。
(3)给出了型I的典型李超代数的上同调群,解决了Kac 20多年前多次提出的公开问题。
(5)分类了高阶Virasoro代数不可约模及W_{1+/infty}、 W_/infty 、Block型李代数的quasifinite模。

3. 论文目录
(1) 2000年-2004年以来发表论文目录:
[1] Classification of quasifinite modules over the Lie algebras of Weyl type, Adv. Math., 174 (2003), 57-68.
[2] Classification of Harish-Chandra modules over the higher rank Virasoro algebras, Comm. Math. Phys., 240 (2003), 539-551.
[3] Simple color algebras of Weyl type, Israel. J. Math., 137(2003), 109-123 (with K.Zhao and L.Zhu).
[4] Low dimensional cohomology of general conformal algebras gcN, J. Math. Phys., 45 (2004), 509-524.
[5] Classification of derivation-simple color algebras related to locally finite derivations, J. Math. Phys., 45(2004), 525-536 (with K.Zhao and L.Zhu).
[6] Structure of algebras of Weyl type, Comm. Algebra, 32(2004), 1051-1059 (with K.Zhao).
[7] Poisson brackets and structure of nongraded Hamiltonian Lie algebras related to locally-finite derivations, Canad. J. Math., 55 (2003), 856-896.
[8] Structure of a new class of non-graded infinite-dimensional simple Lie algebras, J. Algebra, 267 (2003), 542-558.
[9] Structure of contact Lie algebras related to locally-finite derivations, Manuscripta Math., 112 (2003), 231-257 (with X.Xu).
[10] 中心单Poisson代数, 中国科学A, 33 (2003), 570-586 (with X.Xu).
[11] Structure of Lie superalgebras of Block type related to locally finite derivations, Comm. Algebra, 31(2003), 1725-1751.
[12] Generalized Virasoro and super-Virasoro algebras and modules of the intermediate series, J. Algebra, 252(2002), 1-19 (with K.Zhao).
[13] Z x Z-graded algebras generated by the Virasoro algebra and sl2, Math. Nach., 246/247 (2002), 188-201 (with J.Zhang, K.Zhao).
[14] Derivations of generalized Weyl algebras, Science in China A, 46 (2003), 346-354.
[15] Structure of the Lie algebras related to those of Block, Comm. Algebra, 30 (2002), 3205-3226 (with J.Zhou).
[16] 2-Cocycles on the Lie algebras of generalized differential operators, Comm. Algebra, 30 (2002), 763-782.
[17] Second cohomology group of generalized Cartan type W Lie algebras and central extensions, Comm. Algebra, 30 (2002), 3285-3309 (with K.Zhao).
[18] Structures of divergence-free Lie algebras, J. Algebra, 243 (2001), 557-595 (with X.Xu).
[19] Some representations of nongraded Lie algebras of generalized Witt type, J. Algebra, 246 (2001), 721-738 (with J.Zhou).
[20] Derivations and structure of the Lie algebras of Xu type, Manuscripta Math., 105 (2001), 483-500.
[21] Isomorphism classes and automorphism groups of algebras of Weyl type, Science in China A, 45 (2002), 953-963(with K.Zhao).
[22] On indecomposable modules over the Virasoro algebra, Science in China A, 44 (2001), 980-983.
[23] Weakly primitive vectors in the Kac-module of the Lie superalgebra sl(m/n), J.Math.Phys., 42 (2001), 5444-5457.
[24] Classification of infinite dimensional weight modules over the Lie superalgebra sl(2/1), Comm. Algebra, 29 (2001), 1301-1309.
[25] Simple modules over the high rank Virasoro algebras, Comm. Algebra, 29 (2001), 2067-2080.
[26] Simple modules over the higher rank super-Virasoro algebras, Lett. Math. Phys., 53 (2000), 263-272.
[27] Derivation-simple algebras and the structures of Lie algebras of Witt type, J. Algebra, 233 (2000), 642-662 (with X.Xu, H,Zhang).
[28] Primitive vectors in the Kac-module of the Lie superalgebra sl(m/n), J.Math.Phys., 41 (2000), 5044-5087 (with J.W.B.Hughes, R.C.King).
[29] Simple algebras of Weyl type, Science in China A, 44 (20001, 419-426 (with K.Zhao).
[30] Classification of sl(m/n)-modules of singly atypical type, J.Math.Phys., 41 (2000), 602-613.
(2) 2004年3月已被接受发表的论文目录:
[31] Quasifinite representations of a Lie algebra of Block type, J. Algbra, in press (2004), 12 pages.
[32] Quasifinite representations of a family of Lie algebras of Block type, J.Pure Appl. Alg., in press (2004), 12 pages.
[33] A class of nongraded simple Lie algebras, Comm. Alg. in press (2004), 12 pages (with J.Zhou).
[34] Derivations and 2-cocycles of contact Lie algebras related to locally-finite derivations, Comm. Alg., accepted (2004), 20 pages (with G.Song).
(3) Some Preprints:
[35] Character and dimension formulae for finite dimensional irreducible representations of the general linear superalgebra, preprint (2004), 20 pages (see http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/math.QA/0403315) (with R.B. Zhang).
[36] Cohomology of Lie superalgebras sl(m|n) and osp(2|2n), preprint (2004), 42 pages (see http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/math.QA/0402419) (with R.B. Zhang).
[37] Composition factor of Kac-module for the general linear Lie superalgebras gl(m/n),preprint(2004),19 pages(see http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/math.QA/0404154)
[38] Classification of quasifinite representations of W , preprint (2004), 13 pages.
[39] Classification of quasifinite modules over Lie algebras of matrix differential operators on the circle, preprint (2004), 12 pages.
[40] Derivation algebras of centerless perfect Lie algebras are complete, preprint (2004), 10 pages (with L.Zhu).
[41] Representations of derivation algebra of quantum plane at q= -1, preprint (2004), 14 pages (with L.Zhu).
[42] 2-cocycles on the Lie superalgebras of Weyl type, preprint (2004), 18 pages (with G.Song).
(4) 早期部分论文目录:
[43] Classification of Harish-Chandra modules over the super-Virasoro algebras, Comm.Alg. 23 (1995), 3653-3675.
[44] Harish-Chandra modules of intermediate series over the high rank Virasoro algebras and high rank super-Virasoro algebras, J.Math.Phys. 35 (1994), 2013-2023.
[45] A classification of indecomposable sl2(C)-modules and a conjecture of Kac on irreducible modules over the Virasoro algebra, J.Alg. 161 (1993), 33-46.
[46] Some irreducible representations of the affine Lie superalgebra, J.Math.Phys. 33 (1992), 2422-2427.
[47] Realization of a class of affine Lie superalgebras, J.Math.Phys. 33 (1992), 2653-2655.
[48] A complete classification of indecomposable Harish-Chandra modules of the Lie superalgebra B(0,1), Comm.Alg. 20 (1992), 573-582.
[49] Classification of finite dimensional modules of the Lie superalgebra sl(2/1), Comm.Alg. 20 (1992), 3259-3277.
[50] Indecomposable Harish-Chandra modules, Chinese Science Bulletin (in Chinese), No.7 (1991), 486-489 (with K.Zhao).
[51] Some String function of Level one for Cl(1), Acta Mathematika Sinica (in Chinese), No.6 (1990), 853-858.
[52] 2-cocycles on the Lie algebras of all differential operators of several indeterminates, Northeast Math.J. 6(3) (1990), 363-368.
[53] 2-Cocycles of Lie algebras sln(A,χ), J.Xiamen University (in Chinese), 4(1990), 376-378.
[54] A class of infinite dimensional filtered Lie algebras, J.Xiamen University (in Chinese), 1(1990), 24-28 (with X.Yang).
[55] String functions of level one for F4(1) and G2(1), (Abstract) Chinese Science Bulletin (in Chinese), No. 2 (1989), 156-157.
[56] The general integral Lie algebra gl(V)fin and the group associated to it, Chinese Science Bulletin, 17 (1989), 1287-1290.
[57] On low dimensional cohomology over the Kac-Moody algebras, (Chinese) Advances in Mathematics (in Chinese), 18 (1989), 346-351.
[58] Filtered Lie algebras whose associated graded Lie algebras are of Cartan type Sl, J.Xiamen University (in Chinese), 27(1988), 141-147 (with X.Yang).
[59] Lie algebras which contain a self-centralizing ad-nilpotent subalgebra of dimension 2 over a field of characteristic 0, Graduate students" Journal of Xiamen University (in Chinese), No. 1 (1985), 106-114.