

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03

电子信箱: acaizh@sjtu.edu.cn

张才喜, 植物科学系主任,教授,博士生导师。2010年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2011年入选SMC-晨星青年****奖励计划,凯原十佳优秀教师(2015)和上海交通大学校长奖获得者(2016),上海果业产业体系栽培研究室主任,上海交通大学云南(大理)研究院高原农业中心主任。1994年毕业于长江大学,1997年获浙江大学园艺系硕士学位,同年进入上海交通大学工作,从事设施葡萄和猕猴桃研究。2001年赴日本留学,2005年获鸟取大学农学博士学位,2006-2008年作为日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员开展梨发育生物学研究。2008-2010年在美国华盛顿州立大学从事甜樱桃发育和生殖生物学研究。2014年挂职交大定点帮扶的云南省洱源县副县长,2015年挂职大理州政府副秘书长。主讲《葡萄和葡萄酒文化》全校通选课。
1. 主持 企业横向 设施甜樱桃高效栽培技术开发与示范(2018-2022)
2. 主持 上海市农委 柑橘果实成熟度标准化智能卡片开发(2018-2020)
3. 主持 上海市科委 大理州葡萄品种引选及根域限制栽培技术研究与示范推广(2017-2018)
4. 主持 上海市农委 现代果业产业技术体系 (葡萄和柑橘) (2014-2018)
5. 参加 国家自然科学基金 根域限制提高葡萄果实品质机制的转录组学及蛋白质组学解析(2015-2018)
6. 主持 农业部948项目 适合南方暖地栽培甜樱桃种质资源的引进与利用(2013)
7. 主持 上海市科委 上海地区甜樱桃新品种引种筛选与示范 (2011-2013)
8. 主持 科技部863子项目 设施农业数字化管理与精准化作业技术研究(2012-2015)
9. 主持 国家自然科学基金 赤霉素促进梨果实库强转录组和蛋白质组学研究 (2011-2013)
10. 主持 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 GA促进梨果实库强的功能蛋白质研究 (2011-2013)
11. 主持 晨星青年****奖励计划 赤霉素促进梨同化物运输的关键蛋白质研究 (2011-2013)
12. 主持 上海市教委基于根域限制的葡萄、桃等果树有机型栽培技术示范推广(2011-2012)
13. 主持 上海市科委基于根域限制猕猴桃等水果优质栽培新技术研究与示范(2007-2009)
14. 参加 国家自然科学基金 根域限制葡萄树光合同化产物转运与分配机制研究(2005-2007)
15. 参加 国家自然科学基金 根域限制下果树NO3-转运子及同化规律研究(2002-2004)
1. 教育部科技进步一等奖(2010) 葡萄根域限制栽培技术研究与示范 (第3)
2. 上海市科技进步二等奖(2007)葡萄、水蜜桃有机型栽培技术 (第5)
3. 上海市教育委员会科技进步三等奖(2001)猕猴桃优良品种产业化栽培技术研究(第3)
专 著
1. 张才喜 译著《樱桃:科学与生产》上海交通大学出版社,2021,ISBN42
2. C Zhang, Du Chen, 2017. Precise Crop Load Management. In: Qin Zhang (ed.): AUTOMATION IN TREE FRUIT PRODUCTION, CABI International, UK.ISBN 07
3. 王世平,许文平,张才喜等 《南方葡萄安全生产技术指南》,中国农业出版社,2014, ISBN76
4. 王世平,张才喜《葡萄设施栽培》,上海教育出版社,2005,ISBN: 8S.0002
5. 黄丹枫等,《现代温室园艺》,上海教育出版社,2005,ISBN: 8S.0001, 参编
6. 陈火英,《现代种子种苗学》,上海科技出版社,2000,ISBN:7-5323-5169-6/S.527, 参编
专 利
1. 一种短低温甜樱桃嫁接育苗的方法. 专利号:3.7
2. Methods for improve fruit production and fruit quality. USSP2011/**A
3. 长江以南地区露地栽培欧洲大樱桃破眠剂及破眠方法.专利号:6.X
研究论文 (通讯作者或第一作者)
Wang JY et al. 2020. SVP-like gene PavSVP potentially suppressing flowering with PavSEP, PavAP1, andPavJONITLESS in sweet cherries (Prunus aviumL.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistryhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.12.013.
Jiu ST et al. 2020. Genome-wide Identification, Characterization and Transcript Analysis of the TCP Transcription Factors inVitis vinifera. Frontiers in Genetics2020. 10:1276
Wang JY et al. Dormancy-associated MADS-box (DAM) genes influence chilling requirement of sweet cherries and co-regulate flower development with SOC1 gene. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,2020. 21 (3), 921. DOI: 10.3390/ijms**
Jiu ST et al. 2020. The Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase Inventory of Grapevine (Vitis ViniferaL.): Genome-Wide Identification, Evolutionary Characterization and Expression Analysis. Frontiers in Genetics2019. 11:44
Wang JY et al. The MADS-box genes PaMADS3/4/5 co-regulate multi-pistil formation induced by high temperature in Prunus avium L. Scientia Horticulturae256 ,108593
Wang L et al. 2019. Effects of hydrogen cyanamide on physiological changes during endodormancy releasing and flowering of sweet cherries in warm region.Acta Horticulturae 1235, 459-466
Liu JX et al. 2019. MADS-box genes are involved in cultivar- and temperature-dependent formation of multi-pistil and polycarpy in Prunus aviumL. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 38:1017–1027
Wang L et al. 2017. Hydrogen cyanamide improve dormancy release and flowering associated with gibberellin acids and abscisic acid in sweet cherry cv. ‘Summit’ trees. New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science.DOI:10.1080/**.2016.**
Gao Z et al. 2016. Proteomic analysis of pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) core and mesocarp during fruit development. PROTEOMICS. 16(23):3025-3041 (封面文章)
Wang L et al. 2016. Impact of chilling accumulation and hydrogen cyanamide on floral organ development of sweet cherry in a warm region. Journal of Intergrative Agriculture.16:61341-2 (封面文章)
LI JF et al. 2015. Proteomic analysis of the effects of gibberellin on increased fruit sink strength in Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia).Scientia Horticulturae1195: 25-36.
Zhang CX, M Whiting. 2013. Plant growth regulators improve sweet cherry fruit quality without reducing endocarp growth. Scientia Horticulturae150: 73-79
Zhang CX, M Whiting. 2012. The occurrence of protruding pistil in sweet cherry (Prunus aviumL.) and its consequence on fertilization. Scientia Horticulturae 140:156- 163.
Zhang CX, M Whiting. 2011. Pre-harvest foliar application of Prohexadione-Ca and gibberellins modify canopy source-sink relations and improve quality and shelf-life of ‘Bing’ sweet cherry. Plant Growth Regulation65:145-156.
Zhang CX, M Whiting. 2011. Improving 'Bing' sweet cherry fruit quality with plant growth regulators. Scientia Horticulturae127: 341-346.
Zhang CX et al. 2010. Pollen density on the stigma affects endogenous gibberellin metabolism, seed and fruit set, and fruit quality in Pyrus pyrifolia. Journal of Experimental Botany61:4291–4302.
Zhang CX et al. 2009.Gibberellins and N-(2-Chloro- 4-pyridyl)-N'-pheny lurea improve retention force and reduce water core in pre-mature fruit of Japanese pear ‘Housui’. Plant Growth Regulation. 2009.58:25-34
Zhang CX et al. 2008.Hormonal regulation of fruit set, parthenogenesis induction and fruit expansion in Japanese pear. Plant Growth Regulation. 2008. 55:231-240.
Zhang CX et al. 2008.Partitioning of 13C-photosynthates from different current shoots neighboring with fruiting spur in later-maturing Japanese pear during the period of rapid fruit growth.Scientia Horticulturae. 2008. 117:142-150.
Zhang CX et al. 2008.Identification and quantification of biologically active gibberellins in fruit of Japanese pear cultivars. Acta Horticulturae. 774:35-40
Zhang CX et al. 2007.Biologically active gibberellins and ABA in fruit of two late-maturing Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifoliaNakai) cultivars with contrasting fruit size. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 132:452–458.
Zhang CX et al. 2007. Role of gibberellins in increasing sink demand in Japanese pear fruit during rapid fruit growth.Plant Growth Regulation. 52:161-172.
Zhang CX et al. 2006.The impact of cell division and cell enlargement on the evolution of fruit size in Pyrus pyrifolia. Annals of Botany. 98: 537-543.
Zhang CX et al. 2005. 13C-photosynthate accumulation in Japanese pear fruit during the period of rapid fruit growth is limited by the sink strength of fruit rather than by the transport capacity of the pedicel. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2005. 56:2713-2719.
Zhang CX et al. 2005. Spur Characteristics, fruit growth, and carbon partitioning in two late-maturing Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifoliaNakai) cultivars with contrasting fruit size. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science.2005. 130 (2):252–260.
Zhang CX et al. 2005. Partitioning of 13C-photosynthate from spur leaves during fruit growth of three Japanese pear cultivars differing in maturation date. Annals of Botany. 95: 685-693.
刘勋菊等,2020. 人工智能在葡萄与葡萄酒产业中的应用及前景分析。中外葡萄与葡萄酒, 5:44-48.
纠松涛等,2020.独脚金内酯及其调控植物根系生长发育的研究进展。分子植物育种, 51:1-8.
郑奇志等,2019. 植物生长调节剂对甜樱桃座果率及果实品质的影响。上海交通大学学报(农业科学版),6:213-220.
郑奇志等, 2019. 上海地区两个短低温早熟甜樱桃品种栽培初报。中国南方果树, 2:82-85.
张卓等,2019. 透湿性反光膜覆盖对设施甜樱桃树冠光照及果实品质的影响初报。中国果树,3:54-56.
张卓等,2019. 避雨棚甜樱桃地面覆盖透湿性反光膜的效应研究。落叶果树 5 : 8 -11.
邓博涵等,2019. 生物散斑技术在水果品质检测中的应用进展。激光与光电子学进展,DOI:10.3788/lop56.090003
陈毓瑾等,2019.新型DCF2技术在克服老桃园连作障碍中的应用。经济林研究, 2:183-190.
张才喜等,2018. 云南省大理州甜樱桃引种栽培初报。中国南方果树,4:117-122.
陈晓丹等,2017. 甜樱桃不同品种需冷量评估初探。中国南方果树3:109-112.
陈晓丹等,2017.上海地区甜樱桃改良型篱壁式栽培模式初步评估。果树学报, 33: 1111-1119.
王磊等,2016. 单氰胺对甜樱桃休眠解除及开花过程树体碳氮营养影响。果树学报,33:385-392.
李节法等,赤霉素处理对梨果实山梨糖醇和蔗糖代谢酶基因表达的影响。上海交通大学学报, 33: 21-28+35.
王磊等,2014. 暖地甜樱桃砧穗组合适应性研究。果树学报, 31(增刊):139-145.
张才喜等,2013. 南方暖地甜樱桃短低温品种选育和利用。中国南方果树, 42:48-51.
李节法等,2012. 桃树流胶病的发生和防治新技术研究进展。中国南方果树, 6:36-40.
蔚玉红等. 2010. ‘徐香’猕猴桃叶面积回归测定方法。上海交通大学学报(农业科学版) , 28:152-154.
Chen QJ et al, 2020. A miRNA-encoded small peptide, vvi-miPEP171d1, regulates adventitious root formation. Plant Physiology. 183, 656–670.
Duan SY et al, 2020. Differential regulation of enzyme activities and physio-anatomical aspects of calcium nutrition in grapevine.Scientia Horticulturae272: 109423.
Li H et al, 2020. Small RNA sequencing analysis of miRNA expression reveals novel insights into root formation under root restriction cultivation in grapevine (Vitis viniferaL.).International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21: 3513.
Ni PN et al, 2020. Combined Application of Bacteriophages and Carvacrol in the Control of Pseudomonas syringaepv. actinidiaePlanktonic and Biofilm Forms. Microorganisms, 8, 837.
Li H et al, 2020. Grapevine ABA receptor VvPYL1 regulates root hair development in Transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020.149:190-200.
Wu YS et al, 2020. Evolution of volatile compounds during the development of Muscat grape ‘Shine Muscat’ (Vitis labrusca× V. vinifera), Food Chemistry309:125778.
Gao Z et al, 2019. Characterization and cloning of grape circular RNAs identified the cold resistance-related Vv-circATS1. Plant Physiology180(2):966-985.
Chen QJ et al, 2019. Comparative analysis of miRNA abundance revealed the function of Vvi-miR828 in fruit coloring in root restriction cultivation grapevine (Vitis viniferaL.).International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20:4058.
Wu YS et al, 2019. Study on the volatile composition of table grapes of three aroma types, LWT- Food Science and Technology, 115:108450.
Duan SY et al, 2019. Comparative metabolic profiling of grape skin tissue along grapevine berry developmental stages reveals systematic influences of root restriction on skin metabolome. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(3): 534.
Wu Yusen, et al. 2018. In-depth aroma and sensory profiling of unfamiliar table-grape cultivars. Molecules23, 1703.
Gao Z et al, 2018. Characterization of the ABA receptor VlPYL1 that regulates anthocyanin accumulation in grape berry skin. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.00592.
Lou YS et al, 2016. Establishment of soil water potential thresholds to trigger irrigation of ‘Kyoho’ grapevines based on berry expansion, photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic product allocation. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research.22(2): 316-323.
YuXM et al, 2015. Effects of root restriction on nitrogen and gene expression levels in nitrogen metabolism in Jumeigui grapevines (Vitis viniferaL.×Vitis labruscaL.)Journal of Integrative Agriculture 14:67-69.
YuXM et al, 2012. Effect of root restriction on nitrogen levels and glutamine synthetase activity in ‘Kyoho’grapevines.Scientia Horticulturae137: 156-163.
Wang B et al, 2012. Root restriction affects anthocyanin accumulation and composition in berry skin of ‘Kyoho’ grape (Vitis viniferaL.X Vitis labruscaL.) during ripening.Scientia Horticulturae137: 20-28.
Li B et al, 2010. Tree growth characteristics and flower bud differentiation of sweet cherry (Prunus aviumL.) under different climate conditions in China. Horticultural Science (Prague). 37:6-13.
Zhu LN et al, 2006. Vine growth and nitrogen metabolism of ‘Fujiminori’ grapevines in response to root restriction. Scientia Horticulturae. 107:143-149.
Wang SP et al, 2001. Effects of rooting-zone restriction on vine growth and berry development of Kyoho grapevines. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 52:250-255.
赵中阳等,2020. 营养液浓度对珍珠岩栽培‘阳光玫瑰’葡萄生长发育和果实品质的影响。中国果树, 2:76-80.
高 洁等,2020. 葡萄树周年水肥一体化供给技术研究。中国南方果树, 3:115-122.
陈自立等,2020. 穗梗补水对葡萄采后贮藏性能和果实品质的影响。中国南方果树, 5:107-113.
董 肖等,2018. 持续强降雨后高温强光对猕猴桃叶片光合和根系代谢的影响。果树学报, 7:817-827.
张文文等,2018. 3种巨峰系葡萄的香气特征研究初报。上海交通大学学报(农业科学版) ,5:51-59.
王 杰等,2016. 根域容积对柑桔果实品质及土壤养分、微生物和酶的影响。中国南方果树,1:6-12.
王博等,2015. 根域限制对‘巨峰’葡萄花色苷代谢途径关键基因表达的影响。果树学报, 32: 19-25.
王小龙等,2015. 砂梨过敏原蛋白基因(Ppmal)的克隆与表达分析。果树学报, 4: 536-545.
李瑛等,2015. 基于光合特性的设施栽培耐弱光葡萄品种筛选。果树学报,5: 885-893.
张睿佳等,2015. 高温胁迫与外源油菜素内酯对‘巨峰’葡萄叶片光合生理和果实品质的影响。果树学报,4: 590-596.
娄玉穗等,2013. 根域限制对'峰后'葡萄果实韧皮部糖卸载的影响。园艺学报, 5:817-827.
李勃等,2011. 上海地区使用单氰胺打破甜樱桃休眠的效果。中国南方果树, 5:22-25.
李 勃等,2010. 上海和烟台地区甜樱桃生物学特性及花芽分化进程研究。果树学报, 27:349-354.
王世平等,2004. 上海地区栽培的欧洲甜樱桃花器发育的观察。园艺学报,31:357-359.
王世平等,2002. 果树根域限制栽培研究进展。果树学报, 19:298-301.

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