

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03



教授介绍:王坦教授现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院金融学教授,金融硕士项目学术主任。曾任滑铁卢大学经济学助理教授(1992-1996)和英属哥伦比亚大学助理教授、副教授与商学院Peter Lusztig金融学讲席教授(1996-2014)。王坦教授曾在MIT斯隆管理学院任客座教授,2003和2005年曾是克利夫兰联邦储备银行和国际货币基金组织的访问****。
王坦教授的研究领域包括跨期资产定价理论、不确定型决策、银行系统风险、投资和风险管理等,在全球顶级学术期刊如Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Finance, Management Science, Journal of Economic Theory, Mathematical FinanceEconometrica等发表多篇论文,其中,王坦教授刊登在《金融研究评论》的论文“私有化和风险分担:来自中国股权分置改革的证据”获得了2014年度孙冶方金融创新奖。王坦教授也已获得国家“****”。

1. Drapeau, Samuel, Tan Wang, and Tao Wang, Forthcoming, How Rational Are the Option Prices of Hong Kong Dollar Exchange Rate?, Journal of Derivatives.
2. Wang, Tan, and T. S. Wirjanto, 2016, Risk Aversion, Uncertainty, Unemployment Insurance Benet and Duration of `Wait' Unemployment, Annals of Economics and Finance.
3. Kamstra, Mark J., Lisa A. Kramer, Maurice D. Levi, and Tan Wang , 2014, Seasonally Varying Preferences: Theoretical Foundations for an Empirical Regularity, Review of Asset Pricing Studies.
4. Boyle, Phelim, Lorenzo Garlappi, Raman Uppal, and Tan Wang, 2012, Keynes Meets Markowitz: The Trade-Off Between Familiarity and Diversification, Management Science.
5. Li, K., Tan Wang, Y.-L. Cheung, and P. Jiang, 2011, Privatization and Risk Sharing: Evidence from the Split Share Structure Reform in China, The Review of Financial Studies.
6. Wang, Tan, 2008, Sharpe Ratio as a Performance Measure in a Multi-Period Model, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control.
7. Wang, Tan, 2008, Robust Stochastic Discount Factors, The Review of Financial Studies.
8. Wang, Tan, 2007, Search and Endogenous Concentration of Liquidity in Asset Markets, Journal of Economic Theory.
9. Wang, Tan, 2007, Portfolio Selection with Parameter and Model Uncertainty, The Review of Financial Studies.
10. Cao, H. Henry, Tan Wang, and Harold H. Zhang, 2005, Model Uncertainty, Limited Market Participation and Asset Prices, The Review of Financial Studies.
11. Liu, Jun, Jun Pan, and Tan Wang, 2005, An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks, The Review of Financial Studies.
12. Wang, Tan, 2004, The Role of Risk Aversion and Uncertainty in an Indi- vidual's Migration Decision, Stochastic Models.
13. Wang, Tan, 2003, Model Misspecication and Under Diversication, The Journal of Finance.
14. Wang, Tan, 2001, Conditional Preferences and Updating, Journal of Economic Theory.
15. Wang, Tan, 2001, Valuation of New Securities in an Incomplete Market: the Catch 22 of Derivative Pricing, Mathematical Finance.
16. Wang, Tan, 2000, Equilibrium with New Investment Opportunities, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control.
17. Wang, Tan, 2000, Intertemporal Efficient Allocations with Recursive Utility, Journal of Economic Theory.
18. Wang, Tan, 1996, Beliefs about Beliefs' without Probabilities, Econometrica.
19. Wang, Tan, 1995, Uncertainty, Risk-Neutral Measures and Security Price Booms and Crashes, Journal of Economic Theory.
20. Wang, Tan, 1994, Intertemporal Asset Pricing under Knightian Uncer-tainty, Econometrica.
21. Wang, Tan, 1993, Lp-Frechet Di erentiable Preference and `Local Utility' Analysis, Journal of Economic Theory.
22. Wang, Tan, 1993, The Becker-DeGroot-Marschak Mechanism and Generalized Utility Theories: Theoretical Predictions and Empirical Observations, Theory and Decision.
23. Wang, Tan, 1989, Simulation Technique, Techinques of Modern Management.


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