教授介绍:William D. Bradford 教授现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院金融学****。Bradford 教授1999-2020年担任华盛顿大学福斯特商学院商业与经济发展讲席教授、金融学教授;1994-1999年担任华盛顿大学福斯特商学院院长及 Kirby Cramer 讲席教授;2005年成为华盛顿大学商学院商业与经济发展中心主任。
Bradford 教授的研究领域包括风险投资、创业金融、公司金融和银行。他在 Journal of Business Venturing, Small Business Economics, Credit and Banking 等国际学术期刊上发表了多篇论文。他独立编写或与他人合作出版了3本著作、发表了50多篇金融类论文。
Bradford 教授是美国经济学会、美国金融学会、金融管理协会和西方金融学会的成员。他还任职于(西雅图)商业银行董事会,2000-2008 年期间是Russell信托公司董事会成员。Bradford 教授也是多家公司的顾问,并就公司金融、创业等方面为包括英国、印度尼西亚、埃及、韩国、加拿大、中国以及南非在内的许多国家的公司提供咨询演讲。
Bradford 教授讲授公司财务、银行、创业金融和风险投资方面的课程,也曾在俄亥俄州立大学、纽约大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校和耶鲁大学授课。
1. Bradford, William, Chao Chen, and Yang Zhao, 2019, The Effect of Corporate Governance on Credit Ratings: Evidence from China's Bond Market, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting.
2. Timothy Bates, William D. Bradford and Robert Seamons,, 2018, Minority Entrepreneurship in Twenty-First Century America, Small Business Economics.
3. Bates, Timothy, William Jackson, and William D. Bradford, 2018, Are minority-owned businesses underserved by financial markets? Evidence from the private-equity industry, Small Business Economics.
4. Bradford, William, Chao Chen, and Song Zhu, 2017, Conservative Accounting, IFRS Convergence and Cash Dividend Payments: Evidence from China, European Financial Management.
5. Bradford, William D., 2014, The "Myth" That Black Entrepreneurship Can Reduce the Gap in Wealth Between Black and White Families, Economic Development Quarterly.
6. Bradford, William D., Chao Chen, and Song Zhu, 2013, Cash Dividend Policy, Corporate Pyramids, and Ownership Structure: Evidence from China, International Review of Economics and Finance.
7. Jackson, William E., Timothy Bates, and William D. Bradford, 2012, Does Venture Capitalist Activism Improve Investment Performance?, Journal of Business Venturing.
8. Bates, Timothy, and William D. Bradford, 2009, The Impact of Institutional Sources of Capital Upon the Minority-Oriented Venture Capital Industry, Small Business Economics.
9. Bates, Timothy, and William D. Bradford, 2008, Venture Capital Investment in Minority Business, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
10. Bates, Timothy, and William D. Bradford, 2007, Traits and Performance of the Minority Venture-Capital Industry, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
11. Bradford, William D. , 2007, Distinguishing Economically from Legally Formal Firms: Targeting Business Support to Entrepreneurs in South Africa’s Townships, Journal of Small Business Management.
12. Bates, Timothy, William D. Bradford, and Julia Rubin, 2006, The Viability of the Minority-Oriented Venture Capital Industry Under Alternative Financing Arrangements, Economic Development Quarterly.
13. Bates, Timothy, and William D. Bradford, 2004, Analysis of Venture-Capital Funds That Finance Minority-Owned Businesses, The Review of Black Political Economy .
14. Bradford, William D., and Chao Chen, 2004, Creating Government Financing Programs for Small- and Medium –Sized Enterprises in China, China & World Economy.
15. Bradford, William D., 2003, The Wealth Dynamics of Entrepreneurship for Black and White Families in the U.S., Review of Income and Wealth.
16. Bradford, William D., 2003, The Savings and Credit Management of Low-Income, Low-Wealth Black and White Families, Economic Development Quarterly.
17. Bates, Timothy, and William D. Bradford, 1995, Look Before You Leap: The Franchise Route to Self-Employment, The Review of Black Political Economy .
18. Bates, Timothy, and William D. Bradford, 1992, Factors Affecting New Firm Success and their Use in Venture Capital Financing, Journal of Small Business Finance.
19. Bradford, William D., 1987, The Issue Decision of Manager-Owners Under Information Asymmetry, The Journal of Finance.
20. Bradford, William D., 1982, The Deposit Demand of Minority Savings and Loan Associations, Journal of Bank Research .
21. Bates, Timothy, and William D. Bradford, 1980, An Analysis of the Portfolio Behavior of Black‐Owned Commercial Banks, The Journal of Finance.
22. Bradford, William D., 1978, Minority Savings and Loan Associations: Hypotheses and Tests, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
23. Bradford, William D., Alfred E. Osborne, Jr., and Lewis Spellman, 1978, The Efficiency and Profitability of Minority Controlled Savings and Loan Associations, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
24. Bradford, William D., 1978, The Performance of Merging Savings and Loan Associations, Journal of Business Research.
25. Spellman, Lewis, Alfred E. Osborne, and William D. Bradford, 1977, The Comparative Operating Efficiency of Black Savings and Loan Associations, The Journal of Finance.
26. Bradford, William D., and Timothy Bates, 1977, Loan Default Amongst Black Entrepreneurs Forming New Central City Businesses, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business.
27. Bradford, William D., and Alfred E. Osborne, Jr., 1976, The Entrepreneurship Decision and Black Economic Development, The American Economic Review.
28. Bradford, William D., 1976, Monetary Position, Unanticipated Inflation and Changes in the Value of the Firm, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business.
29. Bradford, William D. and Timothy Bates, 1976, An Evaluation of Alternative Strategies for Expanding the Number of Black-Owned Businesses, Review of Black Political Economy.
30. Bradford, William D., 1974, Price-level Restated Accounting and the Measurement of Inflation Gains and Losses, The Accounting Review.
31. Bradford, William D., 1974, Inflation and the Value of the Firm: Monetary and Depreciation Effects, Southern Economic Journal.
32. Bradford, William D., 1973, Commercial Banks and Inner City Economic Development: Theory, Comments and Development of a Model, Review of Black Political Economy.
商业银行、创业金融 。
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方星海联系方式:秘书:邮箱:教授简介:方星海,清华大学经济管理学院学士,斯坦福大学经济系博士,现任中国证监会副主席、中央财经领导小组办公室国际经济局局长。曾任上海市金融服务办公室主任、世界银行及国际货币基金组织中国官员协会会长,中国留美经济学会会长。出版学术专著多本,并经常在《华尔街日报》、英国《金 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-03