

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03


华修国、男、中共党员、博士、教授、博士生导师、美国乔治亚大学访问****,享受国务院特殊津贴,农业部动物疾病防疫专家委员会委员;教育部高等农林教育教学指导委员会委员;上海交通大学学术委员会委员; 国家科学技术奖励评审专家; 教育部科学技术奖励评审专家; 中国兽医公共卫生学会常务理事;中国医用胶学会副理事长;中国人兽共患病学会理事;中国兽医外科学会常务理事;中国小动物疾病学会常务理事;中国养犬学会常务理事;上海市畜牧兽医学会副理事长;上海市农学会副秘书长;World Journal of Virology编 委;Applied Scientific Reports编委;亚洲兽医研究编委;中国动物传染病编委;上海交通大学学报(农科版)编委; 《PLOS ONE》、《Infectious Diseases 》、《Veterinary Research》、 《 Antiviral Research 》、《 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases》、《Epidemiology & Infection 》、《Zoonoses and Public Health 》、《World J Gastroentero 》、《Hepatitis Mon thly 》等国际期刊特邀审稿人。长期从事新发人兽共患病、比较医学,分子病毒学、小型猪动物模型等方面的教学、科研工作;以新发人兽共患病毒病分子流行病学、病原跨种间感染与传播、致病机理、动物心脏移植及疾病动物模型为主要研究方向。
2007年以来在NATURE子刊《ISME》、《Blood》、《BJM》、《Emerging Infectious Diseases》、《Journal Of Virology》、《Journal of infectious disease 》、《 PLoS ONE 》、《 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases》、《Antiviral Research 》、《Journal of Clinical Virology》、《Veterinary Microbiology》等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文100余篇,累计影响因子IF>300;其中2011年发表在PLoS ONE “Genomic characterization and high prevalence of bocaviruses in swine ”论文,2年内引用次数30次。
2007年参加“猪链球菌病研究及防控技术” 获国家科技进步二等奖;
2006年参加“优质瘦肉型猪配套系研究 获农业部农牧渔丰收三等奖;
1. A Preliminary Study of Eperythrozoonsis in Shanghai. Blood, 2008, IF=10.55
2. Inter-species transplantation of gut microbiota from human to pigs.ISME 2007,IF=8.953
3. Human parechovirus infections in monkeys with diarrhea, Emerg Infect Dis 2010,IF=6.859
4. Colpodella spp.–like Parasite Infection in Woman, China. Emerging infectious Diseases. 2012.IF=6.859
5. Picornavirus Salivirus/Klassevirus Detection in Stool Associated with Diarrhea in China, EmergInfect Dis 2010,IF=6.859
6. Hepatitis E Virus Genotype Diversity in Eastern China. Emerg Infect Dis 2010. IF=6.859
7. Identification of Aichi virus strains in stool samples from children with gastroenteritis,EmergInfect Dis. 2009.IF=6.859
8. Novel Species of Hepatitis E Virus in Norway Rats. Emerg Infect Dis. 2011. IF=6.859
9. Depolymerization of cytokeratin intermediate filaments faciliates the intracelullar infaction ofBartonella henselae in Hela call. Journal of infectious disease 2013 IF =6.41
10.The first Chinese porcine Sapovirus strain that contributed togastroenteritis in piglets. Journalof Virology . 2008 IF =5.4
11. Complete Genome Sequence of a new genotype Porcine Norovirus Isolated from Piglets withDiarrhea.2012. Journal of Virology. 2012. IF=5.4
12. Complete Genome Sequence of a novel porcine enterovirus strain in China Journal ofVirology. .2012. IF=5.4
13. complete genome of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus AYU strain isolated Journal ofVirology. 2012. IF=5.4
14. Complete Genome Sequence of the Genotype 4 Hepatitis E Virus Strain Prevalent in Swine inJiangsu Province, China, Journal of Virology .2012 IF=5.4
15. Complete Genome of a Novel Porcine Astrovirus . Journal of Virology 2012. IF=5.4
16. Molecular detection of Bartonella henselae infection in cat blood specimens in MainlandChina ,PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2011,IF=4.752
17. Hepatitis E virus infection in central China and no evidence of cross-speciestransmission between human and swine were involved. PLoS ONE 2009. IF=4.4
18. Genomic characterization and high prevalence of bocaviruses in swine, PLoS ONE 2011,IF=4.411
19. Effctive inhibition of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus erplication in ST cells byshRNAs targetin RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene.. Antiviral Research. 2007; IF=4.439
20. Effective inhibition of hepatitis E virus replication in A549 cells and piglets by. RNAinterference (RNAi targeting RNA-dependent RNA polymerase , Antiviral Research.2009;IF=4.439
21. Recombinant Porcine Norovirus Identified from Piglet with Diarrhea. VeterinaryResearch ,2012, IF=4.1
22. Human Astrovirus Infection in Children with Gastroenteritis in Shanghai.Clin Virol.2009,IF= 4.0 23
23. The First Detection of Human Parechovirus Infections in China.J ClinVirol.2009,IF=4.023
24. Molecular detection of Saffold Virus in Children in China. .J ClinVirol. 2011,IF=4.023
25. The First Detection of Human Bocavirus 2 Infections in China.J Clin Virol. 2009. IF=4.023
26. Human Cosavirus Infections in Children with Diarrhea in China.,J Clin Virol 2010. IF=4.023
27. Porcine Torque Teno Virus Infections in China, .J Clin Virol. 2010, IF=4.023
28. The 1.8 Kb DNA fragment formerly confirmed as Mycoplasma suis specific was originated .Veteri Microbiol 2009. IF=3.327
29. Proteomic study Mycoplasma suis using gel-based shotgun strategyVeter.MicrobioL, 2010, IF=3.327
30. Genotype 3 hepatitis E virus existed among swine groups in 4 geographically in China.VeteriMicrobioL, 2009, IF=3.327
31. RNA interference inhibits hepatitis E virus mRNA accumulation and protein synthesis invitro .Veteri Microbio 2009. IF=3.327
32. Sequencing of a porcine enterovirus strain prevalent in swine groups in China andrecombination analysis Veter.MicrobioL, 2012, IF=3.327
33. Experimental infection of Balb/c nude mice with Hepatitis E virus. BMC Infectious Diseases.2009. IF= 3.118
34. Inhibition of Porcine Transmissible Gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) replication in minipigs byshRNA. Virus Research, 2010 .IF=3.0
35. Molecular detection and Sequence analysis of Feline Torque teno virus (TTV) in China ,VirusResearch 2011. IF=3.0
36. Molecular detection of Torque teno sus virus from tissues samples of sick pigs in China.VirusResearch. 2012. IF=3.0
37.Sequence Analysis of a Torque teno canis virus isolated in China. Virus Research . 2011. IF=3.0
38. Genomic organization and recombination analysis of human norovirus from China" MolecularBiology Reports. 2012. IF=3.0
39. Sequence analysis of an isolate of minute virus of canines in China reveals the closedassociation with bocavirus. Molecular Biology Reports 2010. IF=3.0
40: H7N9 avian flu infects humans for the first time (comment) British Medical Journal 2013IF=14.06

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