

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03



教授介绍:朱宁教授现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院金融学教授,副院长。朱宁教授是全球知名的中国经济金融专家, 并同时担任耶鲁大学国际金融中心教授研究员,国际金融论坛联席秘书长。他曾任清华大学讲席教授和美国加州大学终身金融教授。朱宁教授以其专业知识为全球国际组织、政府与监管机构、各大企业进行广泛的咨询,并频繁接受国内外多家电视媒体的采访。他曾多次受邀参加达沃斯世界经济论坛、博鳌亚洲论坛等活动担任发言嘉宾。朱宁教授 在2008-2010年度担任雷曼兄弟和野村证券高管,他所带领的团队在多项机构投资者评选中名列前茅。他著有的畅销书《投资者的敌人》和《刚性泡沫》,两书被翻译成多种语言在全球发售。

1. Fang, Cathy, and Ning Zhu, 2019, Name complexity, cognitive fluency, and asset prices, Review of Financial Economics.
2. Hu, Conghui, Yu-Jane Liu, and Ning Zhu, 2019, De-Leverage and Illiquidity Contagion, Journal of Banking & Finance.
3. Chang, Matthew C., Chih‐Ling Tsai, Rebecca Chung‐Fern Wu, and Ning Zhu, 2018, Market Uncertainty and Market Orders in Futures Markets, The Journal of Futures Markets.
4. Seasholes, Mark S. and Ning Zhu, 2013, Investing in What you Know: The Case of Individual Investors and Local Stocks, Journal of Investment Management.
5. Liao, Li, Zhisheng Li, Weiqiang Zhang, and Ning Zhu, 2013, Exercise to Lose Money? Irrational Exercise Behavior from the Chinese Warrants Market, .
6. Fan, Joseph P.H., Jun Huang, and Ning Zhu, 2013, Institutions, ownership structures, and distress resolution in China, Journal of Corporate Finance.
7. Liao, Li, Zhisheng Li, Weiqiang Zhang, and Ning Zhu, 2012, Does the Location of a Stock Exchange Matter? A Within-Country Analysis, Pacific- Basin Finance Journal.
8. Zhu, Ning, 2011, Household Consumption and Personal Bankruptcy, Journal of Legal Studies.
9. Luo, Wei, Yi Zhang, and Ning Zhu, 2011, Bank ownership and executive perquisites: New evidence from an emerging market, Journal of Corporate Finance.
10. Li, Wenli, Michelle J. White, and Ning Zhu, 2011, Did Bankruptcy Reform Contribute to the Mortgage Defaults to Rise?, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
11. White, Michelle J., and Ning Zhu, 2010, Saving your Home in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Journal of Legal Studies.
12. Liu, Yu-Jane, Chih-Ling Tsai, Ming-Chun Wang, and Ning Zhu, 2010, Prior Consequences and Subsequent Risk Taking: New Field Evidence from the Taiwan Futures Exchange, Management Science.
13. Seasholes, Mark S., and Ning Zhu, 2010, Individual Investors and Local Bias, The Journal of Finance.
14. Griffin, Paul A. and Ning Zhu, 2010, Accounting Rules? Stock Buybacks and Stock Options: Additional Evidence, Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics.
15. Nicolodi, Gina, Liang Peng, and Ning Zhu, 2009, Do Individual Investors Learn from their Trading Experience?, Journal of Financial Markets.
16. Lin, Xiaochi, Yi Zhang, and Ning Zhu, 2009, Does Bank Ownership Increase Firm Value? Evidence from China, Journal of International Money and Finance.
17. Barber Brad, Terrance Odean, and Ning Zhu, 2009, Systematic Noise, Journal of Financial Markets.
18. Zhu, Ning, and Mark Seasholes, 2010, The Local Bias of Individual Investors.
19. Zhu, Ning, Ravi Dhar, and Dan Ariely, Why Individuals Favor Split Stocks.
20. Zhu, Ning, Ravi Dhar, William Goetzmann, and Shane Shepherd, The Impact of Clientele Change: Evidence from Stock Splits.
21. Zhu, Ning, Search Costs and Individual Choice between Direct and Delegated Portfolio Management.
22. Zhu, Ning, Mao-Wei Hung, Yu-Jane Liu, and Chia-Fen Tsai, Portfolio Choice and Background Risk: New Evidence from Taiwan.
23. Zhu, Ning, Li Liao, Zhisheng Li, Weiqiang Zhang, Security Supply and Bubble: a Natural Experiment from the Chinese Warrants Market.
24. Zhu, Ning, Yu-Jane Liu, and Yi-Tsung Lee, Is There Information in Insider Trading? New Evidence from Taiwan.
25. Zhu, Ning, and Arturo Bris, Momentum Profit, Contrarian Profit, and Short Sales around the World.
26. Zhu, Ning, Arturo Bris, and Douglas Baird, The Dynamics of Large and Small Chapter 11 Cases: An Empirical Study.
27. Zhu, Ning, and Christopher Malloy, Mutual Fund Choices and Investor Demographics.
28. Zhu, Ning, and Steven Strauss, Buy-Side Analysts, Sell-Side Analysts, and Equity Trading Businesses.


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