

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

吴耀琨 (WU, Yaokun) (photos: 1, 2, 3, 4)

通信地址:上海交通大学数学系,上海市东川路800号, 邮编: 200240

电子邮件: ykwu@sjtu.edu.cn




张贤科, 许甫华,高等代数学, 清华大学出版社



(数学系本科生): M. Henle, A Combinatorial Introduction To Topology, Freeman, 1979.

(数学系研究生): J.M. Lee, Introduction To Topological Manifolds, Springer, 2000.



B. Sagan, Symmetric Group: Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms & Symmetric Function, (2nd Ed.) Springer-Verlag, 2001.


R. Diestel, Graph Theory, (Second Edition) Springer-Verlag, New York, February 2000.



代数拓扑, (美) M.J. Greenberg /J.R. Harper著,刘亚星/史存海/郭天榜译 高等教育出版社,1990.


超图--有限集的组合学, [法] Claude Berge著, 卜月华/张克民译 东南大学出版社,2002.



Alexander Schrijver, A Course in Combinatorial Optimization (Course notes), 2004.

Slides for the Graph Theory course

Notes by Mr. ZHAO Shuang



(数学系本科生): Allen Hatcher, Algebraic Topology, Chapter 0,1, Cambridge University Press, 2002

(数学系研究生): Allen Hatcher, Algebraic Topology, Chapter 2,3, Cambridge University Press, 2002. (教学大纲草案, 期末考试题)



(数学系研究生): Suggested readings

(计算机系ACM班): D.B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory - Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001.

Slides for the undergraduate Graph Theory course

Solutions to exercises


理论计算机科学中的若干图论问题,2004-2006, 国家自然科学青年基金项目


Automata: from Mathematics to Applications (AutoMathA)

2-D Dynamical Systems and the Road-Coloring Conjecture

A New Kind of Science

Algebraic Map Theory

Algebraic Topology and Distributed Computing

Audrey Terras

Automata Theory and Combinatorics on Words

CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology

Cellular Automata

Cerny Conjecture

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of FIZ Karlsruhe

Directed Strongly Regular Graphs

Ehrenfeucht-Mycielski Sequence

EIDMA Minicourse On Structural Graph Theory

Entropy and Information Theory

Georgia Tech"s Ph.D. Program in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization

Graph Homomorphism

Graph Theory and Quantum Computing

Independent Systems of Representatives

Intersection Graph Theory

Kakeya Problem

Lothaire"s Books

Markov Chains in Theoretical Computer Science

Kazuo Murota, Matrices and Matroids for Systems Analysis, Algorithms and Combinatorics 20, Springer, 2000.

H. Narayanan, Submodular Functions and Electrical Networks, Annals of Discrete Mathematics 54, Elsevier, 1997.

Peter F. Stadler

Ponder This

Positive 1D and 2D systems (Contents)

Random Walks and Electric Networks

Sense of Direction

Switching Network

Symbolic Dynamics and Coding

Synchronization Algorithms and Cerny Conjecture

Theory of 2-Structures

Vic Reiner- Summer REU"s (Research Experiences for Undergrads)


1. Y. Wu, Q. Li, On the matrix equation A^k+A^{k+l}=J, Linear Algebra Appl., 277 (1998) 41-48.

2. Y. Wu, Q. Li, J. Li, Spectra and elementary cycles of the digraphs with unique paths of fixed length, Linear Algebra Appl., 293 (1999) 145-158.

3. Y. Wu, Q. Li, X. Huang, On the matrix equation A^k=J-I, Linear Algebra Appl., 295 (1999) 249-260.

4. J. Gimbert, Y. Wu, The underlying line digraph structure of some (0,1) matrix equations, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 116 (2002) 289-296.

5. Y. Wu, R. Jia, Q. Li, g-circulant solutions to the (0,1) matrix equation A^m=J_n, Linear Algebra Appl., 345 (2002) 195-224. (Erratum)

6. Y. Wu, Q. Li, Some characterizations for the wrapped butterfly, Analysis, Combinatorics and Computing, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Analysis, Combinatorics and Computing, August 5-8, 2000,Dalian, P. R. China, (Eds., T. X. He, P. J. S. Shiue and Z. Li), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2003, pp. 419 - 433.

7. Y. Wu, X. Bao, X. Jia, Q. Li, Graph theoretical characterizations of the bit permutation network.

8. Y. Wu, Q. Li, An approach to solving A^k=J-I, Linear Algebra Appl., 373 (2003) 121--142.

9. M.A. Fiol, J. Gimbert, J. G/"omez, Y. Wu, On Moore bipartite digraphs, Journal of Graph Theory, 43 (2003) 171--187.

10. A. Deng, Y. Wu, De Bruijn digraphs and affine transformations, European Journal of Combinatorics, 26 (2005) 1191--1206.

11. Y. Wu, M. Wang, Multiplication preserving functions of matrix semigroup.

12. Y. Wu, X. Wang, Strong homomorphisms between digraphs, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Discrete Models for Complex Systems, Turku, Finland 2004, pp. 101--113, Turku Center for Computer Science, July 2004.

13. Y. Wu, A. Deng, OTIS layouts of De Bruijn digraphs.

14. J. Kong, Y. Wu, On parsimonious set representations of a graph.

15. Y. Wu, J. Kong, Line digraphs and line hyperdigraphs.

16. 孔静,吴耀琨,探针区间图和STS-探针区间图的刻划, 高校应用数学学报,已接受.

17. A. Deng, Y. Wu, Characteristic polynomials of digraphs having a semi-free action, Linear Algebra Appl., 408 (2005) 189--206.

18. J. Kong, Y. Wu, Intersection numbers and edge clique graph.

19. A. Deng, I. Sato, Y. Wu, Homomorphisms, representations and characteristic polynomials of digraphs.

20. Y. Wu, X. Wang, Synchronizing problems for general digraphs.

21. Y. Wu, Y. Shu, Digraphs with primitive colorings.

22. Y. Wu, A. Deng, Hoffman polynomials of nonnegative irreducible matrices and strongly connected digraphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications, accepted.

23. A. Deng, I. Sato, Y. Wu, Characteristic polynomials of ramified uniform covering digraphs.

24. I. Sato, Y. Wu, Bartholdi zeta functions of some digraphs.

25. Y. Wu, Maximal vectors and minimal vectors of a linear space over binary field.


1. Blocking System, Sep. 2001.

2. Distance-Preserving Graphs, 2000.

3. 上海交大2002年春季博士生入学图论试题

4. 02春数学本科第二学位高等代数期末考试题

5. 罗荣博士的一个问题

6. 上海交大02秋博士生入学图论考题

7. 02年秋数学系四年级拓扑学试题

8. Harold P. Boas, "The Amateur Professor", Notices of the AMS, Oct. 2002, Vol.49, No. 9, 1753.

9. Minimal generating set of a T-cyclic submodule.

10. Cerny conjecture for cyclic automata.

11. 03年秋数学系四年级组合期末作业

12. Joshua E. Greene, Kneser猜想的一个新的简洁证明

13. 03年秋数学系研究生拓扑学期末考题

14. A. Deng, Y. Wu, De Bruijn digraphs and affine transformations, a 20 minutes talk presented on Oct. 12, 2004.

15. 04年秋计算机系二年级图论考题

16. 05年春数学系本科四年级代数拓扑初步考题

17. John E. McCarthy, How to give a good colloquium

18. Digraphs with primitive colorings, a 25 minutes talk presented in the Workshop on Semigroups and Automata, Lisbon, July 16, 2005.


My thesis attempted to reduce Graph Theory to Linear Algebra. It showed that many graph-theoretical results could be generalized as algebraic theorems about structures I called `chain groups". Especially, I was discussing a theory of matrices in which elementary operations could be applied to rows but not to columns. -- William Thomas Tutte (May 14, 1917 -- May 2, 2002)

Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. (读书使人丰富;讨论使人成熟;写作使人精确。) -- Francis Bacon (1561--1626)

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -- Albert Einstein (1879--1955)

有很多人在从少年踏入成人的时候差了一步,于是生活中美好的一面就和他们永别了,真是可惜.在所有的好书中写得明明白白的东西,在人步入卑贱的时候就永远看不懂,永远误解了,真是可惜.在人世间有一种庸俗势力的大合唱,谁一旦对它屈服,就永远沉沦了, 真是可惜.有无数为人师表的先生们在按照他们自己的模样塑造别人,真是可惜. -- 王小波 (1952年5月13日 - 1997年4月11日) 于1978年6月6日